Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Language and culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Langu years and culture - screen ExampleThis perception of low standards on the local education is detrimental based on the detail that globalization has connected the world which requires that every country equips its future work force with the skills and abilities necessary to take part in a global economy. Abroad studies has been shown to present an luck for students to produce negative outcomes where students use the opportunity to have fun away from their parents supervision and control where habits such as overindulgence in intoxi passelt and drug abuse are taken up to alleviate loneliness and trauma of culture shock. Nonetheless, perusal foreign despite the language and cultural challenges it possess, it should be considered based on the opportunities it presents to students which is essential for personal development. canvass abroad has come to be viewed as a necessary investment for parents who would like their children to gain fellowship in a different environment as this allows them to experience other cultures. In addition, studying abroad takes place after high school when the student is 18 years when parents feel is an appropriate age to begin learning how to be independent. At this age, one can be able to get a job and be able to effectively cater for his personal expenses, a process that relieves the parents of the burdens and expenses. This is because one can get a job and fend for themselves. This brings about two important factors- experiencing other cultures and becoming independent, both(prenominal) of which bring about the element of personal growth. This in my opinion is the single most valuable priming coat for choosing to study abroad. Personal growth goes beyond these two factors to include shaping of ones purpose where one has to adjust their attitudes, develop a new mentality as they challenge their own beliefs and set in the face of a different environment where beliefs and value systems are more likely to be different.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Competitive Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

competitive Strategies - Essay Example To Achieve 95% customer satisfaction rating for Brand X. This mark tush be accomplished by training employees on effective customer service, and improving the prime(prenominal) of the products or services using innovative technologies (Mahnken, 2012). To Achieve 95% customer satisfaction rating for Brand X. This goal can be accomplished by training employees on effective customer service, and improving the quality of the products or services using innovative technologies (Mahnken, 2012). Increase sales revenue by 10% at heart one year. This goal can be accomplished by using efficient inventory centering methods and intensive promotional strategies. To improve the market share by 1%. This goal can be achieved by expanding to new geographical areas to get closer to customers, and using aggressive promotional strategies (Mahnken, 2012) Nokia the company had been a leading mobile phone producer, but it has been overtaken by others including S amsung until it was acquired by Microsoft. In terms of strategy, the company lacked overlord value proposition like iPhones prestigious value proposition by Apple and androids versatility value proposition by Samsung. Kodak The Company maintained its film-based photography and failed to use the disruptive digital photography technology which disrupted its film-based model. Blockbuster the company has failed to make use of disruptive technology and ever-changing trends and internet security.Companies with Differentiated products Apple the company produces luxurious and prestigious products with high prices, including iPhones, iPads, and mac which target train consumers. Dropbox offering freemium pricing strategy for storage services for businesses and individuals online.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

You Decide Activity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You Decide natural process - Assignment ExampleHowever in Carols case, it is clear that she does not need that pregnancy leave. This is evident as Bob the Union leader states, First, maternity leaves are necessary for the physical wellness and recovery of the mother. Second, the bond formed between mother and child is an important component of child rearing. This itself is the testament that Carol did not fulfill the first aspect of the leave itself, which should support the court to dismiss her case. Moreover, from a legal aspect- maternity is defined in an instance where a mother has conceived a child. Although the organization take that this may be mentally exhaust Carols ability not to conceive, it does not knuckle under her the right to take a maternity leave due to the event she is not conceiving.Secondly, the vacation parcelling of Carol seems to be illogical. If Carol wanted to request this vacation, she should have let her manager be certain of these circumstances. In stead, she takes a vacation of two weeks and then informs her manager after she comes back that she wants to go in a maternity leave. This type of behavior is not tolerable because her manager has now to allocate resources to her workload. It seems that this is against compliance.First and foremost, he Family and Medical Leave Actprotects the job of any worker who must take time out from work due to a serious illness, a sick family member or to care for a newborn, adopted or foster child. Under FML, mothers are able to time away regardless of the fact if the kids are fraternal or not. Furthermore, the bargaining act makes it clear that mothers are allowed to have up to 6 months of leave. If this in fact is the case, then there is no violation of the law as the collective contrast upholds this.Secondly, the focal point is that the law explicitly states that maternal or adoption leave. Looking at ACE-AFSME

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Surgical Patient Flow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Surgical Patient Flow - Essay ExampleIn this descriptive and qualitative study, the data was collected through timings taken in the hospital consultations with the staff by interest an elective orthopaedic surgical patient, beginning with the decision to operate followed by the timing in which the mental process was carried out.The main findings were the absence of a system in existence as surgical patient feed management to follow-up the complete patient journey and to synchronize the surgical steps as rise as co-ordinate the various pieces of patient information needed. There is duplicity in the system bit transferring the patient from the clinic to the case manager, and also in the way of determining the surgical day, which can very comfortably result in a step being omitted. An Official Translator needs to be nominate in the Operation Theatre to avoid incorrect communication to emit and to maintain patient privacy.It was conclude that action needs to be taken to implemen t the surgical patient flow management, integrate each(prenominal) the system related surgical patient needs, and to educate the patient about the steps that needed to be done.This dissertation has required the time and patience of a number of people whom I needed to interview in order to collect my data, and to each one of you whom I wish to keep unnamed at this point in time. I am grateful for your timely contributions.It is important to note the following individuals who commence been involved with this project Dr. Zaid Al-Zaid, Chairman of the Orthopedic Surgery Department at King Faisal Specialist hospital and Research Centre, who spent many hours patiently and good-humouredly explaining surgical patient flow at KFSH&RC. His role as a Surgeon in the clinic is integral to the training of students. His assistance in the area of decision-making as hale as linking valuable professional connections is greatly

Friday, April 26, 2019

Company and Partnership Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Company and Partnership Law - Essay ExampleThis principle is termed as the Salomon Principle. The paper number 1 discusses the issue of Salomon litigation. The doctrine of the legal entity came from the Salomon case. The facts and findings from the case disclosed that the owner incorporated firms where the family members were the shareholders. The issue and problem came up when the business of the company turns to be bad. The assets value was not sufficient to pay the creditors of the company and that of the owner.The bibliography of Aron Salomon was a slash merchant and wholesale boot maker who initially ran their business having a single owner. In 1892, his children became enkindle in managing the business in consequentially making Aron decide to manage and convert the business as an organization called Salomon & Company Limited, with a aim of transforming his leather and boot-manufacturing business to the Company. The members (shareholders) of the Company were to be Aron Salomo n and his family2.Aron Salomon engaged himself into an correspondence with Adolph Anhalt. Adolph Anhalt is considered the trustee of the company. They settled the terms that assuming the case of transferring the business occur. The agreement included the part wages where the Aron Salomon was to receive 10,000 in debentures showing proof of money loaned out to the Company in that amount. During that period, the legal mannikin allowed that seven people subscribe to be the company members and owners of the company. As mentioned above, the members were Aron Salomon, Aron Salomon wife, and Aron Salomon children. His sons took control of the company with Aron Salomon as managing managing director He went ahead to sell his business to the Company for close to 39,000, with 10,000 being a debt to Aron and the debentures would serve as evidence. Salomon therefore became the Companys main shareholder and creditor. On the following year (1893), the Company became liquidated the line of bat tle

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Discussion and Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Discussion and Conclusion - Essay Examplefor prefer non to move with the union (?=6.29). The high sozzled score of the number of the respondents were as a result of negative lore towards the society as comfortably as the rewards associated with teaching in the community schools. The low motivation in the school communities makes numerous people to shy away and dont want to interact or take part in any activity which might join them together. It may also birth resulted due to the conflict which exists between that group of teachers and the community in question causing the disparity. As many people would like to identify themselves with received aspects of the society, others seems to rebel and dont want to be associated with certain aspects of the community hence limiting their interaction. The similar situation was the same with respondents who would prefer not to interact with the community in the future (?=6.13) items and, second, more modest expectations of the improve ment of community relatedness, as indicated by lower mean scores for items such as could become closer if interacted a lot (?=4.85). ... This group of participant may be made up of the teachers who came from that community and can freely interact with the community if they became closer to them. At the same time, the scores may represent those individuals who have not identified themselves with the community and have not realized the benefits. Competence scores present an even more striking result related to the light teachers perception of both their own teaching performance and the one of the whole schools community. This is indicated by the mean take account for feeling pretty good at teaching science in urban schools (?=2.09), close to exceedingly unlikely response, with the noteworthy higher mean (?=5.85) for feeling pretty good compared to other science teachers. The supra mean scores shows that many teachers feels pretty good in teaching science subjects unlike the elfin number which does not feel pretty good for the teaching of the subject At the same time, liberty support score show less strong preferences of the survey participants, with total score as well as the separate item statistics appearing to be generally close to neutral estimates. An interesting acumen in this regard can be provided by the observed modest but highly momentous correlation between perceived autonomy support and negative community-related experience. The low score on the impropriety support for the principal is as a result of negative attitude that teachers community have on the principal/administration. This might be as a result of a number of factors related to community involvement in running of the schools affairs as well as issues related to good face and ethics. The results from ANOVA and one-sample t-tests indicated

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Shakespeare's Othello theme and characterization Essay

Shakespeares Othello theme and characterization - Essay Example34).Lago characterization is basically presentation of black sheep in the societies that how they play with individualists life and destroys them. Their mind games are of subtle evilness and immorality utmost desire to get power, wealth & ranks can lead them to do any spiteful task. Lago in the quest of such desires makes a big spectrum in which he plays with many individuals life and creates conflicts in between them so that he would lead to the ultimate path of success. His docket is self fulfilment of worldly desire for which he would take any step (Rees, 186). The theme of the power is to concentrate readers on such kind of devil-men who are present in the human race.Othello is depicted as hero in the novel however his did some immoral acts due to ignorance about the occurrence of original thus farts. Lago is the main person behind this whole game plan. The writer wanted to depict that sometimes even dandy pe ople can commit crime due to ignorance, resentment, jealousy, envy and unawareness but their order of business is not to prevail destruction among the society. Their acts are in the light of presented facts and figures and thus they feel resentful privileged thus take bitter actions. Othello killed her wife due to genuine misunderstanding though taking a human life due to jealousy, betrayal and revenge is not justifiable in any go for of law (Toole 73).Todd & Kenneth (371) illustrate that Othello after knowing the real picture of the handkerchief incident commits suicide as he feels extremely sorry for his act of killing her wife, disrespecting her and disregard Cassio services. The writer wanted the readers to understand that the good ones cannot resist after hearing the truth as they feel ashamed of their slander deeds prevailed. Also man with a noble and gentle heart knows that whats right and untimely in life so killing an innocent due to a great

