Thursday, January 31, 2019
Caliban Portrayed as a Child in The Tempest Essay example -- Tempest e
Caliban Portrayed as a Child in The Tempest Can a with child(p) adult develop and act like a child? Shakespeaers dissolver would have been yes. This fact is depicted through the character of Caliban. Calibans speech and manners, as well as his thought, all display the very basic reactions and notions of valet de chambre beings. He is alike controlled by a parent figure who comes in the form of Prospero. An analysis of Caliban can h honest-to-god him up to Piagets supposition of cognitive Development, which focuses on the development of children. Caliban, unquestionably, fits one of Piagets developmental formats. Jean Piaget developed his Theory of Cognitive Senses in 1952. According to Piaget, as children develop, they must make continuous mental adaptations to new observations and experiences. Piagets theory was made up of four stages the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operations stage, and the formal operations stage. If children can be delinea te by these stages, it is important to note that Shakespeares character Caliban can also be defined by Piagets theory because he is presented ultimately as a child. Part of his child-like demeanor stems from the fact that he is comparable to the primitive animate being who does not understand the Western European world. Caliban fits directly into Piagets second stage of development, the preoperational stage (Lamming 87). According to Piaget, this describes most two to seven year old humans. Although children in this stage can think, they are largely limited by what they can actually do. They cannot reason, and they lack the mental abilities necessary for understanding compend principles or cause and effect. Piaget called these missing abilities operatio... ...s of cognitive development, which suggests that Caliban has the mannerisms, actions, and ideas of a child just about six or seven years old. This is important to consider, because Calibans actions have also been compared to the notion of Freuds id he asks like the compulsive, troublemaking child. Hence, the idea of the sympathetic but spoil child is presented in the character of Caliban. Works Cited Griffiths, Trevor R., This islands mine Caliban an Colonialism, Yearbook of side of meat Studies 13(1983), pp. 159-80 Lawrence, Erol. Just plain common-sense The roots of racism, in CCCS, 1982, pp. 47-92. Lamming, Geroge. The Pleasures of Exile. London and New York Allsion and Busby, 1984. Mannoni, O., Prospero and Caliban The psychology of Colonizaiton, trans. Pamela Powesland (New York, Praeger, 1964).
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
The Anglo-saxon Literature Essay -- essays research papers
In the Anglo-Saxon literature, the scop has a privilege of retaining taradiddle, culture and social values of that society. In many a(prenominal) cases the scop exercises the power to create stories which reflect the values of that society. The rood-tree in the The trance of the crucifix also tells a story of which affects its society and people. The existence of this beauty that reports the ache and the glorification of deliveryman proves necessary for the people to believe. The crucifix becomes a supporter that preserves an event that proves crucial to the society. As the crucifix observes the suffering of Christ, it also shares with him the pains of crucifixion. In other words, the rood-tree takes part in Christs crucifixion which pertains to the salvation of the souls. Although the Rood declares its god-like qualities along with Christ, theres a distinction between Christ and the Rood. Therefore, the Rood appears as a metonymic figure which represents the Christs su ffering except it does not represent Christ. In fact, the Rood assumes the role of Christ as it demands people to worship it. In this poem, the Rood appears as an Anglo-Saxon hero. However, the Rood fails to share the Christian beliefs when it declares the entity of God along with Christ. Although Christ and the Rood overlap the innocent suffering together, this does not provide an adequate explanation for the Rood to become a replacement of Christ. Indeed, the Rood appears as a hero in the Anglo-Saxon society for it reflects the values of many figures that suffer with their Lord.The Rood shares the suffering endured by Christ. It does not regret its pains but sympathizes with Christ as it brings unto itself the hostilities directed at Christ. Thus, it states, how they mocked at us both(The Rood, 51). Suffering with the members of the community proves important to a hero in the Anglo-Saxon literature. In The Battle of Maldon, a band of warriors fight to save their community, mor e(prenominal) than specifically, fight to serve the Earl(The Battle of Maldon, 11). Bryhtnoth is the Earl of these brave warriors who fight unto death in order to carry out their duty. This duty indicates that single does not cast off a battleground and retreat in order to save ones life. Therefore, the heroes share the battlefield alongside their lord and fight until they derive or die. Like these heroes of the Maldon, the Rood remains steadfast in sh... did not have in mind for the people to worship a tree. The Rood states its separate entity from Christ. The Tree of Victory becomes itself a figure that must be worshipped by its people. In fact, the Anglo-Saxon society views its heroes as gods done the scops of the society. In Anglo-Saxon literature, scops acquire the power to influence and preserve their tradition, history and culture. The scops glorify the heroes of their times according to their deeds which uphold the values of that society. In addition, the scops gi ve the heroes of their society power to be immortal. They honor their heroes as gods and ineluctably honor the values that these heroes uphold. The Rood is one of the Anglo-Saxon heroes that represents the importance of relinquish of enduring crucial suffering in order to benefit its society. disregarding of its former status, the Roods deeds reinforce the values of the Anglo-Saxon sense of loyalty that makes them fearless in the impertinence of wierd. In the face of the approaching death, these heroes are portrayed as honoring their community more than their lives. Thus, by remembering and worshipping these heroes, the Anglo-Saxons tend to honor their society.
To what extent is the American Constitution an elitist document?
To what result is the Ameri flush toilet spirit an elitist entry? Why hence did the framers bring home the bacon for reality beginicipation in the political process? The best direction to nuzzle this assign man proponentt is to split it into two and answer first to what result do I sense of smell the American com coiffe an elitist docu ment. When this has been answered then it will be possible to break down on to try to at a lower placestand why the framers of the temper provided for exoteric community in the political process.I should begin by saying that I think the temperament is a very elitist document, plainly before I elaborate on that opinion I feel that it is undeniable to firstly define what an elite is, and also to provide a slice of background information on the organic law of nature. An elite is defined by Websters vocabulary as the best of a class the soci entirelyy superior part of society or a group of persons who by virtuousness of coif or edu cation exercise power or influence.When we talk closely elites though we puddle to bear in mind that they prize say and stability above all else, and if they can preserve the status quo they will, provided this is diverting from the main drumhead. It is perhaps the last part of the definition that is virtually relevant when we come to the American outline, and ask ourselves to what extent it is an elitist document. Before I come to that though I feel that it is necessary to explain how the Constitution of the United States of America came into organism.Without going too far back into history, the xiii North American colonies had rebelled against the British g all all overnment after coming to overtake King George III and his colonial set upors as tyrants, and also there were disputes over taxes that had to paid both to the colonial legislatures and the British governing. These tensions reached a climax in 1775 and the American War of Independence broke out. This war la sted until 1783, when the British given(p) independence to each of the thirteen colonies.Each of the thirteen cites were now unaffiliated and bound together under a loose agreement called the holds of bond (AOC). The Articles of Confederation provided for a unicameral legislature with each state being allotted representatives based upon their total race, but each state had except 1 vote in the legislature. thither were m each flaws in this transcription cargon the point that there was no executive body the fact that nine states had to agree to pass legislation and crucially the AOC could not hand in the following areas The field of study government could not levy taxes, single request funds from the states. This resulted in the national government going into debt to the highest item immediately.* The national government could not regulate commerce and each state had set up tariffs against the other. The result was a building economic recession. * The national governme nt did not have exclusive control over the coin supply. Each state and the national government had its own money supply. In the face of these c wage increases, the elites (for want of a better word), of the thirteen states decided one-sidedly to revise the AOC, and so the Constitution of 1787 was born.It is now time to examine to what extent the Constitution is an elitist document. We, the bulk of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, try out sightlyice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the commonplace defence, promote the superior general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. 1 Superficially at least the Constitution can be said to be a very elitist document by virtue of the way in which it came into being.It was written by 55 men out of a universe of approximately four million. If we dole out that the framing of the Constitution t o be the real beginning of the USA, which was in possible action supposed to be a democracy, then we have to see the Constitution to be an elitist document because of the way in which the Founding Fathers (a piddling cypher of the population) decided to scrap the AOC and come up with an alternative behind close doors, without the majority of the population knowing what was going on.Another superficial billet can be made based upon the fact that the delegates who signed the Constitution were as Thomas Jefferson put it an assembly of demigods. According to Dye and Zeigler the men at the convention belonged to the nations intellectual and economic elites2. hence the Constitution was invariably going to be biased towards elites because yet though the majority of the population were small freeholding farmers their views were not taken into account at the Convention for the simpleton reason that none of the delegates really came from that section of the nation.As I have said both these reasons are superficial, but if we get into the detail of the administration then we can see that it is a very elitist document in several key areas. The first is economic elitism. The Constitution gave coition power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform passim the United States3. This is all well and good, but when taken with the fact that agree to Article 1 Section 2 Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportion among the several States which may be included deep down this Union, according to their individual numbers4 taxation and representation based upon population. This meant in pith that a rich man paid exactly the same mensuration of tax as a poor man disregardless of his wealth, and if we dish out that the men at the convention were all very well-off if not extremely rich, then whatever the ir intentions were the constitution could only benefit them and those like them.The Constitution also gave Congress the power to regulate commerce in the midst of the states. This regulation in concert with the provision that No tax or duty shall be paid on articles exported from any state5 created a huge free trade area were none had existed before, and of take to the woods this would be very beneficial to those American merchants including many of the framers of the Constitution- that traded across the USA. again we can see on the nose how elitist the Constitution is because it benefits big business even though the majority of the population were small freeholders and small merchants that benefited from a current degree of protectionism. Economic elitism can also be seen in the move of the constitution that give Congress powers over the regulation and value of money, unsuccessful person laws, weights and measures, and so forth. These powers would enhance financial stability in the nation and this move could only benefit the more economically orientated members of the Constitutional Convention.There is also evidence of military elitism within the Constitution. Section 8 of Article 1 provides for the creation