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Important Models of Justices' Behaviour at the Supreme Court Research Paper

Important Models of Justices Behaviour at the Supreme Court - Research Paper Example at that place are three models that are mostly displayed by the justices and the resolve of the Supreme Court when deciding cases in the supreme courts. These are strategic, attitudinal and the legal orientations. Strategic behavior refers to the justices actions to maximize their overall benefits in light of their expectations concerning their choices of separatewisewisewise actors involved in the decision making process. Others are legal and the attitudinal models that aid explain the legal verdict arrived by the justices at the supreme courts Though the attitudinal models of justice behaviour was initially establish in the US, students and other legal practitioner have found the strategic models of behaviour alluring. This dissent of behaviour focuses on the interpedently temper of judges and justices behaviour in their decision making, which does not shun the policy preferences of the jus tices .This a strategic begins with self-reliance that justices are motivated by their policy preferences, but further acknowledges that realization of those preferences is a function of other relevant actors. As notes by (Epstein and Knight) Justices may be primarily seekers of legal policy, but they are not unconstrained actors who make decisions based only on their own ideological attitudes. Rather, justices are strategic actors who construe their ability to achieve their goals depends on a consideration of the preferences of other actors, the choices they expect others to make, and the institutional context in which they act. (10). This implies that whole a justice acting on the basis of his attitudes, another justices acting on the like preferences may be expected to behave differently based on strategic considerations. For instance, for justice behaviours preferences mat depend on the other justice and judges reactions and opinions (08-956 wood v. Allen. (01/20/10) youthfu l literature provides that strategic concerns of behaviour go beyond attitudinal as they tend to explain further other reasons that attitudinal approach may not offer.(Wood v. Allen, Wood v, state and Alabama, US, 1998) In recent findings, attitudinal concerns have challenged by judges who tend to adopt strategic orientation towards and it was evidenced in a variety of contexts. First, when setting their agendas (Rice v. Collins, 546 US 333,339), second, when writing majority opinions (Wood v. State, 715 819 (1998)) and lastly issuing separate opinions, even on the same case(s) (Williams v. Taylor, 529 US 362,462). several(prenominal) studies undertaken by Brace and Hall at the aggregate (Brace and Hall Hall and Brace, 147-162) and individuals (Brace and Hall Hall and Brace) provides explanations on the dissenting behaviour. They note that when making judicial decisions, justices and judges decide not to follow their ideological differences in certain circumstances in anticipation o f decisions by exogenous factors such as electoral constituency, in order to keep job . Other evidence that pursue a strategic line of dubiousness as is vital in the decision making process. This is because the strategic models of supreme court justices takes into account other factors more

Monday, April 22, 2019

Are Maya archaeologists justified in their condemnation of Gibsons Essay

Are Maya archaeologists justified in their condemnation of Gibsons delineation Apocalypto - Essay ExampleHowever with the release of the film, there was created a huge controversy with the native Americans, neighborly activists, and various archaeologists working on Mayan civilization, protesting the representation of the Mayan people in this film as violent and reprobate (ibid). In his defense Mel Gibson had commented that this movie is not really historical, and uses the Mayan civilization as merely the backdrop that was needful for representing civilizations and what undermines them (Johnson, 2005). In my article I bequeath explore the controversy that started at the time of the release of the movie, and freshen the various commentaries and statements made by the archaeologists at this time about the inaccuracies that were evident in the movie. My article will also do a brief review article of the movie, and study the Mayan civilization, to understand the misrepresentations that were supposedly made in this film. After exploring and analyzing the various facts and information surrounding this controversy, I will finally come to a refinement as to whether the Maya archaeologists are really justified in their condemnation of the movie Apocalypto.A brief review of the movie The movie starts with the above given quote by Durant, allegorically referring to the fall of the Mayan empire at the hands of the Spaniards. Directed by Mel Gibson, this movie stars Rudy Youngblood as the male protagonist (whose screen name is catamount Paw), and it purportedly depicts the last phase of the Mayan civilization. The movie is set in the 16th century pre Columbian sequence before the Spanish invasion had conquered and destroyed evidences of this ancient Native American civilization.At the start of the movie we find Jaguar Paw hunting in the forests along with his father Flint Sky (village head) and new(prenominal) members of his tribe. Here they meet a group of fleein g refugees, whose lands had been ravaged by their enemies, and their state of distress and fear go out a strong

Leadership Styles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership Styles - Assignment mannequinThe leadership ardour is based on the situations and challenges faced by the organization and requirements of people who are manifold in the chemical theme. That means a leader essential be flexible in his style. For instance, in the resultant role of a crisis in an organization, it is most likely that an authoritarian leadership will be beneficial. If a stopping point is very hard and complex like development plans, handling risks, etc we need different ideas, experiences, and different areas of expertness and inputs from everybody. In such cases, democratic leadership style will be beneficial. If increasing the motivation and hike of the creativity of workers is important, a leader should adopt laissez-faire leadership style. In short, a leader mustiness know which style he has to adopt to deal with the situation. Whatever it is the main objective of the leader and the group is the profit maximization of the company. For this, eithe r the leader has to change his own approach or he must have the ability to change the situations to suit him. Your leadership style advantages and disadvantages I fall in the fellowship of democratic leadership style. Democratic leadership style is the most suitable leadership style in todays business surroundings. The advantages and challenges of this leadership style in todays business environment are described as below- Advantages 1. Todays business environment demands higher parcel in terms of innovation creativity. Innovation and creativity does not always come from a iodine person. It might require sharing of ideas. Therefore, a democratic leadership style helps to gather ideas and opinions from a group of people. 2. As competition is higher, financial rewards are not the only reason behind an employees committedness to an organization. An important role is played by motivation and job satisfaction. A democratic leadership style will help to improve the motivation of empl oyees are they feel that their opinions are being accepted. 3. Achieving the common inclination as an entire group is very much important for an

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Leadership Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

leadership Plan - Assignment ExampleThe case study describes two significant leadership roles in the jump of Vince Brofft and Kelly Mueller. The daughter and father are both dedicated leaders of their own family business, American Tool & Die. The changing scenario of the market had ascribe excessive pressure on some of the local communities as more minute of foreign automakers was grabbing the market share. In such a scenario the major goal of Kelly Mueller had been to adapt to the changing situations and alter the business of AT&D from Michigan to Mississippi. This would eventu each(prenominal)y cause adverse effects on 195 employees as they have to get detached from their families. The concept of moral compass can be effectively collective in the attitude of Kelly Mueller with respect to her vision implementation. It can stated that she was more concerned with the future of these employees who were homogeneous a family to her, and she was more focused than her father in res pect to goal orientation.Kelly Mueller was not a mixer architect rather she was more focused towards sustainability of her business. As a leader she was finding opportunities for her company so that she can take out her business from the financially unstable situation. As a leader of AT&D she was able to analyze well the potential problems surrounding the organization and take appropriate measures so as to overcome those problems. Kelly Mueller adopted the leadership role of directing its workforce towards success of the organization. She was not very determined towards following the traditional approach of leadership that focused more on coaching and livelihood the employee base for business operations (Cameron, 2008). In context of moral compass Kelly Mueller can effectively put forward the virtue that decision she was taking to shift the plant was for sustainability of the business and also for the benefit of all those families of her workforce who were totally dependent on th e business operations of AT&D. Her decision can

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Case study,I will have to attach a copy of the case.the name of the Study

,I will have to attach a copy of the .the name of the file will be - Case Study ExampleA tort occurs as a result of a persons occupation to others which is created by one or more laws. A person who perpetrates a tort is referred to as a wrongdoer or a tortfeaser. A wrongdoing act of tort is referred to as a tortuous act (Stuhmcke 56). The principle goal of the law of tort is compensation of victims or their dependants. The generic wine pattern of tort comprises of an act or omission by the defendant which causes damage to the plaintiff. The damage has to be caused by the fault of the defendant, and the fault must be a form of harm acknowledged as attracting legal liability. The model of determining whether a tort occurred follows the act or omission leads to causation and faults a persons protected interests, which results in personal damage and injury (Stuhmcke 60). By suing Dangerfield, continental and Sandman partnership on basis of neglect, Hartman has to prove several thing s in a court of law. One, Hartman must prove that the third defendants owed her a duty of care. This concept is grounded in the ruling of the Donologhue v Stevenson case (1932) where the House of Lords turned rectify a previous law in which liability for careless behavior existed only in a number of separate, specified circumstances. The House of Lords asserted that general duty entails taking reasonable care to bend acts or omissions which one bear reasonably foresee would likely injure your neighbor. A Neighbor in this context refers to persons who are so closely and directly affected by a anothers act that they ought to have them in contemplation as being so affected when another is say his/her mind to the acts or omissions which are called into question (McLaughlin 63). In addition to establishing a duty of care, Hartman must pull ahead prove that the damage she suffered was foreseeable. This concept was advanced in Caparo v. Dickman (1990) case where it must be establishe d that in that respect was proximity between herself and the three companies. Contributory negligence defense In this case, Dangerfield, continental and Sandman Corporations have a defense in that they did owe a duty of care to Hartman. However, Hartman was not responsible for her own rubber eraser as she was negligent by walking in front of her car knowingly. As such, the three corporations can establish that Hartman was negligent and it is for that reason that she suffered the accident. Moreover, the defendants have a defense that Hartman did not read the contents of the know that indicated that the management was not responsible for indemnity incurred by valet parking customers. This concept is generally referred to as the plaintiffs default or contributory negligence. For this defense to be relied, the defendants have to show that Hartman is to darned for her suffering. Dangerfield, continental and Sandman Corporations must prove that Hartman exposed herself to the danger o f being hit by walking in front of her car Hartman was negligent Hartmans negligence/fault contributed to her suffering. These conditions have been met as explained above. Although contributory negligence is a popular defense in tort, the defense does not free the defendants from liability. It acts to reduce the amount of damages payable y the defendant to the extent of the plaintiffs contribution. Once Hartman establishes that the three companies owed her a duty of care, she has to prove that the defendants were at fault. That means that Dangerfield, cont

Friday, April 19, 2019

Clinical Depression Overview Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Clinical Depression Overview - Research Proposal ExampleWhen depression strikes, a person will not only feel down, it may affect his ability to function normally in society, and in some extreme cases, it provokes the person to commit suicide. Being the most(prenominal) common psychological disorder in the United States, depression affects over 17 million Ameri fucks each year ( disposition Depression). With these, depression is obviously a serious condition that should on no account be ignored. In identifying depression, certain factors such as gender, age, and culture should be taken into account. The manifestations of depression in various people are likely to vary in accordance with the aforementioned factors (Smith, R. Segal, and J. Segal). For instance, an elderly man would most probably exhibit different signs and symptoms of depression from a teenage girl. However, there are common signs and symptoms that we can watch out for. These signs and symptoms can be categorized int o those involving the persons wittiness, his thinking, his behavior and physical manifestations (Depression - Types, Causes and Symptoms). Symptoms that involve the persons mood include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, numbness, emptiness, anxiousness, and guilt. People who are depressed find it hard to enjoy and feel good close to things that they used to do normally (Depression - Types, Causes and Symptoms). A depresse...People suffering from depression also find it unwieldy to think clearly and they have poor concentration and memory (Depression - Types, Causes and Symptoms). In some cases, as earlier mentioned, depressed people have suicidal thoughts and some actually attempt to kill themselves.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Annotated Bibliography on the book Damned by Chuck Palahniuk

On the book Damned by Chuck Palahniuk - Annotated Bibliography ExampleThe book has several chapters that include Books by Chuck Palahniuk, Short Story line of battle by Chuck Palahniuk, Novels by Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Choke, Survivor, among others. This book represents a new and exciting lexis in sharing of human knowledge. Although the book is a collaboration that focuses on Novels and articles by Chuck Palahniuk, it is very house-to-house on any work done by Palahniuk. It gives the reader a clear outline of Palahniuks novel, Dammed from the start to the end of with a authoritative flow. It also points out the authors artistic importance and key themes and character analysis.In this website, the author of the article Chuck Palahniuks Damned Damned if you do Justine Jordan comprehensively review the Palahniuks Dammed giving a picture of how the novel flows and describing what could have been in the Palahniuks mind when he wrote the book. He prospers in explaining the novel s flow in a systematic manner, describe and analyze characters and their corresponding traits and roles in the book. Above all, the author is quite effective in explaining the view as it is in the novel- he does this in such a manner that his readers will be acquaint about the novel Dammed as the readers of the original

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Chocolate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chocolate - Essay ExampleOne could moreover trace the map of the ball as close to what we know today by starting from that time when Ferdinand Columbus, the son of Christopher saw the boat loaded with cacao beans in 1502 - the first sighting by a European - to that time when the Maya nobles presented deep brown as a gift to the Spanish crown in 1544 - the beginning of the popularization of chocolate, first among the nobility, until they the compound powers spread the practice of eating and producing chocolate as a beloved food concoction.Location is obviously a starting point for chocolate. It must be noted that for example coffee and chocolate originated wholly in certain part of the world, and not in any other location. The same can be state of wine and cheese. And while the seeds or technologies in making them may have been transported to other parts of the world, theyre cultivation and production are still limited in certain parts of the world, where they are said to have t heir origins. Chocolate comes from the cacao tree which has been described as a difficult tree to grow, unhelpful and moody (Wolf 4).

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay Example for Free

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald EssayFitzgerald condemns his readers to the knowledge that the American aspiration is not the key to eudemonia but rather the stair way which once started upon leads inescapably to destruction. When we refuse to swallow up reality, we lose it completely.The notion of the American dream is a primary concern in the novel. Coincidentally Fitzgerald shows it to be just that. A dream. The frequent, yet subtle references to theatre, fantasy and ideals through with(predicate)out the novel reinforce this. deal whatsoever ideal, it is flawed through hu earth conception and action. It is Nick who describes Gatsbys transformation from young Gatz to Jay Gatsby, likening it to Platonic conception. It is in this sense that Gatsby has ultimately doomed himself. Platos beings were perfect, ideals of human aspirations, formed by the infallible sculptor, in contrast, the vague human body of Jay Gatsby had filled out with the help of a singularly approp riate education by a man who embodied the savage violence of the frontier brothel. Regardless of the accompaniment that this ideal Gatsby is fundamentally flawed, Gatsbys inability to in truth become the ideal also hinders him. He is neither one thing nor the other, instead he dances along the precipice, unable to bear being young Gatz but also unable to transform completely into Jay Gatsby, this is seeming(a) both through his conspicuous absence from his own elaborate parties, he was not there and in the flaws of his props, eg. the absolutely real books which adorn the library but have never been read.Every thing most the created character of Jay Gatsby is extravagant, as though young Gatz feels the need to over compensate lest someone see through his charade. Like the books, the parties, the clothes and the elaborate formality of speech Daisy is yet another prop, similar to the medal from Montenegro, to make for to the collection of the win over artefacts which confirm Jay G atsbys life. Nick describes how the fact that men had previously loved Daisy increased her take to be in the eyes of Gatz. This reinforces her position as an object but more importantly she was a convincing object, an appropriate object for glorious future of Jay Gatsby.Daisy was an object to strive towards, as utterly unattainable as the American dream but something which never-the-less lingers on the peripheral of Gatsbys consciousness yet will remain insubstantial because of Gatsbys lack of substance.It is in the final stages of the novel where battle between idealist fantasy and reality is lastly ended for Gatsby. His invisible cloak of illusion slips from his shoulders, the contour of Jay Gatsby is shattered, broken up like glass against Toms firm Malice but with it is also broken the remaining fragments of Gatz, for he was both and neither, living in uninterrupted illusion which was decimated by the harsh light of reality. Without the barrier of that last hope, the commitm ent to the following of a grail, Gatsby was gone. The fact that he was shot by Wilson is irrelevant for in truth he was already dead the second gear that shimmering green light faded.Instead of attaining happiness in the pursuit of the dream Gatsby is destroyed by it. Like his elaborate library, with absence of one book, or one hope, the entire thing was liable to collapse.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Employment Labor and Anti-Discrimination Law Essay Example for Free

exercise grind and Anti-Discrimination Law EssayYou are an employee at a nice paper mill and pauperism to impress the boss by burning the midnight oil (cut not too close to the wood pulp). For quad consecutive weeks, you work forty-five, forty-two, thirty-nine, and thirty-one hours.If you are a nonexempt employee covered by the decent Labor Standards Act, how many hours of overtime take over, if any, would you be entitled to? What would be the rate?Fair Labor Standards ActFair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 is concerned with child labor, maximum hours, minimum wages, and overtime provisions. OvertimeAn employee who works more(prenominal) than forty hours over week must be paid 1.5 times his or her regular pay rate for all hours over forty. Employers whose jobs are categorized as executive, administration, or professional, as well as outside salespersons and computer employees, are exempt. Employees who are not exempt include manual laborers and other blue-collar worke rs who perform tasks involving repetitive operation with their hands (non-management production line employees, for example).Other non-exempt employees include police officers, firefighters, licensed nurses and other public safety workers. Employers can pay overtime to exempt employers if they want to, but they cannot differently waive or reduce the overtime requirements. The employee will be paid overtime for the weeks he or she worked the forty-five, forty-two, but not the thirty-nine or the thirty-one hour week.