of an army and navy. Naturally a nation necessitate an army and navy, but this act has to be seen in the context of just what the American elites gained from it. The Constitution concentrated the military exponent of the USA under the Commander in Chief aka the President. The President also had the power, with the advice of the senate, to make treaties and to delight and receive ambassadors.We have seen that the Founding Fathers hankeringed to create a strong concentrate government and this concentration of military and diplomatic might gave them the ability to do just that, with the added benefit of giving them the means to put down any revolution that might occur. Therefore in this sense it can be shown that the Constitution is an elitist do cument since it enshrined the desires of the Founding Fathers for stability and freedom from revolution, and since the President who commanded all this great power would invariably be a member of the elites himself, their position within society could and would be safeguarded.Other instances of elitism within the Constitution are the sections that deal with slavery No person held to service or wear upon in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such(prenominal) service or labour, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labour may be due6. As can be seen this section allows the continuation of the slave holding elites within American society, at a time when the idea of all men being equal was being bandied about. From the above we can see that the Constitution of the USA is elitist, then we have to ask the question that why, if the document is elitist, did th e framers provide for national participation in the culloral process.Firstly, if we accept that the framers of the Constitution were the nations elites, then we have to remember that above all else elites desire order and stability. Therefore at a very basic level the answer to the question would be that as elites (by their very definition) make up a tiny percentage of the populaton then it would be in their best amuses to provide for public participation in the political process because of the possibility that the masses could rise up against them, as they themselves had rebelled against the British.But if we look at the question in detail we can see that the real reason that the framers provided for public participation in the political process was that the publics participation was extremely limited in scale. Examples of this would be the way in which the framers adopted the concept of the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances whereby legislative powers we re vested in a Congress and Senate executive powers in a President and judicial powers in a Supreme judgeship.Each of these institutions were select by different constituencies (or in the case of the Supreme Court constitute by the President), and each served different lengths of terms. This prevented the complete renewal of government at a stroke and created continuity within the national government, but regardless of any benefits that this system might have, the fact cannot be avoided that if the people wish to have a change of government, or make their feelings known at all, then they must wait years for it, which is hardly a beauteous system.The system of checks and balances also diminishes the publics participation in the political process, because, for example, the people elect a President who is radical and wishes to change the status quo, then he can issue executive orders, but Congress can overturn those orders, and if the president wishes to execute laws he has to rel y on executive departments created by Congress. The best justification for this system comes from either James Madison or Alexander Hamilton when they wrote Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this you must first enable the government to control the governed and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxilia ry precautions. 7 Judicial Review is another key aspect of the system of checks and balances. This is basically an idea that arose from the Marbury v.Madison Case of 1803, whereby the Chief Justice argued that the Supreme Court had the power not only to invalidate laws passed by the lower courts, but also to invalidate laws passed by the elected Congress. From this we can see just how limited the public participation in the political process was because the Congress elected by the people was able to be overruled by the appointed Supreme Court. However the greatest example of how limited the publics participation was in the political process, was the way in which the elections were conducted.By this I mean specifically the elitist way in which the smaller states did not have the same degree of representation, and thus power of the larger states, for example Rhode Island had one representative in Congress, while Virginia had ten. And even this pales in comparison with the electoral College. Essentially when the people vote in a presidential election they vote for delegates to the Electoral College who then choose the president from the candidates.What is wrong with this system is when you take into contemplation that each state sends delegates to the Electoral College on a basis of population and in each state the candidate with the most votes takes all the electoral votes (even if they win by only 1%) then those who did not vote for the candidate are effectively throwing their votes away. This system is further complicated by the fact that in the beginning the Electoral College was envisaged as a way for the elites to ensure that their preferred candidate got the job, and to enable them to correct any misjudgements the public might have made on polling day.In conclusion therefore it can be seen that the American Constitution is a very elitist document, by virtue of the way in which it was conceived the men who wrote it the economic elitism imbedded in the do cument and of melody the military elitism. Secondly the question as to why the framers of the Constitution provided for public participation is an easy one they provided for public participation because they had diluted it so much, and built in so many checks and balances that they did not have to stick about threats to stability and order, which were after all the greatest concerns of elites.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Health Promotion among Diverse Populations Essay
In discussing wellness promotion among diverse universe of discourses, this cause has selected the Latino population to show health status in regards to the national average. consort to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of July 2013, their estimate is that there atomic number 18 around 54 million Hispanics that live in the United States. This represents 17% of the total U.S. population which makes them the largest ethnic minority. It is estimated that by 2060, they will grow to around 128.8 million (31%) of the U.S. population. fit in to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2012, the Hispanic population of which 23% were in either elementary or mettlesome school and single 6.8% were in college. Also, only about 29.1% lacked health insurance.Hispanics were 43% more than li adequate(predicate) non to have health coverage than that of 13% of non-Hispanics who lacked health coverage. According to the CDC (Center of affection simplicity), when evaluating the health status that this group perc eived themselves by 10.3% of being in fair or poor health. Mortality rates were difficult to liken as the reporting on the ethnic group was non eternally put on the death certificate. However, the death rate from Diabetes is 40.5 per 100,000 for Blacks, which is double that for the discolor population which 19.9 is. The rate for Hispanics is 27.7. wellness Disparities/ BarriersAccording to the CDC, health disparities ar gaps in health outcomes or determinants between segments of the population. umteen health disparities are tie in to social determinants of health, the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. Identification and sentience of differences among populations regarding health determinants and health outcomes are essential steps toward reducing health disparities, (CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report-U.S., 2013). We need to be aware of the disparities of our patient population in order to be able to provide the education and resources needed to mitigate health promotion and prevention for them.Some of the disparities among the Hispanic population are education, cost, language, and prevention. In regards to education, a larger section that of non-Hispanics did not complete high school and therefore many are unable to read and salvage adequately to get the information that they need. Also, a high percentage arrogatet speak English and they are unable to communicate with health givers, especially if there is no one to translate. Since a large percentage has not graduated from high school, they are in low income a job which puts them in less than the federal poverty level, and are more potential to be in high-risk positions.Also, Hispanics are more likely to be unemployed as compared to non-Hispanics. Due to their low-income, Hispanics are less likely to seek medical attention because of cost. They will provide medical distribute for their children first and themselves last. Many use home remedies han ded down through with(predicate) the generations. With regards to blood pressure control, which could be regulated in a clinic visit, only a small percentage had blood pressure control as compared to non-Hispanics. Barriers to these disparities need to be assessed and interventions need to be developed and implemented to modify health for these populations. Some of the barriers noted were language, income, educational level and cultural beliefs. at that place are translation tools (phones, translators) available we just need to utilize what is available. By utilizing these tools, individuals will be more likely to go to the doctor, since they will be able to understand the information given.However, we as health providers need to be non-judgmental and accepting of these individuals. Financial concerns are a big part, most assign that they coffin nailnot afford treatments, medications, supplies, and dietary changes. This is due in part that most are below poverty level. By a ssessing their needs, then researching what programs are available for them. at that place are medication assistance programs available, some from the hospitals and some from the pharmaceutical companies. Many pharmacies now have $5 and 10$ medications for 30 to 90 days. This can be a major assistance. Transportation can also be a barrier if they dont have a focussing to get to appointments then they dont get the appropriate follow-up. put up clinics in the community is a way to increase patients qualification it to appointments. Also, in some communities, public transportation busses will go and leg it up patients from their home and cod them for appointments and bring them back home. Education is other barrier, with most not finishing high school, they are not able to read and write well or not at all, or not in English. When developing an educational program for these individuals, we need to take into account how they learn and what types of media do we need to use.Approach es to Health furtherance on that point are three approaches to health promotion/ prevention primary, secondary and tertiary. uncomplicated is considered health promotion and specific ways to prevent illness much(prenominal) as immunizations. Secondary is describes as early diagnosis and treatment. And tertiary is center on restoring health and rehabilitation if needed. While primary would be beneficial, this author believes that the focus should be on secondary prevention. Providing screening activities such as health fairs, for these individuals can and will lead to early diagnosis. We need to suss out that the Hispanic population are respected and provide them with the tools needed to invoke wellness.Due to high cost of health care and with many not having insurance, most wait till they need to go to the emergency live for care. This practice most likely leads to identifying illness at a afterward stage and thus requiring more intense therapy to obtain level of wel lness. In conclusion, there needs to be trust established partnership in the care between patient, family and health care providers. Also, disparities need to be interpreted away or at least reduced to be able to provide the best preventable and early care as thinkable to all.ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, November 26, 2014.Retrieved from http// Centers for Disease Control/National Center for Health Statistics July 14, 2014. Retrieved from http// Centers for Disease Control 24/7 Saving Lives, protecting people. October 28, 2014. Retrieved from http// Summary Health Statistics for the U.S. macrocosm National Health Interview Survey, 2012. Vital Health Statistics. Series 10, quash 259, December 2013 Center for Disease Control Health Disparities and Inequalities Report- U.S. 2013. Retrieved from http// Edelman, Kudzman and Mandle Health Promotion throughout the Life Span, edition 8, 2014. Chapter 1.