Unemployment Essay Example for Free

Un business EssayIn either society there lead always be a number of volume who argon unemployed. Unemployment is when there are community in our society who adopt knead exclusively are un suitable to obtain it because of the fact that there are non decorous jobs for every superstar. There are galore(postnominal) factors that can cause unemployment but one of the biggest factors is lack of private investment. This is caused by private companies not expanding their activities fast or not expanding them fast enough. Another main factor of unemployment is the increment of labour costs. Labour costs are the wages and salaries businesses founder to pay their employees. This is a pestilential issue because if there wages and salaries increase to fast or are already high then businesses wint be able to afford to pay the employees so they progress to to fire them. One lowest cause of unemployment is when there is a depression in the world economy. This is when countries of the world are going bad in there economy and cannot afford to buy as umpteen exports as they would be able to previously. There are no positive aspects of unemployment and is re anyy bad for the production of the economy.This means that we are atrophy our resources because instead of producing goods and services with them we arent doing anything with them. But this isnt the only effect of unemployment, batchs income will as well as change and it will cause more poverty. Unemployment also suppresss the amount of tax paying to the politics which means that the regimen will be losing money because since less masses are running(a) the political relation is getting less income tax but with whatever money they get they father to pay all the unemployed race and this is how the governing gets into a lot of debt.Long-term unemployment is when people wee been unemployed for 12 months or more. This is a very serious matter because when you have been unemployed for so long you have a high risk of poverty. Long term unemployment also places a strain on the government because they have to support without getting much tax revenue. Unemployment, particularly long term unemployment, is the most unrelenting cause of poverty and disadvantage in our community. It is the cause of enormous personal and financial hardship for hundreds of thousands of people and their families.Unemployment is the greatest determiner of poverty and exclusionand that is why the fight a amassst unemployment is so critically important. However it is tell that this battle can only result in victory by concentrating on providing jobs and opportunities rather than penalties or slogans. The importance of employment can only be explained, in that undertake paid motion fulfils many another(prenominal) functions in our society. Employment is the main way of receiving money and hence survival, but we also often gain our sense of identity, self-worth and social connections through the paid act upon we do.Unemployment is the condition of one who is capable of on the job(p), actively seek work but is unable to secure a paid job. However, it is essential to note that to be considered unemployed, a person must be an active member of the labour force and in search of stipendiary work. In March 2002, the ABS estimated that 622,300 people were unemployed in Australia at a rate of 6. 3 per cent. This is disturbing, in itself, but the figures would be even higher if the definition of unemployment was not so narrow.While the unemployment rate is useful, it also has some very real limitations. It does not represent what jobs are disappearing or being created, whether they are part-time or full-time, permanent or casual. It also does not reflect upon whether people are working too many hours or not enough hours, or the amount of time they remain without work. Unemployment is not a problem solely for those without paid work it is a problem for all of us. If people have no mon ey to spend, local businesses do not sell their products and this spiraling effect can pretend on entire economies.People face a number of barriers to employment. The primary barrier is that there are not enough jobs for those who wish to take over paid employment. In February 2002 there were mollify seven job-seekers for every job vacancy. There are also not enough supports available for people seeking paid work, such as access to affordable child care and rehabilitation or support mechanisms for people with disabilities. Also, paradoxically, people are often considered too young or too old by potential employers, so age can also be a barrier to employment.Other barriers relate to where people are living. There are differences between rural and urban levels of unemployment, and also stark differences between suburbs in all major Australian cities. The unemployment rate is a figure produced monthly by the Australian post of Statistics (ABS). An unemployed person is defined by the ABS as someone not in paid employment who is actively looking for work. Anyone who is doing paid work for at least one hour a hebdomad is not considered to be unemployed.Many people are marginally attached to the labour orcethey want to work but are not actively seeking employment. Sometimes people stop looking for work because they are under the misleading impression that they wont be successful. These discouraged job seekers whitethorn believe they are too old, or too young, or do not possess the skills an employer would want. This is surreptitious unemployment. The other large group of people not represented in the statistics are those who are working but would prefer to work more hours, the underemployed. In February 2002, over 27 per cent of part-time workers wanted to work more hours .Three sources of data are used to calculate the figures representing the labour force in regard to unemployment. These involve the monthly labour force survey conducted by the Australian Bu reau of Statistics, statistics from the traffic Network and statistics from Centrelink. Also, the Australian Bureau of Statistics take sit further in that they attempt to categorize the net statistics into sections involving age, region, sex, occupation and education. Currently, as previously mentioned, the Australian Bureau of Statistics states that the unemployment rate in Australia is approximately 6. % and nevertheless, this figure does not encapsulate hidden employment.Unfortunately, anyone can become unemployed readily. Statistically, however, indigenous Australians, recently arrived migrants, people with disabilities, young people and older workers who have been retrenched are most likely to be unemployed. People living in international and rural communities also have higher rates of unemployment. The graph above shows the percentages of people in distinguishable age groups who were unemployed and looking for work in March 2002. Youth unemployment is very high across Aus tralia.There are, however, fewer young people looking for work than in the past, as more undertake education and reading before entering into the job market. Within the last two budgets, the Howard Government have attempted several tactics involving policies and the like to impose the unemployment rate in Australia. The centrepiece of the 2002 budget problematical the Welfare Reform Package, which entailed many new policies to hopefully effectively reduce unemployment in Australia. This was designed to come through higher levels of service and support to those having difficulty with acquiring employment.This new system features policies where sole parents who wish to take benefits they receive as an unemployed citizen and support a child between 12 and 15 age of age is required to attend an annual meeting at Centrelink, or a program which involves the undertaking of community service and/. or part time work. Those over the age of 50 are directly required to claim identical be nefits tot hose under, as opposed to the previous Mature get on Allowance or Partner Allowance. Training credits will be offered, but conversely usual obligation requirements were introduced.Finally, all unemployed people face new requirements as soon as they have bee without employment for over 3 months, and are requested to attend interviews and job help programs to assist them in their search. Although Australians who are unemployed receive government assistance if they meet certain requirements, unemployment benefits leave many to put up below the poverty line. Governments play a pivotal portion investing in research and learning and social infrastructure (health, education and community services). Job creation is vital if the unemployment rate is to be reduced.If governments retain such investments, this will not only maintain the fabric of society, but will create many meaningful employment opportunities. An important aspect of unemployment is the length of time people ar e without work. Long-term unemployment is a major problem in Australia. In March 2002, 24. 7 per cent of unemployed people had been without work for a year or more of this group, 57. 2 per cent had been unemployed for over two years. It is estimated that one in five poor Australians are in paid work but are still almost unable to support themselves, and are known asthe working poor.Many people in Australia also get trapped in the cycle of insecure low-paid casual jobs, followed by periods worn out(p) living on income support. This growing number of people highlights the importance of creating quality jobs. Personally, I believe that whilst many effective strategies are in place to reduce unemployment in Australia, and in fact the rate of unemployment is lower than it has been in many years, more can be done to assist those unfortunate people. It has been said that the beginning step is to acknowledge that unemployment is a structural problem, not one of lazy individuals.This indica tes that governments have a role to play in developing appropriate policy as unemployment may be exacerbated by government policy it can similarly be alleviated by political intervention. A policy to reduce unemployment very substantially has a much greater chance of success if it is based on change magnitude government expenditure. Some regions have been particularly hard hit, with industries that have previously provided the bulk of employment stopping point down or moving elsewhere. In some of these areas people from business, governments and the community have started working unneurotic to generate employment and strengthen local economies.In order to gain employment people need appropriate skills, so access to training is vital. Labour market programs that offer real and relevant training are needed not schemes which appear to blame unemployed people for their difficulties, with little focus on job placement and support. Whilst many occupations have placed several people out of work due(p) to lack of want, in opposition many professions require increased numbers of people to fill the demand in Australia. Programs should be established for the encouragement and training of those who require work in these fields, as this would twice regard both the country and the people of it.In termination, unemployment is an involuntary condition, which not only affects those engulfed by it, but those who surround such people. In Australia, in my opinion we are blessed to live in such a democratic society, yet where the government takes an active interest in the plight of the people and thus encourages independence. The unemployment issues in Australia are countless, yet they are not without solution. In years to come, it is likely that our unemployment rate shall spread over to decrease, due to the unfailing efforts of our government and citizens.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Critical Response to Lackoff and Johnson’s Metaphors Essay Example for Free

Critical Response to Lackoff and Johnsons Metaphors EssayThe parable is central to human thought. clearly this is the principle thesis presented in Metaphors We Live By (1980). Indeed, the thesis is contained very clearly within the designation of the text. Yet, perhaps the most striking point about the argument presented by these two linguists is expressed in the idea that language is a powerful weapon of force by which human beings live and through with(predicate) which they interact.Argument is war is one statement that expresses this idea quite clearly and is supported by the miscellaneous examples of argumentative speech that use verbs associated either with physical conquest and overpowering, or with the direct opposite, destruction and overpowered weakness. single of the most compelling aspects of the argument in Metaphors (1980) is the notion that people subconsciously integrate poetic resource and elaborate rhetoric into their speech, despite the often mundane ev eryday tasks about which their thoughts and actions revolve. The role of language, then, is deeply questioned.The central problem is how we, human beings, relate to the world and each other. The argument from Lackoff and Johnson may be that we conceptualize our lives and and so we relate to the world around us in a conceptual way. There is, however, a knotty in thus attempting to analyze our use of language using language. After every, definitions and functions of words, the very focus of linguals, all play an integral role in the analytical process of the human mind. Its something like the linguistic version of the chicken and the egg. Which came first, concepts or language?When we say that time is money and use expressions like, youre wasting my time, could it be that the notion that time is money emerged as an actual practical consideration and afterwards developed into a conceptual notion? Just as the example of the apple-juice-chair, an apparently absurd strain in gener al, can have a viable meaning in a given context, it seems arguable that metaphorical concepts such as time is money and argument is war, leading to the extension of the metaphor in language such as youre wasting my time, could simply have authoritative their contextual relevance over time.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Crimes Against Humanity Essay Example for Free

Crimes Against Humanity Essayibn Talal Hussein ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein Iraq, a estate found in Southwest Asia bordered by Syria, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, has been constantly have in the news in recent years. Iraq received its freedom from Britain following World contend I in 1932 and in 1958 was converted into a republic (Iraq). However, since becoming a republic, Iraq has been figureled by military leading from Abdul-Karim Quassim to ibn Talal Hussein Hussein ( Iraki Rulers Page). The most recent regulater of Iraq, ibn Talal Hussein Hussein, leader of the Baath political party, displace attention to the country with his various criminal offences against humanity. From his ascension to reason in 1979 to his execution December 30, 2006, he has been trusty for numerous atrocities, including, but not limited to, executions of communists, murders of Shiite Muslims, tortures and killings of political prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison, Husseins most oft u sed prison for tortures and murders (Kadragic 85), the Iran-Iraq contend, murders of ethnic Kurds, the Gulf state of war, destruction of Iraqs marshes, and therefore the destruction of marsh Arabs habitats and homes, the control of news as propaganda (The New Global Society), and the deaths of some others. afterward a rough childhood spirit with his mother, three stepbrothers, and an awful and immoral stepfather, Hussein moved to live with his uncle, who was an Arab nationalist, when his uncle was freed from jail in 1947 (ibn Talal Hussein Hussein). It was his uncle who introduced Hussein to regime (ibn Talal Hussein Hussein). Hussein joined the Arab Baath Socialist fellowship at the age of 20 in 1957 (Saddam Hussein). He started out as a member of low importance whose chief duty was to organize and dismiss riots among his classmates (Saddam Hussein). In 1959 he was promoted to the assassination squad (Saddam Hussein).October 7, 1959, he, along with the rest of the squad, att empted, but failed, to assassinate Abdul Karim-Quassim (Saddam Hussein). This failed attempt resulted in Hussein receiving a shot in the leg and exiling himself from Iraq for oer three years to escape prison (Saddam Hussein Ex chair of Iraq). Only when the Baath Party staged a coup and took over the Iraqi government in 1963 did Saddam return to the country. However, the Baath Party only remained in strength for nine months and Hussein was arrested in 1964 for his affiliation with the Baath regimes attempt to regain power (Saddam Hussein).During his eighteen months in prison before his escape in July 1996, Hussein was tortured as advantageously as named a member of Baath Partys National Arab Leadership in 1965 (Saddam Hussein). Hussein gradually gained power in the party, becoming De set upy-Secretary General of the Baath Party Leadership September 1966, and world a key leader in the July 17, 1968 coup that overthrew the Iraqi monarchy and do Husseins blurb cousin, Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr, the Iraqi president (Saddam Hussein).Following this incident, Hussein was made Vice President of Iraq (Saddam Hussein). Eventually, Hussein forced al-Bakr to forgo and took over the position as president of Iraq (Saddam Hussein). The first crime committed under the rule of Saddam Hussein was the execution of 7,000 Iraqi communists that began the year of 1978 and lasted until 1979 (Saddam Era The goal Toll). Hussein was not in overbear of the Baathist regime during 1978, but was in power for the latter part of the brutal executions carried out against the communists of Iraq.though the Baath Party was vaguely built on the idea socialism in the 1940s and the Iraqi Baath Party of Saddams time had an important alliance with the Soviet Union, the Baaths of Saddams time were very much opposed to communism. The execution of the Iraqi communists strained the Baathist Partys relationship with the Soviet Union considerably. In the 1980s Saddam had 148 male Shiites murdered in the village of Dujail.This crime in particular is the atrocity that Saddam was convicted and executed for December of 2006. The motivation for this crime was the attempted assassination of Hussein while he traveled through the small town of Dujail. After said attempt at assassination, almost 800 hoi polloi, women and children included, were detained. An unspecified number were tortured during the period of time in which they were detained. 400 of those detained were sent to internal exile in a southern part of Iraq, away from their homes in Dujail.The aforementioned 148 men and boys were convicted of some crime, sentenced to death, and executed in 1985 (Judging Dujail The First Trial before the Iraqi gamy Tribunal). During the 1980s Saddam instigated the Iran-Iraq war. This war lasted from 1980 to 1989 and was the cause of nearly 1. 7 million deaths of both Iranians and Iraqis (Saddam Era The Death Toll). Saddams motivation for this war was his fear that the new radical leadership of Iran would upset the Sunni-Shia equilibrise in Iraq (Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)).As the Shia Muslims of Iraq are concentrated on and around Iraqs only access code to a body of water, a fifty-eight kilometer coast on the Persian Gulf, dissension among Iraqs Shia existence would cut off Iraqs access to water, effectively limiting Iraqs ability to craft as far as exporting and importing goods by ship (Muslim Distribution (Sunni and Shia)). Another of the many influential factors that prompted Saddam to initiate the bloody war was water claims to the Shatt al-Arab waterway which serves as part of the demarcation line between Iraq and Iran (Iran-Iraq War and Waterway Claims).Again, the Shatt al-Arab is Iraqs only waterway to the Persian Gulf and is vital to the country as a means for transporting goods. During the Iran-Iraq War, a Kurdish Iraqi, Masoud Barzani, leader of the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party), along with the KDP, sided with the Iranians (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussei n). The Kurdish Democratic Party was an ethnic Kurdish revolutionary political party that actively fought against the Baathist regime (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein).As retaliation for their actions, Hussein had around 8,000 KDP members, including defenseless women and children, abducted in 1983 (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). Though many remain unfound, thousands are k todayn to have been murdered and are now located in mass graves along with thousands of fellow victims (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). In 1984 somewhat 4,000 political prisoners were tortured and murdered in Abu Ghraib prison. Saddam used this particular prison as a center for tortures and killings. Some of Husseins favorite methods of torture included castration, eye gouging, and acid baths. freshet killings at an Iraqi prison occurred again from 1993 to 1996 when 3000 prisoners were killed by machine gun at Mahjar prison in central. That was one of the last crimes committed under Saddams rule before he went into concealment Baghdad (Saddam Era The Death Toll). The al-Anfal campaign, known by many as genocide, was one of the cruelest and bloodiest initiatives taken by Saddam Hussein. It lasted from 1986-1989 and resulted in the brutal deaths of about 182,000 Kurds, a group of peck that make up Iraqs largest non-Arab ethnic minority (A Kurd from Salah ad Din).Hussein may have felt that the Kurds were a little terror to the Sunni, Arab Iraqis as the Kurds are generally Shiites and make up about 19 per cent of the Iraqi population (A Kurd from Salah ad Din). Also, many Kurds were concentrated in Kirkuk, an area of Iraq that is very rich in rock oil colour (A Kurd from Salah ad Din). Hussein commanded that any living organism in the Kurdish territory in northern Iraq be killed. Chemical weapons were implemented in carrying this out. Previously, Iraq had been the only country, besides the Soviet Union, known to stomach the Kurds and their cultural differences.Though Iraq institute d arabization as a way to suppress and contain Kurdish nationalism, the Kurdish people were not persecuted on a large scale by Arab Iraqis until the rise of the Baathist regime (Shelton 636). In 1988, however, a campaign named Operation Anfal, anfal meaning spoils of war, was initiated and more than 182,000 Kurds were killed with the use of chemical weapons or buried alive(predicate) in mass graves (Shelton 636) (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). In addition, 4,006 villages were utterly finished, displacing thousands of Kurdish villagers, and many were arrested and made to live in extremely unhealthy conditions (Shelton 636).In a small town called Halabja alone, 5,000 people were killed with a mixture of mustard gas and a nerve agent called sarin that was dropped from planes on March 16, 1988 (Kurds figure Back with Fear) (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). There is evidence that the chemicals used against the Kurds are still affecting people today, as there have been increasing amounts of birth defects, and cases of cancer, respiratory ailments, miscarriages, eye problems, skin problems, and other checkup disorders in the affected areas, like the town of Halabja (Kurds Look Back with Fear).People who survived the attacks have recently authentic problems that doctors attribute to the chemicals used in the attacks (Kurds Look Back with Fear). The Gulf War was a short war that started on January 16, 1991 several months after Iraqs invasion of its neighboring country of Kuwait in luxurious 2 of 1990(Saddam Era The Death Toll) (Gulf War). The invasion of Kuwait occurred after the Iraq and Kuwaits disputes over oil production and the debts that Iraq owed Kuwait for Kuwaits aid in the Iraq-Iran war (Gulf War). The war ended when President Bush Sr. rdered a cease fire on February 27, 1991 (Gulf War). Husseins objectives in invade Kuwait are said to have been to force the smaller country to pardon the debts owed to it by Iraq, to hold Kuwait in order to obtai n Kuwaits rich oil fields, and expansion. The justification that Saddam used was that Kuwait was historically part of Iraq in the first place (First Persian Gulf War). The US under the Bush Sr. administration became involved and formed a coalition made up of several Arab countries to achieve a quick victory over Iraq because of fear for Saddams ulterior motives.It is estimated that 25,000 Iraqi troops and as many as 200,000 civilians died as a result of the Gulf War (Saddam Era The Death Toll). Also, many Iraqis civilians suffered because of a lack of food, as a UN trade embargo was put on Iraq when it invaded Kuwait (First Persian Gulf War). After the US won the Gulf War in 1991, Shiites, a Muslim religious minority in Iraq, and the ethnic Kurds were encouraged by the US to protest against Saddam and the Baathist regime.However, when Saddam killed more than 100,000 Shiites and made more 200,000 Marsh Arabs homeless or dead, US support was nonexistent (Saddam Era The Death Toll). Saddam is said to have ordered 2,000 Kurdish rebels to be killed each day (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). The Marsh Arabs were made homeless when Saddam began having Iraqs marshlands advisedly and ruthlessly drained by 30 dams after the 1991 Gulf War, causing the marshes to dry up and a lot decimating the way of life of thousands of marsh Arabs that has existed for at least 5,000 years (Hassig and al-Adely 46).Iraqs marshlands now make up less than 770 square miles of Iraq, when they once had an area 7,700 square miles, meaning that 95% of Iraqs marshes have been destroyed (Hassig and al-Adely 46). Also, the number of marsh Arabs has decreased from 250,000 to 30,000, but to this day it is unknown how much of the drop is due to migration or starvation, as the lack of food producing marshes means a lack of food (The War Crimes of Saddam Hussein). Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was a truly vile and despicable man for all of the suffering he inflicted on those he was res ponsible for as the dictator of Iraq.Saddam repeatedly broke rule after rule of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by subjecting prisoners to torture or cruel, inhumane punishment, as he intentionally did with the many tortures committed in the Abu Ghraib jail in particular, by subjecting others to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile, as he did to those of the town of Dujail that were not among the 182 that he killed. In addition, Hussein go against the UDHR by forcing many an Iraqi to be arbitrarily deprived of his property when he decimated the marshes of the marsh Arabs and destroyed 4,006 villages in the Anfal campaign.Furthermore, he violated the UDHR by depriving Iraqis of their right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives, when the Baath Socialist Party took over Iraqs government by force. Saddam was responsible for several more violations- not only of human rights, but of basic human morality. Saddams term of leadership in Iraq from 1979 to 2003 has been an ugly, dark, bloody stain on Iraqs history.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Remember the Titans Review Essay Example for Free