Ideaistic versus materialistic motivations Essay
base every vast society, there is always a story. Today, the nation of the States is referred to as Gods own overturn. With population of approximately 293,500,000 and land mass of GDP of approximately $10. 98 trillion per year, the country commands the keep of many of its fellow nations. The question that readily comes to heart is that has this always been so? What we see in the nation of America today did not unsloped start in a day. It was a process one that was fill with patriotism from dedicated hearts.In fact, the wonderful story we hear of the great nation all started from the period called the Ameri dope Revolution of 1775 when the then xiii colonies of America gain independence from the British colonial power. Many concourse have from different schools of thought hold different views about this revolution. some(prenominal) ar of the idea that the revolution was based on the mere luxurious and scholarly works of some philosophers and sages of that time.On the other hand, some are of the opinion that these seeming patriots were merely motivated by their materialistic family unit interest. To this, I will say both sides have a point. I state the reason for my assertion in the following paragraph. Evidently, ideological tactual sensation in the notion of individual liberty and human equality was get around of what motivated the revolution. This can be seen in the works of John Locke and Montesquieu. We can also see this in the declaration of independence.On the other hand, face at it critically, some patriots of this revolution knew that the independence will bring governmental position to them. Some of the we motivated by the savour of power and way that will be passed into their hands However, I think that no librate what the motivation was, it was a good fight. Generations to come will forever be grateful to them that they did and their name will be in the sand of time. annexe Fleming, T. (1997). Liberty The American Revolution. New Y ork Viking.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Report on the Film “Black Cat, White Cat†by Emir Custurica Essay
start out chosen to watch and report on the lease Black Cat, washrag Cat by Emir Custurica for several reasons. Firstly, Custurica is a globally famous filmmaker, known in the US for his Arizona day-dream. Secondly, Custurica does pay much attention to matters of culture in his films, so his flora argon very informative. Thirdly the characters of Black Cat, White Cat give-up the ghost to different messs and cultures, including Serbians, Gypsies and Bulgarians. So the film tells enough about cultural and cross-cultural communications.Produced in 1998, the film is a kind of romantic comedy congress a story of several young people in calculate of their bang in the world of gangsters and smugglers. One of those smugglers named Matko Destanov owes money to a gangster named Dadan. Dadan is eager to find a husband for Afrodita his midget sister and he proposes to settle the debt by espousal of Matkos son Zare with his sister. However, Zare is in love with another girl named Ida , and Afrodita dreams o another man. After numerous diverting and dangerous adventures all of the young people find their happiness, and Dadan finds himself in manure both in metaphorical and ordinary sense.The film is very ironic and easy to watch as a family comedy. As I have already noticed, the film tells much about cultural communications. Firstly these are family and friendship. The characters seem to be very family-oriented and beautiful friendship is one of the burden motifs of the story. Young people dream of a family and stable relationships, older people desire to make their children happy as Zares grandfather and all the same such a savage man as Dadan wishes to do the allow of his parents even though through violence. Personal relations are rudimentary forces driving the characters in life, business and even crime.They rely upon help of their pals and relatives in virtually every action they take, thusly playing a silken party game each for own purposes but con sidering the will of the others. This hind end be illustrated by relations of Zare with his grandfather. Zare loves his grandfather and helps him to escape from hospital to payoff to his bacchanalian lifestyle, and the thankful grandfather gives all his money to Zare. Such go on to personal relations is full of traditionalism and is pretty different from the wassail situation in this country.Another cultural aspect, which might seem instead evil in this country is attitude of characters towards law. Throughout the film it may seem that there is no law and legal formalities at all. Customers are easily bribed, medical personnel is unable to control the patients, gangsters move as actual rulers and an official solemnizing a marriages passively does everything what he is say to do, even knowing that marriage between Zare and Afrodita is forcible. However, the characters actually do not feel any discomfort from absence of formalities.Law is replaced by said(prenominal) personal relations, and perhaps they would feel unhappy from presence of legal obligations preferably from absence of such obligations. There are many interesting barbarian cultural details in the film such as marriage customs, costumes, language features and other which, being combined together, create a engrossing impression of involvement in other culture. Films like Black Cat, White Cat cause spectators to become interested in strange lifestyles and habits forming an supposition of global cultural diversity.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
What Holden Hates
Unavoidable occurrences draw his negative attention, which explains the numerous quantify he faces such experiences that he loathes. All throughout the novel, it is clear that bearer hates his childhood the division in caller and the phoniness of people. From the beginning of the novel, holder introduces his childhood in a fashion that does non seem to be of his liking. He states, The showtime thing youll probably want to know is where was born, and what my lousy childhood was homogeneous But dont feel like going into it, if you want to know the faithfulness (Slinger, 1).His disinterest in talking slightly his childhood and the act that he dubs it as lousy shows that his past is something he does not like to go advertize into since he does not like it. Additionally, he constantly refers back to Alliss d use uph, which occurred when holder was thirteen. carrier explains how bad it affects him by saying, They were going to have my psychoanalysis and all, because I broke all the windows in the store L slept in the garage the night he died (39). bearer speaks highly of Alliss intelligence and innocence.Allele seems to be whiz of the few people holder genuinely cares about and this signifies that Holders loss greatly scars his holding. Lastly, it is revealed that Holder had pervert experiences when he was younger. In the incident with Mr.. Anatolian, Holder finds himself sweat and he knows he is because he experiences something pervert. He mentions that it has happened to him about twenty times as a kid. It is clearly indicative that Holders childhood is scarred because he loses his own innocence, which explains his hatred of his younger years.Another concept that Holder hates is the division and disparity that society creates. He has a strong opinion about cliques. Holder acknowledges that the basketball players stick together, the intellectuals and the members of the Book-of-the- Month club stick together (131). Holder is bothered by the occu rrence that people only follow the spatial relation quo only hang out with people that have the same interests. He hates the division this creates because he feels he cannot fit in with the groups because of the set boundaries. Secondly, Holder expresses how he hates m one and only(a)y because it creates inequality among social groups.At the time he take his breakfast at a diner, he says, That depressed me. I hate it f Im eat bacon and eggs or something and somebody else is only eating toast and coffee (110). This shows that Holder hates the gap between rich and low as it is unfair that people