immortalize the Titans Review EssayThe movie Remember the Titans is one of the most inspiring sports movies in recent memory.. This is ascribable to the performances of Denzel Washington as well as others in the cast only if its success can also can be attributed to the situation that the tarradiddle was based on real life events. As is the show window with most movies, those that are based on fact, no matter how loosely, usually seem to add to the drama that mindless action movies which are enceinte on specific effects and small on acting and story. Remember the Titans is not one of those movies because the racial tensions that were associated with busing and school integration in the last 1960s and 1970s was one of the divisive addresss during that time.For a young, coetaneous orderliness, it may seem difficult to be able to productively transplant oneself into that specific time and show and to wonder aloud, what the undefiled situation was all close to. There were tensions that came from the mixing of the two groups, regardless of their color. Many players at T.C. Williams were counting on a starting spot for the football game police squad, only to hand many of the positions challenged due to the integration of the school.Due to the fact that the school that is being meshed into T.C. Williams is a predominately African American school, with the backdrop of the story taking place in 1970 Virginia, only adds to the frustrations on the part of the athletes from both schools. This reality places a stress on the already fragile relationships that the washcloth and black players as well as students capture for each other. However, in the end, the story has a happy ending and the school not only successfully integrates, but has one of their most successful years on the football field. One of the major sources of reckon deep down Titans is the way in which Herman Boone receives the head coaching job at T.C. Williams. The school has been integrated and the football team, a bastion of relief and excitement for the masses in Alexandria, Virginia. Within the movie, it is plainly seen that the majority of white students and their families are not in favor of the integration of the school. What is the source of even more resistance is the fact that Herman Boone, not because of his merit but simply because of his race, is being make head coach over the on-going coach, Bill Yoast who has had his share of awards given to him for his splendid coaching record in the past.The school board feels that this is the withdraw choice to make as they believe that it will help the town to ease into the idea. This is not ethically right or proper. There is not way of knowing exactly how well the team would have fared if the coaches were picked on their merit instead of on race, but it seems that as long as starting positions on the field were earned by the physical and mental merit of the players, so too should the coaches be made to honor the idea of creating a meritocracy as well. What is not acceptable and is seen as the central aspect of the movie, are the relationships between the players from both of the schools. At first, many of the players on both sides did not want to befriend their aspiration with regard to the specific starting position that they were hoping to earn but also their competition in society as well. It is the efforts of Julies and Bertier, the leaders of their respective former schools and therefore, is divided by racial lines, which help to make the mutation from two separate teams into one a bit easier.The two characters are very forceful on the football field as it is required to remain successful but they are also every bit as forceful with regard to the integration of their fellow teammates. Both are resistant to the experiment by once they get on board with the idea, the rest are sure to follow. This is the true sign of a leader but also of the team recognizing the fact that the y need to come together as a team in order to win.Cohesiveness of a team is what every coach strives to achieve. The second source of calm and rational thinking in the face of a situation that many on the team might respond to with hatred and bigotry, comes from Coach Boone and Coach Yoast. Yoast will eventually see the bigger assure and swallow his own feelings of mistreatment and submit to the will of the school board and usually, to the will of coach Yoast. He had such a stellar coaching record because he knew how to win. The same can be said about Coach Boone as well.He does not like the situation in which he was picked to coach T.C. Williams but he resolves that this is not only good for his career in the long run, but for the cohesion of the entire community as the football team serves as the center of life in Alexandria, Virginia. In the special features, the real coaches are shown talking as old friends and there is nothing to suggest that is not the case in real life. But the relationship of the two coaches, as was the case with the players, was a contentious one. pelt along obviously played a central role in the actions of the T.C. Williams football team. People are a product of their environment and Alexandria, Virginia expressed loudly, their feelings about the forced integration of their school as well as the football players did the same. But Coach Boone and Yoast as well as the majority of football players on the team realized what it took to win. All had enjoyed winning seasons before the integration of the school.Had the teams never enjoyed victory and never yearned for success within their daily lives, there might have been little hope for this experiment to have succeeded. Only those bread and butter there at that time can accurately describe what life was really like during those propagation but the ethical behavior of the majority of players as well as their recognition of what it takes to win in this life, eventually became the paramo unt reason as to why the team went on to have a successful season and racial strife within the team unity could only be seen as a speed bump if they wished to continue to win.WORKS CITEDBruckheimer, Jerry. Remember the Titans. Buena Vista. 2000

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Important Element in the Story Essay Example for Free

in-chief(postnominal) Element in the Story EssayIn the two short stories, lower-ranking Things by t curioer and The barricade of Something by Hemingway, both authors make the gloss significant to the account statements message. The title Little Things is somewhatwhat dry in that the word little could refer to the bumble or could in fact be concern their argument petty, even though the child that they are driveing over is a major issue. This jeering is significant to the story because even though the parents appear passionate about their infant, the argument intelligibly lies deeper. The title The End of Something could also refer to a number of things.In this story objet darty things are glide path to an end. The end of the mill and the town at Hortons Bay, the end of pass and Marjories relationship, the end of their fishing trips and the end of their day. some(prenominal) stories are about the end of relationships however, in Little Things the breakup is angry and violent whereas in The End of Something the breakup is calm and sketch. The story Little Things is about the violent breakup of two parents. It is implied that they are hook up with exactly Carver does non explicitly state this.The opening paragraph describes the weather and the time of day, which reflects the supposition of the install, the darkness of the evening mirroring the dark mood inside the house, it was getting dark. But it was getting dark on the inside too. This shows that although the mood was dark, it was not completely pitch black outside implying that in that location may so far be a slight glimmer of apprehend for the young couple that is soon introduced. As the fight and the emotions become to a greater extent reckless and brutal the light begins to fade, showing that all hope is lost.The characters in the story are not named. This gives their predicament a deeper sense of urgency and immediacy. This is used to great effect as when we archetypal meet the man and women, the absence of names throws us directly into the middle of their quarrel. In this piece there is no need to build up the characters with a descriptive foreplay as it is not important to the story, making it more urgent. However in The End of Something we flavour more sympathy for the characters as we fork up learned about them in more detail.From the line he was in the chamber push button clothes into a suitcase when she came through the door, we can deduce from the subtext that these people are in some kind of long-term relationship, and the second line of the same paragraph draws attention to the fact that they are having a heated argument. It is extremely common that in short stories a lot of information is insinuated rather than organism clearly stated and so the commentator must draw a meaning from the subtext. The woman is the first to speak.Carver does not use speech marks at all during the story in set to draw more immediacy to the article. The firs t line of speech Im glad youre deviation Im glad youre leaving Do you hear? shows that although the woman appears to be angry at her partner and glad that he is base out it is easily noted that she in fact feels exactly the opposite. This is illustrated by the repetition of the line Im glad youre leaving showing that she is trying to reassure herself that she doesnt need him. This shows irony.The woman continues to barrage the man with slurs, son of a bitch, obviously in an attempt to provoke his attention and convince him to stay. When she states you cant even look me in the face can you? it is blatantly obvious that the man has had some kind of affair. The woman fails in catching the mans attention and therefore when she spies the babys picture on the bed she takes it, out of spite. The man follows her turning mutilate the bedroom light as he leaves symbolising the end of their relationship, looked around the bedroom before turning off the light. The baby is also not named showing that although it is the child that they are fighting over, the fighting about more and the baby is merely a pawn in their game of spite or revenge. The man states I want the baby. This immediately provokes maternal instincts from the m other(a) who rushes to keep her child. The infant is continuously referred to as the baby or this baby showing that their child is solely an object that the couple are focusing their anger on. The mans collect for the baby is not because he necessarily wants the child from love but more because he sees it as a prize that he can win over the woman.Gradually their battle becomes more natural and violent as the man tries to take that baby from the woman, in the scuffle they knocked down a flowerpot. The baby senses the tension in the room and starts to cry which adds to the anxiety and desperation in the mood of the text, the baby had begun to cry. passim the rest of the story Carver intensifies the atmosphere by using urgent and effective words such as screaming, red faced, gripped and hurting.Nearing the end of the story the light is involved again, the kitchen window gave no light, this line exemplifies that there was no hope left-hand(a) for the couple and the baby. The lines become shorter to add to the fierce battle that the couple is suffering. The man and the woman both grab the child and pull it in different directions in a hope that one will triumph but we do not know the victor. The last line in this manner the issue was decided, leaves us pondering a number of possible out comes.The man or the woman may have succeeded in snatching the infant for themselves or they may have pulled their baby in two. If so the story appears to be a parody of the biblical story The Two Women and Solomon, in which a man offers to cut a baby in half to settle a quarrel amid two woman as to who the mother of the baby is. In this story we are left with an indeterminate end. It is actually common in short stories that the re solution of the story is left undecided, again leaving the reader to make their own conclusion from the clues given.The second short story The End of Something is also about the end of a relationship, however it is handled in a calmer and less violent manner. The first paragraph sets the scene of a calm deserted bay, once a busy lumbering town, now reduced to a citizen-free tactual sensation town. The couple, snick and Marjorie, are rowing through this bay in a calm fashion they were circulate along the edge of the channel bank, but they soon head towards dark water which shows that they are purport towards trouble.They are rowing soundlessly until Marjorie breaks the silence and begins to talk about the old mill on the shore, describing it as our old ruin this shows that their relationship stretches back a long way. Nick answers unenthusiastically. Marjorie tries to keep up the conference describing it as a castle, which shows that she sees their ruin in a fairy-tale manner. H owever Nick is still distant which makes Marjorie have to work hard to keep their conversation alive. Marjorie appears to love everything about their fishing trips.She obviously loves Nick very much and is enjoying spending time with him, She loved to fish. She loved to fish with Nick. Clearly Nick is quite subject at fishing and Marjorie tries to make him feel good by putting him in charge and postulation him questions to boost his ego, Theyre feeding, Marjorie said. But they wont strike, Nick said. By this Nick means that he will not strike that night. The couple carries out their actions of fishing with scarce communication and we can tell that something is clearly upset Nick as Marjorie is trying to provoke conversation but to no avail.When Marjorie questions Nick Whats the matter Nick? he replies I dont know. The couple set out a picnic on the beach but we can tell that Nick is merely going through the motions as he says I dont feel like eating and all it takes is one li ne from Marjorie and he agrees. They eat silently until finally Nick breaks the tension. Theres going to be a moon tonight, but when Marjorie agrees Nick becomes angry as if he was waiting for anything to release the pent up emotions held inside.Marjorie tries to divert the conversation from an argument and begins to talk about the moon. As in Little Things, the weather and setting play a part in describing the mood of the piece. The moon could symbolise chastity, coldness or even the passing of time. Silence follows and they do not touch each other until Marjorie ventures to ask Nick Whats really the matter? Marjorie is desperately trying to make their evening enjoyable and amative but Nick is making it extremely difficult.Nick tries to avoid the question until he starts to exempt that it wasnt athletics any more and that he was mixed up inside. I feel as though everything was done for(p) to hell inside of me, the use of the word was instead of is shows that he is confused and suffering a self-reliance crisis. Marjorie is evidently shocked as she barely speaks except to say isnt love any fun? which is fleetly followed by an answer from Nick, No. Unlike in Little Things, there is no major battle about to be released, instead Marjorie leaves calmly, dignity intact, in the boat.Nick offers to help push the boat out, which shows that he still cares for her, but is refused. When Marjorie leaves Nick lies on the blanket for a long time until mysteriously a new character named tirade emerges from the woods. line is a curious character. Obviously he is related to preeminence in some way and Hemingway makes his sexuality and Nicks dubious when we read the line Bill didnt touch him either. Bill appears as insensitive when he barrages Nick with questions about his extremely recent breakup, provoking Nick to whiplash out and tell him to leave.This story again is left at a loose end. We are left questioning the sexuality of Bill and Nick. It is implied that Nick and Bill were in a homosexual relationship together. This would explain Bills presence hiding in the wood and the fact that it states Bill didnt touch him either. The last line shows that Bill has replaced Marjorie because Bill walks over to check the fishing rods which was previously Marjories job. However, Nick appears to be insecure about his weft to be gay, as we can see from the fact that he tells Bill to go away.Bill has clearly pressured Nick into breaking up with Marjorie, as we can see from the list of questions he asks and his quick behavior from the wood. Both the short stories are about the breakup of relationships but under different circumstances. As always in a short story the reader is left thinking many things from one brief text. All short stories consist of and introduction, a main conflict, a resolution and a conclusion. In Little Things the conclusion was the questionable death of the child. In The End of Something the conclusion was the appearance of B ill and the question of Nicks sexuality.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Handmaidens Tale and 1984 Essay Example for Free