with money can afford to eat well when there are others who cannot afford to eat a amicable breakfast. Finally, Holder reveals that he hates how religion, specifically Catholicism, creates a boundary. He recalls a parley he has with Louis Sanely, a Catholic.Holder states, Then, after a while, right in the nerve of the goddamn conversation, he asked me, Did you happen to notice where the Catholic hurt is in town, by any chance? The thing was, you could tell by the way he asked me that he was trying to find out if was a Catholic. He really was (1 12). From Holders tone, this suggests that Louis inquiry ruins the conversation solely because he hates how Catholics are to a greater extent eager to converse with others if they are also Catholic. Essentially, it is thoroughly apparent that Holder hates that there is inequality and division in society.Finally, Holders greatest hate in the world is the phoniness that comes from Others. All throughout the novel, Holder digresses about people he finds phony and the degree of hatred he has towards their phoniness. He talks about his older brother, DB, noting that he is a brilliant writer but hates that fact that he becomes a prostitute in Hollywood (2). Holder does not like that DB goes around looking like a big(p) shot with his jaguar. He also does not like that DB wastes his talents in writing storyline for movies. This alludes to the next significant concept that Holder hates.Holder strongly dislikes movies in general and the people that love to see movies. He finds that movies are phony because it is entirely acting the content of film is further from reality. Holder claims that people who enjoy movies are phony because they are just drawn to the superficial. Again, Holder demonstrates his hatred of phoniness through movies. The last aspect he hates about the phoniness Of people is the arrogance and essence of superiority that is evoked. Holder explains that Pence prep molds boys into splendid, clear-thinking young men who play polo (2).However, he feels it is full of phoniness that Pence is feet with the bringing close together that the school is full of polo players and hot shot students. In reality, no one plays polo and it is a standard school. Evidently, Holder demonstrates his hatred of phoniness through his numerous complaints and upbraiding of others. Through his failed connections a nd poor relationships with people, it is apparent that Holder has serious issues about society and his past. Holder becomes preoccupied with observing the phoniness and flaws of society and the lousiness of his childhood because he genuinely hates these things.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis on Lux Toilet Soap Ad Essay
lx basin guck Susan Sanders Devry University sixty john sludge A 1954 ad for lux stool Soap states, Luscious is the word for Greer Garsons complexion and she keeps it that way with sixty Toilet Soap. This statement is an example of how emotional appeal is practised in the ad to grab the readers assist. The advertiser uses character appeal by including information abtaboo Garsons success in the ad to collapse the reader want to use the product. Logical appeal is used when a refund is offered to leave the reader with no objections to nerve-wracking the product.The Greer Garson lx Toilet Soap ad was effective in raising product cognisance and profits due to its usage of these appeals. Garson is pictured against a white accentuate with a vine of grapes in hand in the ad. Purple is the color subject here, as Garsons eye makeup, necklace and grapes are of this color. This gives the ad a horse sense of sophistication, warmth, luxury and even a little mystery. This grabs the readers attention and makes her want to read the ad. The readers attention is then wasted to a sentence below Garson in which the first word, Luscious, is of a pear-shapedr font size than the rest of the textbook.The color pink draws the reader to air in the bottom right corner of the ad, where a Lux Toilet Soap wrapper reveals the bar of soap. This completes the attraction, femininity, and smooth texture of the ad. The image and larger-sized text are present in the advertisement to appeal to the readers emotion of craving for Garsons flawless skin. Women of this time were open to ideas on how to look as beautiful as possible. This could confirm been to succeed in their careers or simply to please a man.Looks play a large role in any aspiring actresses success because she is trying to sing people into casting her for roles. In addition, having and taking care of a family was a very important part of womens lives. They had to look their best in the hopes of getting a husband. This advertisement had their solution and informed the readers to use Lux Toilet Soap to get that desired look. If the picture of Garson wasnt lavish to get the reader to find character appeal in the advertisement, at that place is in any case smaller blue text at the bottom of the ad informing them of her credentials.The ad states, Besides being beautiful, Greer Garson is intelligent (shes lectured Shakespeare), expert (probably won more awards than any other film actress) There is also a statement at the top of the ad promoting a video Garson most recently starred in, Her Twelve Men. The ad then goes on to state her insistence on the use of Lux Toilet Soap in her home and dressing room, as well as the statistic Greers used Lux for years now-she believes in it, like 9 out of 10 Hollywood stars do.This information about Garsons career leads readers to perpetrate in her belief of the soaps effectiveness. It suggests that the reader should want to use the Lux soap because succ essful and beautiful people like Garson do. If it plays near part in Garsons success, then the reader might have that same luck with life as well, after using Lux soap. As the reader continues through the text, the final appeal is utilized, logic. The ad states that fell Garsons luscious complexion is as good a testimony as we know of for using Lux Toilet Soap.If you find Lux isnt everything a good soap can be, well return what you gainful for it. Fair enough? After being presented this offer, the reader runs out of objections to trying the product. Reasoning tells them to buy it, try it, if it isnt satisfactory, get a refund, and no loss would be incurred. The offer leaves the reader with a feeling of bargain to buying the product. It is important that the ad achieves this because it ultimately leads to higher sales profit. Lux Toilet Soap was not the only solution to uneven or imperfect complexion.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Describing Places †Seoul Essay
Being the capital of Korea since the fourteenth century, capital of South Korea () is iodin of the most popular tourist destinations located in the west of its country. Packed with countless sights and places to visit, ranging from royal palaces to trendy shopping centre, capital of South Korea is a city with so much to offer that tourists might not drive in where to begin. The streets of Seoul are always jammed with people as there are endless varieties of restaurants, cafes, shopping centres, discos available at each time of day. Bright neon lights and catchy songs coming out from nightclubs cast young people and there are plenty of karaoke bar where one can have a great time singing and dancing.The city manager tourist attractions of Seoul are Seoul Tower () and 63 twist (). The 236.7m Seoul Tower sits atop Namsan Mountain, offering a breathtaking panoramic view of the city and the surrounding areas. It is so stunning that many visitors rate Seoul Tower the best tower in As ia. As farthermost 63 building, it is said to be one of the tallest buildings in the world.It is a skyscraper determined on Yeouldo (), overlooking the Han river (). 63 represents the number of floors it has and it mainly comprises financial offices, amusement attractions, observatory, restaurants which cater for all ages, the wax museum, a trendy shipping piazza packed with brand shops, and a huge aquarium with all kinds of fish. Seoul provides entertainment and an unforgettably unique experience. Unless you witness it for yourself, you will never know the excitement it brings you, try Seoul.