The Handmaidens fib and 1984 EssayThe governance activity has the righteousnesseous duties to be a national defense for its citizens, to act as an governance of justice in providing law and order for its peoples, and to provide certain human beings goods and function to its people though in these present epochs, the government fails to provide certain necessities to its citizens. The dickens books scripted in a standardised century, both(prenominal) George Orwells 1984, and Margret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale, display how the government can use ferocity as a promoter of keep in line on its people. In 1984, the government controls its citizens lives through with(predicate) manipulating the language of Oceania Syme, who is Winstons colleague at the Ministry of Truth, was a lexicographer who developed the new dictionary of the Oceanic language Newspeak. Also, similar in type, in Margret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale, the government in Gilead uses policies that regulates an d controls its womens desires for internal activity the government acts in such a way, because the government has a procreative agenda in Gilead.To conclude, the government in both these novels uses violence as a means of coercive its citizens. In 1984, and The Handmaids Tale, both the citizens of Oceania and Gilead realise their language distorted this is in order for them to be infringed from certain goods and services. This language alteration is more or less evident when Syme informs Winston (the main protagonist in 1984) that by 2050, no individual will be qualified to picture their conversation this meaning that the government of Oceania wants to control its citizens thoughts.This context can be understood when Syme is in a low-ceilinged canteen deep underground, and he refers to the beauty of the governments means of controlling the local vocabulary, saying Dont you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? Has it ever occurred to you, Winst on, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a iodin human being will be alive who could look such a conversation as we are having now? The whole temper of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now.Orthodoxy means not thinkingnot needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness (Orwell, pg. 68). This name elucidates to the Big Br new(prenominal)s tame plan in narrowing the range of thought to the Newspeak it states that totally human beings will not understand the conversation they are having, because the universal lexicon will devalue the purpose of thought. The fact that Syme uses words and phrases such as thought will be different, there will be no thought, and, Orthodoxy means not thinking, implies that the government of Oceania will infringe on the citizens right to the freedom of thought.Not exclusively does the government of Oceania control the public through changing the vocabulary, only if this happens also in the gove rnment of Gilead. This language manipulation is nearly evident when Offred was walking to the shop, and she noticed the written letters on the shop had been painted out, describing, Almost all written words any(prenominal)place have been removed, steady the shops have had the lettering painted out, when they decided that even the names of the shops were too much for us. Now places are known by their signs alone (Atwood, pg. 1). This quotation refers to how the written words have been removed out of the language, in order for the government to control its citizens from certain services such as literacy. In this quotation, the words and phrases such as all written words anywhere have been removed the lettering painted out, and, places are known by their signs, means that the government has change the language so much, that the citizens can only understand the important sections of the city, and not have the freedom to look its vicinities.In this paragraph, it is clear that the g overnment uses the manipulation of the local lexicon, subsequently infringing on the rights of its local citizens. In the other novel, 1984 written by George Orwell, the citizens of Oceania experience another form of control, which is the violation to rights of privacy.In this novel, Winston Smith described the conditions in the public square mentioning that if an individual showed any miniscule sign of deceitfulness, then the government would arrest the vile immediately, saying, It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or inwardly range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a enclothe of muttering to yourselfanything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper port on your face was itself a punish fit offence.There was even a word for it in Newspeak facecrime (Orwell, pg. 79). In this quotation, Winston Smith refers to the Big fellows legislative policies in which telescreens would be set-up in order to have control over its citizens. From the precedent using words and phrases such as terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen, the smallest thing could give you away, and, improper expression on your face was itself a punishable offence, shows that it is even dangerous to express the slightest sign of abnormality in front of the telescreen.Not only does the government in Oceania violate the right to private and public privacy, but that in the government in Gilead the same occurrence ensues. This governmental violation of the right to private and public privacy, is most evident in the gymnasium, where Offred larn who to susurrus almost without making a sound, explaining, We learned to whisper almost without sound. In the semi-darkness we could stretch out our arms, when the Aunts werent looking, and tou ch each others hands across space.We learned to lip-read, our heads politic on the beds, turned sideways, watching each others mouths. In this way we exchanged names, from bed to bed Alma. Janine. Dolores. Moira. June (Atwood pg. 4). In this quotation, the handmaids exchange names through lip reading and through whispers. Through the words and phrases such as, learned to whisper almost without sound, learned to lip-read, and, In this way we exchanged names, means that because they had to lip-read and whisper, this shows the reader that the handmaids have no privacy to exchange names.In this paragraph, it is noticeable that the governments legislation and policy mitigates the right to privacy. Furthurmore, in the same novel, 1984, it can be seen that the government subjugates its people from sexual activity. In the novel, Winston fantasizes about making live with Julia as she travels across the field, saying, The girl with dark hair was coming towards them across the field. With wh at seemed a single movement she tore off her clothes and flung them disdainfully aside.Her body was white and smooth, but it aroused no desire in him, indeed he scantily looked at it. What overwhelmed him in that instant was admiration for the intercommunicate with which she had thrown her clothes aside. With its grace and carelessness it seemed to annihilate a whole culture, a whole system of rules of thought, as though Big Brother and the Party and the Thought Police could all be move into nothingness by a single splendid movement of the arm. That too was a gesture be to the ancient time (Atwood, pg. 0). In this quote, Winston Smith dreams about Julia taking off her clothes as she runs across the field. Through the author using words and phrases such as, she tore off her clothes, he barely looked at it, and, Big Brother and the Party and the Though Police, shows that as Julia takes off her clothes on the field, Winston Smith barely looks at her body due to the Big Brother and the Parties legislation for the elimination of sexual promiscuity.Not only does the government in Oceania take away the right to sexual activity, but that the government of Gilead also infringes on the right to sexual interest. This governmental infringement can also be seen in the Handmaidens tale through Offred who makes it clear that throughout the narrative, she is apart of a collectively owned resource. She describes her tattoo as four digits and an eye, a passport in reverse. Its supposed to guarantee that I will never be able to fade, finally, into another landscape. I am too important. I am a national resource. (Atwood 65).This quote said by Offred of her describing her tattoo acts as a symbol of the tattoo itself that the government subjugates its people from sexual activity that they would desire and that women are only used as a resource to repopulate. In conclusion, the two narratives in which were written in a similar century, both George Orwells 1984, and Margret Atw oods The Handmaids Tale, clearly use their book as a means of foretelling the future of a partnership monopolized by corruption from future technology by displaying how their government uses violence as a means of control over its people.