Figurative Language Essay
Whenever you tie some(prenominal)thing by comparing it with something else, you argon using figurative wrangle. Figurative style is the wasting disease of vocabulary to refer something by comparing it to something else. It serves many lingual purposes. It everyows quite a little to express abstract thoughts. It creates t unmatched and communicates emotional content. The ability to economic consumption figurative language in writing undersurface make a poem or stratum more enjoy able-bodied for the pick outer.Figurative language is taking words beyond their literal meaning and base diminish in many different strainings, all to create a smart picture of the written word. There atomic number 18 many ways to control figurative language into writing, some of which come as naturally as speaking. A Simile examples the words worry or as to liken one object or idea with another to suggest they argon alike, such as busy as a bee. In stag Cranes, My naans Love Letters he uses the simile liable to melt as snow to describe the fragility of the letter that have been hidden away in the rafters.This use of figurative language helps the reader to visualize paper that may not be able to withstand someone touching it, except could also be utilize to convey the fact that not only is the paper old and fragile, but so is his grandmother. In writing, a simile would say you are like something whereas a parable would say you are something. A metaphor states a fact or draws a verbal picture by the use of comparison without using the words like or as.In The avenue not Taken, Robert Frost uses a walk in the woods as a metaphor for making a conclusiveness in life, a situation that readers can easily identify with, indeed making it easier to imagine what they are reading. An implied metaphor is a metaphor that compares ii things without being obvious. There are no stars tonight, But those of memory from hart Cranes, My Grandmothers Love Letters is a correct example of an implied metaphor.Personification is a figure of speech in which humane characteristics are given to an animal or an object and sometimes are difficult to catch in a poem if you are not paying attention as in Robert Frosts The channel non Taken, where he uses the description of the road wanting stretch forth. In the rakehell Loose girdle of soft rain, from My Grandmothers Love Letters, the rain is compared to a loose belt, which is a clear example of Personification and much easier to understand.Creating tomography for the reader helps to entertain, levy thought or help the reader escape to another reality. sometimes it can even be silly such as the repeating of the same initial letter, hefty, or group of sounds in a series of words. This usage of figurative language is called Alliteration and includes tongue twisters such as She sells seashells by the seashore. Many writers will use words that describe or imitate a natural sound or the sound made by an objec t to create imagery within the writing.This is called Onomatopoeia, and although it is a big word that is hard to pronounce, it is the use of small words such as snap, crackle, pop, buzz and creaked that help bring a story or poem to life. Another form of imagery that is used quite much is Hyperbole. This is the use of statements that are so dramatic and exaggerated that a person would not believe the statement is true. I was so hungry that not only did I eat my dinner, I ate the plate and silverware too. A synecdoche is a form of imagery that substitutes a whole object with one aspect of that object.It may also be used to replace a specific object with something more generalized. In My Last Duchess, Robert Browning uses this form of figurative language when he admits to having his Duchess murdered. Instead of saying he killed her, he makes the statement that all of her smiles have stopped. Figurative language is distinguished when writing poetry, but how the poem is structured and what the theme of the poem is can also add or detract from the imagery the writer is arduous to create.Robert Brownings My Last Duchess is a dramatic monologue sham to be a conversation, written in iambic pentameter, divided up in pairs of rhymes known as Rhyme Couplets, and with epithelial ducts that do not practice end-stops. Instead, the writer uses enjambment, which is when of one line of verse carries over to the next line without a pause such as Her husbands posture only, called that spot Of joy into the Duchess cheek perhaps My personal opinion is that the use of enjambment makes it difficult for the reader to understand the ideas and imagery the writer is stressful to convey.The theme of this poem is of arrogance, selfishness and jealousy and is lacking any wonderful imagery that could pull the reader in. This is an example of how a structure and theme can make or break the poem. I did not enjoy this poem due to how difficult it was to read, understand and envision. Another part of the structure that sets a poem apart from others is whether there is a rhyming pattern to it or if it doesnt have a pattern at all. The Road Not Taken is a lyric poem with four stanzas of five lines each.A lyric poem is one that presents the feelings and emotions of the poet rather than telling a story such as the poem My Last Duchess. The structure of The Road Not Taken is a straight forward series of five line stanzas. Each stanza presents us with a single idea. The first sets up the metaphor which is then extended through the rest of the poem. I have raise that I enjoy this structure and rhyming pattern making The Road Not Taken my favorite poem of the three that I read and chose to write about.Everyone is different in their ability to understand the written word, with some throng needing things simple and full of imagery that brings the poem to life. Other people prefer a more complex poem that is not change with fanciful images, but makes them think and anal yze what they are reading. No issuing what your choice of structure, figurative language or imagery is, they are all necessary to create an interesting piece of written work. Due to people and thought processes being unique to each reader, this explains why there are so many different types of poems that evoke different emotions.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Growing afraid Essay
post describes the afternoon as organism raw, which describes the hotness of the weather, the weather is almost attacking blot. The burying ground can be described as very old because transc nullify with nettles lays a churchyard, which is unc bed for and in an instant it could just crumble away. Pip over again adds significant words, as he repeats on the whole of the names on the gravest unmatchables, Alexander, Bartholomew, Abraham, Tobias and Roger that realize died in this harsh p transfix, Pip reads it as if it were a list with so many people on that point, who have been there for a pertinacious catch of conviction.Dark, flat, wilderness beyond the churchyard again explains the lack of community and the closing off somewhat the area. Dickens personifies wind as the wind was rushing, as if it were rushing to get Pip who was at the time a junior-grade bundle of shivers growing afraid. The marshlands had an effect not only on Pip, except the convict too, the convic t had been smothered in mud and lamed by stones and cut by flints, and stung by nettles and torn by briars, showing he had escaped for a long time and had spent most of his time hiding in the marshlands.As the convict roughly treats Pip, he tilts him over, stepwise master to the floor, he gives Pip a greater sense of helplessness and danger which adds to the atmosphere significantly. Toward the end of the chapter, a sad atmosphere is created, as the convict hugged his shuddering body in both arms clasping himself as if to hold himself together. The convict limps toward the low church wall producing an envision of one who is close to cobblers last. Pip creates another(prenominal) childish imagination but this one describes the dead rising up stretching up guardedly break through of their graves, showing how much fear he had in him at the time.The marshes are depicted as just a long sick horizontal line with the sky be just identical a row of long angry red lines and dense black lines intermixed, describing the darkness, and anger in Pips world. Charles Dickens leaves you with eerie images of death, of a limping man, as if he were a pirate come to carriage sentence and come down and going back to hook himself up again. We are introduced to fille Havisham first as an immensely rich and grim brothel keeper, a notorious woman who lived in a cock-a-hoop kin that was heavily barricaded against robbers.She is described as living a life of seclusion which leads us to believe that she is isolated, miserable and depressed. Pip describes her as organism the strangest lady he had ever seen. She was positioned in rich materials, satins, lace and silks, all that are symbols of wealth. She had a long white veil low-level from her hair which makes us believe that she is a bit odd eating away bridal wear for no apparent reason. Her hair was white which symbolizes that she is kind of old. Another symbol of wealth is created because she had some bright jewels sparkling around her neck.Pip states that the bride within the bridal dress had withered analogous the dress which is another clue to her being quite old. We are given another unhealthy image of young woman Havisham, of her dying, the book reflects this by stating that there was no brightness left but the brightness of her sunken eyes and her digit had hung loose and had shrunk to skin and bone. She states that she had never seen the sun since she was born, this makes the reader purport that she is again isolated and hiding away from life outside. She is alike a cold-hearted person, because she says that her heart was broken with an eager look on her face.We learn that she despises adults, and that she acts like a child, the novel portrays this by stating that she has sick fancies and she orders Pip with an impatient endeavor of the hand to play. When Estella came to play with Pip, leave off Havisham says to Estella that she can break Pips heart, this indicates that Miss Hav isham has behave out to seek revenge on men, and that is one of the reasons why she brought Pip to her house. There is a sense that life has ceased for Miss Havisham, the book shows this by stating that her silk stocking once white, now yellow had been trodden ragged.Pip says that the frillings and trimmings on her bridal dress looked like earthy paper which describes it as being fragile, like Miss Havisham herself. After Pip had finished playing tease with Estella, Miss Havisham states You shall go home soon, Play the game out this illustrates to the reader that she is depressed and emotionally hurt, and is not to used to the company of others, so she sends him away. She had an appearance of chuck outped body and soul, within and without, under the weight of a crush blow which leads us to believe that the marriage which didnt take place, has caused her to drop her body and drop her soul.Miss Havisham once again thinks highly of herself, playing as if she owns Pip, she expresse s this by stating When shall I have you here again? . We also learn that she is a misguided woman because she says she doesnt know anything almost the days of the week, or the weeks of the year. We first learn that Estella is selfish and speaks in an prideful manner to anyone she isnt familiar with, the reason of this is that after Pip courteously said that she could go in first, she replied by saying Dont be ridiculous boy I am not going in and she also left Pip in the dark by taking the candle with her.When Pip called her name out to play with him, she didnt come straight away, she took her time, fliply trying to be awkward. When Miss Havisham tested the jewel on Estella, she obviously had intentions for her to get married. Estella thinks she is better than Pip, the evidence of this is that when she was order by Miss Havisham to play with Pip, she replied With this boy Why he is a common labouring boy . When Estella asked Pip what games he played, she asked it in the great disdain which makes us believe she is strict and again scornful and looks down on lower classes.Estella is used as a weapon, a heartbreaker by Miss Havisham, who as we know wants to treat men as she was treated, Miss havisham illustrates this by stating beggar him to Estella. Estella has no respect for Pip and thinks highly of herself and no one else, the evidence of this is that she says, he calls the knaves, jacks this boy and what coarse men he has. This leaves an effect on Pip as he becomes mortified of his hands. She was watching Pip creating tension, trying to make him do wrong, so that she could provoke him more on his faults.Pip tells us this by stating she was lying in wait for me to do wrong and she denounced me for a stupid, clumsy labouring boy As Pip was whispering to Miss Havisham, even though she wasnt saying anything, Estella was making Pip say nice things approximately her with her eyes, the evidence of this is that she was looking at Pip with look of supreme a version. As the game between Pip and Estella finished, Estella threw all of the cards down as if she despised them for having been won of Pip, this shows that Estella is spiteful, treats Pip disdainfully and she is very proud.Estella was to told feed Pip, so she put the food down on the ground without looking at Pip as if Pip was a dog in humble, this shows that Estella again thinks Pip as being lower class and she has despite for Pip. Estella had do Pip cry, she looked at him with quick delight as being the cause of the tears, this proves she has no witnessings and is satisfied for making him cry, this makes her not a openhearted character at all. The first Impressions of Miss Havishams house is that it is a huge house filled with mystery, dismal house, barricaded against robbers which reflects the owners feelings.The house can furthermore be described as dumb and nervous for anyone who approaches it, with its great front entrance having two chains across it. It is a dark, g loomy place, with a sense of bad experiences. The text tells us this by stating, the passages were all dark and still it was dark, and only the candle illuminated us. Miss Havishams room was also dark, she obviously prefers darkness, and all of the candles represent the light in the room, the evidence of this is that a pretty large room, well lighted with candles and no glimpse of daylight was to be seen in it.There is a sense of chaos in the room as everything is untidy, dresses and half-packed trunks were scattered about also Miss Havisham only had one shoe on. Everything was left as it was years ago, all confusedly heaped about the looking glass. Pip relates Miss Havisham to a staff vine he had once seen, with her skin sallow. He also makes a reference to death by describing a skeleton in the ashes of a rich dress. Miss Havisham is almost a ghost in her own house, the evidence of this is that waxwork and skeleton seemed to have dark eyes that moved.All of the watches and clock s in her room had stopped at twenty minutes to nine, which is deliberate and could be linked with her marriage that didnt take place. Pip is made to feel vulnerable, he has no choice but to do what Miss Havisham says, this is because he had the desperate idea of starting round the room means that he had to embarrass himself in front of Miss Havisham. She asked Pip if he was sullen and obstinate, he is obviously very misunderstood.Miss Havisham becomes frustrated with him and meritless for him, the book expresses this by stating So new to him So old to me So melancholy to both of us Miss Havisham again makes Pip feel discomfort as he is made to shout out Estella in a dark and mysterious passage of an un-known house again he is made to embarrass himself. Another sense that life has seized for Miss Havisham is that there are pale, decayed objects which also creates a deathly and unsettling atmosphere. Pip also describes her clothes as grave-clothes and her long veil looking like a s hroud both of which are linked with a corpse.As Pip leaves Miss Havishams house, he states that the rush of daylight quite lost(p) him, this is another clue that the house is a very dark place. Toward the end of the chapter, we feel pity for Pip, because Estella treats him so badly, but he is strong because he refuses to cry in the presence of her, even though his feelings are bitter. This also shows that he wishes he had come from a family who were more of an upper class, than the family he was brought up with, because then maybe Estella would have treated him better.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Revolutionary History Essay
betwixt 1765 and 1788, the renewing that open up the United States of America transpired. This revolution arose, because the government agency of the British Parliament to directly impose taxes on the Ameri evoke colonies was disputed by the latter. This revolution resulted in the establishment of a outsize republic and availd to confound the theory of semipolitical thinkers that republicanism could non govern over a dry land that was large. In this manner the state and federal constitutions that were adopted in the menses from 1776 to 1788, represented the foremost political aspirations of that age. Another effect of this permanent republicanism was that monarchies became old over a utmost of time (American variety.The crystal author Encyclopedia. CredoReference).This revolution, which was representative in nature, established the principle of equal rights in the US. This was delinquent(p) in great measure to the efforts of farmers and artisans. The extent to whic h these flock favored freedom can be estimated from the fact that they took over the reins of government in the states of Pennsylvania and Vermont. Subsequently, in 1777, these states disassociated themselves from New York, in order to implement institutions that were significantly republican.Moreover, social intensify was engendered by this revolution, in as much as sla genuinely was change into a political and moral issue from what had been a healthful established reality. In the Northern states slavery became extinct and in northern grant of the South, the tour of blacks who were no longer slaves increased dramatically (American transmutation.The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia. CredoReference).The cut whirling demolished the Bourbon monarchy and the ancien rgime. It commenced with an insurrection by the grandness against projected financial reforms in the stratum 1787. Subsequently, the middle come apartes participated in this revolt. The case Assembly supplanted t he Estates General and it published the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. after struggledward this the working classes of Paris took control of the Bas worke in July 1789.In 1791, the royal family was incarcerated for making plans to confront a counter revolution. The nations of Europe became unsettled callable to these developments in France and this resulted in the french gyrationary Wars. In 1793, King Louis XVI was decapitated by means of the guillotine. The existence of various political factions resulted in the Terror, which lasted from 1793 to 1794. During this period, around twain hundred thousand sight were detained and around fifteen thousand nation were put to death (French variety. Andromeda Encyclopedic mental lexicon of World History. CredoReference).The French variation, which started in the 1789, brought to an end the monarchy that had been in existence for a thousand years. After the King had been deposed, the government was controlled b y Robespierre and others of his ilk. They executed a large fare of hatful and in this manner unleashed considerable terror.Subsequently, Robespierre was himself executed and control passed to the Directory. This proven to be an incompetent and corrupt body, which permitted Napoleon Bonaparte to seize advocator in France and ultimately become its Emperor. The French Revolution was officially end when Napoleon declared himself to be the Emperor of France (French Revolution. The New Dictionary of ethnic Literacy. Houghton Mifflin).This was a prolonged struggle in Mexico that followed the deposition of Porfirio Daz. He was a authoritarian who ensured that world queen was concentrated in the workforce of a few and who back up the elite. Leaders like Francisco Madero, Pancho Villa, Pascual Orozco, and Emiliano Zapata collected a large number of supporters. Subsequently, in 1911, Madero was made the death chair of Mexico. However, his reforms were not executed apace and this cause d some(prenominal) his former allies and foes to oppose him.He was executed by Victoriano Huerta, who became the dictator of Mexico. However, Huerta a drunken despot was overthrown by the machinations of Villa, Carranza and Obregn and Carranza became the president in the year 1914. Since, Villa was not agreeable to this, considerable bloodshed ensued. Carranza ensured that a liberal constitution was written and adopted in 1917. He had Zapata, a popular peasant leader, ambushed and killed. This led to a popular revolt against Carranza, who was killed art object attempting to flee Mexico City. The fierce get bying almost came to an end after Obregn came to power. However, a few clashes hapd to take place and the revolutionary period ended that in 1934 when Lzaro Crdenas came to power (Mexican Revolution. Britannica laconic Encyclopedia).The American Revolution resulted in an independent United States of America, whereas the French Revolution put an end to its own national govern ment. The American Revolution watchd the French people with the ideas of freedom and independence. The visits of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson to France in the 1780s uplifted the inspirit of the French people with new hopes for independence from tyranny.King Louis XVI supported the American Revolution that commenced in 1776 and encouraged the American colonies in their fight against the British in order to obtain independence. The King, however, failed to anticipate that he was ushering in his own downfall. The effects of both the American Revolution and the French Revolution changed the course of the history in such a way that arrogant monarchies were unable to survive in m any(prenominal) European countries, which were replaced peacefully with republics and democracies (American Revolution vs. French Revolution).The French Revolution became highly appealing to other nations due to the straightforwardness and universality of its neutrals. Many people were animate and convinced by the concepts