Communication Exersise Formal Report Essay Example for Free

intercourse Exersise Formal Report EssayBy commercial enterprise ConsultantExecutive summaryMirror Image needs an overhaul in colloquy surrounded by management and workers. After collecting in classation collected with the CEO and a resent faculty survey, it is apparent that certain things are restricting good communicating. With the help of great pre-existing research this overlay identifies several major issues. Dis self- assumption of management has led to limited chat, as the workers feel this protects them.I adumbrate this course of action1. Create a transparent workplace and reassure staff about next redundancies. 2. Invest in communication courses for managers that deal with yield conversation.3. Actively encourage 2 mood communication mingled with managers and workers.4. Promote team leaders (foremen) that communicate well.This physical com perplex was commissioned by the CEO and go forth help identify the communication problems at Mirror Image, particular ly amid factory workers and managers. Firstly the report result bring together relevant data on the subject, secondly identify the problems with provided information and ultimately it provide suggest some causes of action to help improve communications at IM. 2.0 Analysis of communication2.1 Literature redirect examinationCommunicationManagers need much than technical skills, communication is a leaders briny channel for inspiration and engagement, whilst helping avoid serious problems. Communication classes for management have been proven potent by large pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, large amounts of evidence suggest educating managers about communication is in truth beneficial (Walters Norton 2007). Communication classes for management seat be tailored to address concerns. Its usually unstated to identifying issues resulting in poor communication.Luckily there is a wealth of information on the subject. Newberry Conrad (2010) delivered a journal dedicated to improv ing communication skills in the workplace. Relevance established, the authors list twenty four key communication guidelines to aim for. Relevant key reports * Initiate open Discussion(Organizational communication)* Create information networks * Provide feedback * Building think(Interpersonal, embroil positive verbal/non-verbal communication)Trust is gained by a manager, when subordinates have certainty about events. Certainty gained from open discussion, where both parties have a say. Trust leads to increased productivity (Bach, 2006). The best disinfectant is sunshine (Allen, 2012) top executive BasesGupta and Sharma (2008) believe Power bases play a pivotal role in worker compliance. They make a distinction between harsh power bases (HPB) and soft power bases (SPB). They conclude that SPB are more efficient in conjunction with quality communication accordingly HPB. The SPB categories are expert, referent, information and dependence legitimacy. The HPB categories are coercion, reward, position legitimacy (French Raven 1959). SilenceThe theory the spiral of silence by Noelle-Neumann (1974) talks about how in groups, individuals will non raise comments or arguments, when they feel their views arent divided up by the other members. The idea is important when take a instructioning employee involvement in the decision making performance. Silence also occurs when there are trust issues. If individual believes what they say will be used against them, they will remain silent. Comment made by UK charity Public Concerns at Work, in a UK newspaper The knowledge that there is a culture of silence in the workplace both encourages and shields the corrupt and dishonest (stern, 2008).In this instance the sloppiness of management was extreme. However silence can still facilitate negligence in management, no result the severity. Therefore, silence in its adolescence is bad, if left un toughened it could turn into something much worse. When participants in an organi zation discuss issues at meetings, certain points should be taken into account. Levasseur (1995) provides ten points, the relevant ones are 2. Agree on a shared purpose.4. Record ideas, issues and agreements.6. Manage tasks and teamwork simultaneously.7. Answer 4 key questions about every agenda topic.8. Decide on next steps as a group.This list highlights the fact that communication is a two way street. Silence occurs in Organisations when these recommendations are not met.2.2 Staff survey (full results can be lay out in the appendix) The staff survey highlighted serious problems, with MIs factory workers. The majority of workers gave a veto response to nearly every question. The workers seem to be more aware of the issues then the managers. The survey provided an unnamed outlet for factory workers where there previously wasnt one.The survey should therefore be regarded as an straight representation of worker/manager views. However some questions contain results that suggest a ttribution errors. Attribution errors transaction perceptions of positive or negative situations, and whether its internalised or externalised (Philip, 1985), evidence will not be taken from these afflicted questions.Figure 1 60% of workers believe they are insufficiently educated on their production line role. Workers take ont receive enough instruction about their ad hoc role in the company. This leads to huge inefficiencies, as workers are left to pick up the pieces.Figure 2 60% of workers do not have confidence in management. The lanes of communication needed are not there. A workplace without trust is inefficient.Figure 3 80% of workers are prevented from voicing their concerns. Workers are scared that what they say will be viewed favourably. They are also worried about getting fired. They are already inherently disadvantaged, because their only form of vertical communication is synthetic persuasion.Figure 4 A lot of managers dont involve workers. Decisions are probab ly made without them knowing. The workers probable feel helpless.Figure 5 All managers consider themselves approachable. Question three was the most unanimous result from the entire survey. This suggests managers dont openly reject communication. They most discourage communication other ways. They are in positions of power, making them more accountable then individual workers.2.3 Case StudyMirror Image shows a general lack of communication between management and their respective subordinates, brought about by disbelieve and fear. Management is distrusted because the workers fear clear communication will ultimately leave them jobless. Fear keeps what little interpersonal communication they have focused on unafraid subjects, like the Rugby world cup. Fear is a powerful tool used by harsher power bases. Managers at MI resort to harsh power bases because they come with the job (legitimate and coercive bases). Softer more progressive bases require reform and effort. The need for softe r bases is evident in the formation of several factory leaders. wiz mentioned was convolute who became a go between for workers. Workers like Rick display reverent power that managers and the old- durationr lack. This is an obvious inefficiency.Effectively doubling the time spent communicating. The spiral of silence impacts employees, because their ideas are not considered my management. previously efforts in communication where hampered by an uninterested CEO. Relying on memo postings is extremely impersonal and should only be used for functional information. This lack of effective communication set a low standard for workers and managers, this caused the distrust between them. Managers didnt involve workers and dont ask for their opinions, while workers used inefficient mediums of ex lurch. The passing in productivity isnt easy to quantify, however managers being disinterested in workers activities may gain decrease productivity (Mayo, 1930). 3.0 ConclusionMI has significant issues between factory workers and management. Brought about by lackluster communication, the issues were mostly caused by distrust. When analysing the workers survey it was obvious that they sore serious problems with the way MI was run. NOT destroyed4.0 RecommendationThese recommendations will help managers and workers communicate more efficiently, remembering as CEO you should lead by example. Transparency should be deployed in every facet of the face, to tackle the large trust issues hampering communication. Start by reassuring staff that jobs will not be going under your leadership, making shore you dont promise something you cant keep. Try having reviewable performance evaluationsystems. If transparency is procured certainty will result, certainty in time will bring a trusting workforce. Use communication classes to inculcate the basics, from subtle signed communication to lifting the level of communication entirely (extensive list provided in index). Include displacem ent managers power bases from harsh to soft. Only bother teaching the managers as it will be less, while achieving more.Managers should be encouraged to show an interest in the workers and the work they are doing. Managers should encourage two way communication, make them answer employee questions fully. If they are not receiving questions have them rhetorically answer some of their own. utilise these measures by increasing the transparency down the chain of command. Ask for updates on progress repairly. Removing the memo board is a good idea, in favour of orders being communicated down the chain of command, to ensure two way communication. Only process information should be distributed through other mediums.Goals should be bring forthd by both the workers and managers. This should overturn some of the spiral of silence effects. Finally the team leaders (foremen) have proven to be a bottle neck in communication. Seek to promote workers who display natural magnate to communicate . For example Rick the employee mentioned by you would be a fine candidate. These leaders will hopefully bridge the gap between workers and management.5.0 List of references1. Allen, Christopher J,D.V.M., J.D. 2012, 4 Ways to Provide Transparency in the Workplace, DVM, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 54-55. 2. Bach, P. 2006, Workplace trust great(p) to gain, but consistency, transparency key, Washington, United States, Washington.(ProQuestID- 463161676) 3. Daniel A. Wren, Arthur G. Bedeian, John D. Breeze, (2002) The foundations of Henri Fayols administrative theory, Management Decision, Vol. 40 Iss 9, pp.906 918 state It was not until the Storrs translation that Fayols (1949) 4. French, J. R. and B. Raven (1959).The bases of social power. Studies in social power 150 167 5. Gupta, B. Sharma, N.K. 2008, submission with Bases of Power and Subordinates Perception of Superiors Moderating Effect of Quality of Interaction, Singapore Management Review, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-24. (ProQuestID-226850 816) 6. Levasseur, R.E. 1995, Breaking the silence, favored Meetings, vol. 44, no. 13, pp.61-61.(ProQuestID-206037363) 7. Mayo, Elton (1930). Hawthorne and the Western Electric Company. The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilisation. Routledge. 8. Newberry, R. Conrad, D. 2010, Identification of Outcome Based Business Communication Skills, Allied Academies International Conference.Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict.Proceedings, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 28-32.(ProQuestID- 807539416) 9. Noelle-Neumann, E.(1974) The spiral of silence A theory of man opinion. Journal of Communication, 24, 43-3 10. Philip E. Tetlock. Sept 1985, Accountability A Social Check on the Fundamental Attribution flaw, Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 227-236 11. Stern, S. Sept 9 2008, Pssst . . . get smart and wipe out whistleblowing, The monetary Times, United Kingdom 12. Walters, D. Norton, D. 2007, Leadership communication the AstraZeneca way, Strategic Communic ation Management, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 16-19. (ProQuestID-203573719) 6.0 Appendix6.1 Question from go offFactory Worker Questions1. I have a clear idea about my job role.2. I am satisfied with the performance evaluation system. 3. Sometime Im given tasks without the required resources (including time and knowledge) to complete them. (possible attribution error) 4. I have confidence in the intentions of the top management team 5. I feel comfortable voicing my concerns to senior managers. 6. I have a voice in the organisational decision making process. 7. I trust the people with which I work8. I am treated fairly at work9. I am satisfied with my work.10. I feel committed to this organisationManagement Questions1. I try to seek employees input when making decisions. 2. I tend to closely get by my subordinates.3. I consider myself an approachable manager(possible attribution error) 4. I tend to customize my communication with employees to fit specificsituations 5. I consider my workpl ace as rather political6. I am satisfied with my work.7. I feel committed to this organisation6.2 Results from Survey Workers n=100 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10Completely take issue 20 15 10 35 60 72 36 23 0 5 Mostly Disagree 40 45 15 25 20 24 25 32 19 55 Neither 20 20 10 25 10 4 30 28 52 25Mostly Agree 10 20 40 15 10 0 9 7 23 10 Completely Agree 10 0 25 0 0 0 0 10 6 5 Managers n=20 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 Completely Disagree 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 Mostly Disagree 7 2 0 5 2 2 3 Neither 10 3 0 4 3 3 3 Mostly Agree 1 4 0 3 5 5 5 Completly Agree 0 11 20 5 9 10 9 6.3Newberry Conrad (2010) extensive list of valuable communication skills Organizational Communication Skills1. Initiating open discussion the ability to ca-ca the act of discussion and dialogue exploring opposition by individuals who advocate their positions and convince others to adopt those positions through logic, argument, or debate2. Resolving engagement the ability to employ a range of processes aimed at alleviating or eliminating sources of conflict through processes including negotiation, mediation, and diplomacy 3. Creating information networks the ability to design and institute formal or free systems for managing the unravel of information and providing person-to-person relationships through which information flows4. Teaching important skills the ability to provide skill curative to employees in areas such as job performance, technical competency, interpersonalcommunication, and problem solving 5. Using information technology the ability to employ equipment (usually computers) that enables managers and staff to access ongoing and relevant company information including reports, provision data, and employee and customer feedback6. Providing performance feedback the ability to assess employee performance and provide performance feedback as a review of the performance of employees, which helps to set targets for future performance targets7. Negotiating the ability to pr oduce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests.8. Writing business correspondence the ability to produce written communication used in business including letters, memos, bulletins, and reports9. Making convincing presentations the ability to provide informal or formal talks delivered to decision making groups to convey information or make a point Leadership Communication Skills1. Arousing enthusiasm the ability to inspire a whole-hearted devotion to an ideal cause, film or pursuit, or merely being visibly excited about what ones doing2. Being a change catalyst the ability to initiate change through provision of information to employees that will convince them of why a change is necessary and will compel them to embrace it3. Creating group synergy the ability to compel organizational members to interact and produce a joint effect that is greater than the sum of the members acting unaccompanied4. Building team bonds the ability to establish team cohesiveness, which is the extent to which members stick together and remain united in the pursuit of a common goal5. Expressing encouragement the ability to provide support and confidence raising or increasing ones self-esteem and confidence to make choices and decisions6. Providing motivation the ability to move a person or group toward desired goals by increasing their willingness to exert effort and energy to achieve the goals7. Being persuasive the ability to guide people toward the adoption of an idea, attitude, or action by rational, and logical means relying on appeals rather than coercion8. Building optimism the ability to create a disposition or tendency to look on the more kind side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome despite obstacles and setbacks Interpersonal Communication Skills1. Active listening the ability to employ an intrapersonal and interactive process to acti vely focus on, interpret, and respond verbally and nonverbally to messages 2. Building rapport the ability to create a harmonious relationship, bond, or kinship based on mutual respect, friendship, camaraderie, or emotional ties making someone feel comfortable and accepted 3. Demonstrating emotion self control the ability to display balanced moods through retaining, mastering, and dominating ones reactions provoked by pleasant or unpleasant emotion 4. Building trust the ability to construct the reciprocal faith in others intentions and behavior through a shared belief that you can depend on each other to achieve a common purpose 5. Relating to people of respective(a) backgrounds the ability to recognize and respect differences in people and communicate appropriately in verbal and nonverbal exchanges 6. Demonstrating respect the ability to show esteem for or a sense of the worth or righteousness of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifesta tion of a personal quality or ability 7. Building relationships the ability to establish a relatively semipermanent association between two or more people based on liking, trust, and respect creating regular business interactions, interdependence, or some other type of social commitment (Newberry Conrad 2010)