of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity that had been basis of the French Revolution. The only unresolved issues related to the interlingual rendition and application of these concepts to the social and political milieu. This solution to this problem was provided by Karl Marx in his Das Capital, in whose opinion the French Revolution had not been taken to its logical conclusion and was thitherfore incomplete.His contention was that though freedom had been obtained, workers had been victimized and deprived of property. The benefits that had arisen due to the French Revolution had failed to uplift society as a whole. Karl Marx believed that the emancipation of the society in its totality was possible only if there was a socialist or communist revolution, which would eradicate confidential property and form a cooperative of producers. During the last point of this transubstantiation the state would wither away as it would cease to comport any purpose. Th is final represent of Marxs theory was akin to that of the anarchists of France, Italy, Russia and Spain (The new opinion in the Modern World).The French revolution had a profound influence on the subsequent nationalist movements and some of these were the 1821 Greek Independence movement, the enterprise to bring about modernization in Egypt by Muhammed Ali and in the faggot Empire by Selim III and Mahmut II. Several social uprisings of the 1968s had also been inspired by the French Revolution. Moreover, the French Revolution affected the thinking of future(a) generations by enabling them to accept change as normal and had a cohesive effect on the masses in process of edifice the state (Robinson).The Mexican Revolution was a success in the class of anti state rebellions. It dethroned the Diaz regime and extinguished the caudillismo of Huerta and Carranza. It marked a milestone in the history of popular revolutions and popular sovereignty in to a lower place developed nat ions.This revolution demonstrated that revolutions by native peoples could emerge victorious. It pave the way for the subsequent revolutions against state authorities including both violent and peaceful rebellion. Most of the Latin American governments adopted the principles raised in the Mexican constitutional principle of no re eleccion. This constitutional principle had not been subjected to any attempt to amend or repeal it by any of the Mexican leading, subsequent to the assassination of Alvaro Obregon in 1928 (Mexican Revolution).The principles of the revolution were debated by the political and academic scholars in and out of Mexico. The events, participants and the consequences of the Revolution were documented by some(prenominal) foreign authors. For instance, John Womack had written Zapata and the Mexican Revolution, and Friedrich Katz wrote Life and Times of Pancho Villa. These industrial plant narrated a lengthy and easily documented report of the events of the Rev olution. Moreover, the aftereffects and the events of the Mexican Revolution continue to influence Mexican politics as well as international policies (Mexican Revolution).The first half of the twentieth century was witness to changes in the Mexican government that were similar to that of the French Revolution. Every revolution consists of quadruple stages and in the preliminary stage both Mexico and France faced problems that were reflected in the future.These problems were due to the extant leadership. After this preliminary stage there occurs the second stage consisting of frequent rebellions against the government. Subsequently, the revolution enters the third stage, which is characterized by a great subscribe of turbulence and can therefore be termed as the crisis stage. at that place were several(prenominal) instances when bloodshed and chaos prevailed during this crisis stage. The final stage is that of recovery and in this stage the governments consent to implement the pla ns and measures that would engender changes that would benefit the people.The preliminary stages of the Mexican and French Revolutions were the same. The Mexican president, Porifirio Diaz had been a successful President of Mexico for over three decades. He chemical formulad the country in a manner that was similar to that in which Louis XVI had ruled France. In Mexico power was concentrated in the detention of a few people who had access to the President.The rest of the citizens did not have a voice or the right to vote for the officials they favored. There was no right to expression and there existed sanctions, which were similar to those obtaining in the Ancien Regime in France. These terrible conditions prevailed in the country and wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few. Furthermore, injustice was the order of the day and there was no right and order in either the cities or the countryside (The Mexican Revolution).In addition, there were a number of differences, for inst ance the French monarchs of the Ancien Regime had been absolutist monarchs and their principle power had been centralized. President Porifirio Diaz ruled the nation as a dictator and it was often stated that the President had the best intentions for the future of Mexico. He was pertain with establishing a stable government and in order to achieve that objective he ensured that the training program for military and police personnel had been good changed in such a way that both those forces gained in power and strength.The French Revolution was better known for the problems that the different classes had with each other. The people of the upper class had been distressed due to the fact that they had lost power during the reign of Luis 14 and the people of the middle class were disgruntled due to the fact that some of the members of their class were becoming wealthier but were not permitted to cop noble titles.Workers of the urban areas were convinced that they were being ill trea ted and this belief lasted throughout the duration of the Revolution. France went to war with England in support of the Americans and this clearly indicated the incompetency of the rule of Louis XIV. The war served to severely deplete France of its resources and the Revolution was in the offing. Louis XIV was not in a position to control the revolution (Wasserman).The similarities of the Mexican Revolution and the French Revolution are further elicited during the crisis stage. There was a civil war in both the countries and in Mexico, there were opposing parties of Obregon and Carranza against Villa and Zapata. In France, there was a constant strife amongst the citizens throughout the country and particularly in the Vendee.The main objectives of these various groups were action in these revolutions. The people of Mexico desire equality, rights and a republic government similar to that of the United States. In France, the people wanted a agreementatic well structured republic h aving no monarch. Both Mexico and France were able to achieve their in demand(p) goals. However, France was able to attain its objective in the crisis stage, but Mexico had to wait till the end of the revolution to achieve its desired goal. Thus these nations resemble each other to the extent of attaining their aims.The aftereffects of the Mexican Revolution and the French Revolution continue to influence the people even today. The Mexican Constitution, which was written in the year 1917, has remained unchanged till today. The Mexican Revolution can be considered as a revolution that had taken place in a ontogeny nation and it has served as an inspiration to revolutions in the third world. The French Revolution left its mark due to the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which protects the fundamental rights of the citizens and these rights are distillery in vogue in France.The chief difference between these cardinal revolutions was that Mexico was able to retain its republican go vernment after the revolution, while France went into a dictatorship and then a monarchal form of government after the end of the revolution. At present, Mexico is a constitutional republic supported by its Constitution. Mexico has a president and a legislative branch and a political system that is stable.In contrast, the constitution of France was changed several times and the governmental system of France has a president and a parliament. In this aspect it resembles the system of face of the United States. The fundamental aim of the French Revolution was the formation of a constitutional monarch similar to that of England. The main similarities between these two revolutions were that they both had an objective that was fought for and duly achieved.The French Revolution, the American Revolution and the Mexican Revolution were fought in order to attain freedom and justice. The United States sought freedom from the British rule, while France fought for dethroning a government under which the rich people tyrannized the poor and in order to obtain freedom from monarchal ruling. In Mexico, people sought freedom from the Diazs Oligarchy. However, a number of differences existed in respect of the causes of these revolutions due to the fact that the leaders subscribed to different opinions. The French Revolution commenced with a bloody attack on the Bastille, which represented the hated power of the aristocracy. The American Revolution, on the other hand, was conducted in a phased and well regulated manner.The Americans first engaged in negotiations with England and on these negotiations being jilted by the latter, the Americans decided to declare independence from the British. Since, England did not accept this contract of independence by the colonies, the American Revolution began in right near (Nosotro). The Mexican Revolution started with a mass uprising against Diaz, who fled to Spain. However, this was revolution entailed a lot of bloodshed and treachery.T he reason for the American, French and Mexican revolutions was that the people sought to obtain freedom from tyranny. These revolutions left a significant influence on history. The United States explored all other avenues, prior to embarking on a war with the British.The French Revolution on the other hand began as a mass movement and created terror and panic due to the large number of executions, moreover, it was characterized by rampaging mobs (Nosotro). In this respect the reign of terror unleashed by Robespierre come through considerable notoriety. The Mexican Revolution was targeted at the elite, who had assigned all the power to themselves. The poor of Mexico wanted land and an escape from poverty. Popular and legendary leaders like Zapata promised to obtain land for the poor peasants.The American Revolution undone the attitude of respect for social superiors and constituted leave. American society remained structurally unchanged due to this revolution. All the same, the fa lse belief that disobedience to authority was disobedience to God was dispelled by the revolution. The public increasingly started to believe that rulers should serve the people rather than behave as their masters. This resulted in the establishment of a new social order in which persons with authority were chosen on the basis of merit and not on the basis of prestige, social precondition or wealth. Moreover, such elected persons would have to comply with the will of the people rather than demand the unquestioning loyalty of the public.The French Revolution served as an inspiration for several other revolutions like those that occurred in South America. It is very important due to the fact that the new ideas regarding freedom that originated in this revolution were disseminated all over Europe. The message that it conveyed to the world was that even in the absence of a well planned strategy, it was possible for a popular uprising to depose the extant authorities. It brought about the establishment of the precedents to democratic institutions, representative governments and constitutions.The Mexican Revolution brought about the transition from a dictatorship to a democratic system that had less foreign control, better living conditions for its citizens, labor reforms and economical and social reforms. The objective of these revolutions was to secure liberty from tyrannical authorities. While the American Revolution resulted in the establishment of United States of America, the French Revolution resulted in the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy and the Mexican Revolution brought about an end to the Oligarchic rule and engendered far reaching land reforms that improved the living condition of the Mexican peasants.Works CitedAmerican Revolution vs. French Revolution. 1 July 2007 <http//>.American Revolution.The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia. CredoReference. 2005. 3 July 2007 <http// >.French Revolution. Andromeda Encyclopedic Dictionary of World History. CredoReference. 2001. 3 July 2007 <http//>.French Revolution. The New Dictionary of ethnic Literacy. Houghton Mifflin. 2002. 3 July 2007 <http//>.Mexican Revolution. 1 July 2007 <http//>.Mexican Revolution. Britannica elliptic Encyclopedia. 2003. 3 July 2007 <http//>.Nosotro, Rit. Reasons for the American and French Revolutions. 1 July 2007 <http//>.Robinson, David. Muslim Societies in African History . Cambridge University Press. P.84. ISBN 052153366X, 2004.The Mexican Revolution. November 1996. 1 July 2007 <http//>.The Revolutionary Idea in the Modern World. 1 July 2007 <http// ion-Revolutionary-Idea-in-Modern-World.html >.Wasserman, Mark. Persistent Oligarchs Elites and Politics in Chihuahua, Mexico, 1910-1940. Duke University Press, 1993. 68 71.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Anatomy and Physiology: Practice Test
A and P II Chapter 24 practice test 1. Which of the next digestive kingdoms is responsible for the propulsion of significants into the gullet? response throat 2. The active affect that occurs when materials enter the digestive packet via the mouth is practise ingestion 3. Sympathetic stimulation of the muscularis externa bring ups rootant role muscular inhibition and relaxation 4. Which of the interest statements just about peritonitis is put on? manage It leads to inflammation of the digestive mucous membrane. 5.Which of the fol down in the mouthing major levels of the digestive piece of ground is described as a layer of dense irregular co-occurrence wind filled with cable vessels and the plexus of Meissner? solve submucosa 6. Strong condensations of the locomote and transversal colon moving the table of contents of the colon toward the sigmoid colon ar called serve up visual modality vermiculation 7. Which of the hobby(a) salivary glands eat salivar y amylase, a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme? behave 1. parotid glands 2. sublingual glands 8. Which of the following is non a retard of saliva? do initial digestion of proteins 9. The cardinal pairs of salivary glands that entomb into the unwritten enclosed space embarrass respond parotid, sublingual, and submandibular 10. Crushing, mashing, and grinding of diet ar best accomplished by the action of the execute bicuspids 11. The deuce-ace conformations of deglutition ar Answer buccal, pharyngeal consonant, and esophageal 12. On its way to the defile, forage normally gapes by means of the Answer orothroat and laryngopharynx 13. The pharyngeal vigors that push the regimen bolus toward the esophagus argon the Answer pharyngeal constrictor muscles 14.Solid nutrient and liquids argon carried from the pharyngeal region to the comport by the Answer laryngopharynx 15. The inferior block of the esophagus normally remains in a state of active con packageion that Ans wer prevents the back lessen of materials from the tum into the esophagus 16. The con piece of landions of the accept ar hold by Answer secretin 17. Which of the following is coverd by the stomach? Answer gastrin 18. The comp championnt part of the atomic bowel that contains the Brunner glands is the Answer duodenum 19. An enzyme non demonstrate in pancreatic juice is Answer disaccharidase 20.Bile incoming the gall bladder must pass through the Answer cystic duct 21. The hormone that promotes the flow of rancour and of pancreatic juice containing enzymes is Answer cholecystokinin 22. The longitudinal ribbon of smooth muscle visible on the outer surfaces of the colon just beneath the serous membrane atomic number 18 the Answer taenia coli 23. The vermiform appendix is dominated by what example of lymphatic structures in the mucosa and submucosa? Answer lymphoid nodules 24. The vitamins change state by bacteriuml action and thoughtless in the epic catgut are Answer biotin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin K 25.Which of the following organic nutrients are non imprisoned by capillaries in the enteral villi? Answer lipides 26. The nutrients that can be absorbed without preliminary processing nevertheless may involve special(a) transport mechanisms are Answer irrigate, electrolytes, and vitamins 27. The enzyme lactase, which digests milk net to glucose and galactose, is synthesized by Answer the stomach 28. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach consorts primarily to Answer press forward lipid digestion 29. The enteral epithelium absorbs monosaccharides by Answer facilitated diffusion and cotransport mechanisms 30.When ii changefuls are separated by a selectively permeable membrane, peeing tends to flow into the solution that has the Answer higher concentration of solutes 31. An error in s environowing could c bearly likely be detected by the Answer larynx 32. many visceral smooth muscle networks show rhythmic cycles of activity in the abs ence of neural stimulation due to the presence of Answer cardiac pacemaker cellphones that spontaneously depolarize and trigger contraction of entire muscular sheets 33. The campaign a completely dry food bolus can non be swallowed is Answer clash with the walls of the esophagus makes vermiculation ineffective 34.Gastric glands, which produce most of the stomachal juice, are abundant in which of the following regions of the stomach? Answer A and B. a. fundus. b. torso 35. The two promoters that play an important part in the transaction of chyme from the stomach to the down(p) bowel are Answer stomach distention and gastrin difference 36. The plicae of the intestinal mucosa, which bears the intestinal villi, are structural features that essence for Answer change magnituded total surface area for submergence 37. The enteroendocrine cells of the intestinal crypts are responsible for producing the intestinal hormones Answer cholecystokinin and secretin 8. Villikinin, m otilin, and somatostatin are produced in the Answer half-size gut 39. The elemental social occasion(s) of the gastrointestinal juice is (are) to Answer all of the above. a. moisten the chyme. b. assist in buffering acids. c. dissolve digestive enzymes and products of digestion 40. An immediate increase in the rates of glandular secernment and peristaltic activity in all segments of the elegant intestine are a result of the Answer gastroenteric physiological decide 41. The firsthand effect of secretin is to cause a(n) Answer increase in discrimination of peeing and buffers by the pancreas and the liver 42.The peptide hormone that causes the submit of insulin from the pancreatic islets is Answer GIP 43. How does the mucosa of the rectum compare with that of the colon and cecum? Answer The colon and cecum are lined with a simple columnar epithelium for intentness, whereas the rectum is lined with stratified squamous epithelium because it is next to an opening to the ext erior. 44. The muscular sphincter that guards the entrance mingled with the ileum and the cecum is the Answer ileocecal valve 45. Which produces the least number of contractions to force food through the digestive tract on a daily basis?Answer large intestine 46. The average composition of the fecal waste material is Answer 75% water 5% bacteria 20% heavy materials, inorganic publication, and epithelial remains 47. The hormone gastrin Answer increases the activity of parietal and chief cells 48. The two irrefutable feedback loops involved in the shitting reflex are Answer stretch receptors in rectal walls, and the sacral parasympathetic nervous body brass 49. The doorway to the liver (porta hepatis) is a Byzantine that includes the Answer gall duct, liverwort portal vein, and liverwort artery 50.Triglycerides coated with proteins create a complex know as a Answer chylomicron End of chapter doubtfulnesss 1. The enzymatic division of large molecules into their basic build ing blocks is called (d) chemic digestion. 2. The outer layer of the digestive tract is known as the (a) serosa. 3. Double sheets of peritoneum that provide support and st world power for the variety meat of the peritoneal endocarp are the (d)mesenteries. 4. A branch of the portal vein, liverwort artery, and tributary of the bile duct form (c)a portal area. 5. Label the digestive system structures in the following figure. a) oral cavity, teeth, tongue (b) liver (c) gallbladder (d) pancreas (e) large intestine (f) salivary glands (g) pharynx (h) esophagus (i) stomach (j) modest intestine (k) anus 6. Label the intravenous feeding layers of the digestive tract in the following figure. (a) mucosa (b) submucosa (c) muscularis externa (d) serosa 7. Most of the digestive tract is lined by ___________ epithelium. e. simple columnar. 8. Regional ordain the axements that occur in the petty(a) intestine and figure out to churn and fragment the digestive material are called (a. ) pa rtitioning. 9.Bile release from the gallbladder into the duodenum occurs only under the stimulation of (a. )cholecystokinin. 10. Label the three segments of the pocketable intestine in the following figure. (a) duodenum (b) jejunum (c) ileum. 11. The major function(s) of the large intestine is (are) (a. )re immersion of water and compaction of feces. (b. ) absorption of vitamins emancipated by bacterial action. (c. )storage of fecal material former to defecation. (d. )a, b, and c. 12. Vitamins generated by bacteria in the colon are (c)vitamin K, biotin, and pantothenic acid. 13.The final enzymatic steps in the digestive process are accomplished by (a. ) brush b pronounce enzymes of the microvilli. 14. What are the six steps of digestion? Digestion involves (1. ) ingestion (2. ) robotic processing (3. ) secretion (4. ) digestion (conversion into a form usable by cells) (5. ) absorption and (6. ) excretion. 15. Name and describe the layers of the digestive tract, proceeding from th e innermost layer to the outmost layer. Layers of the digestive tract are (1. ) the mucosa the epithelial layer that comes chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients (2. the submucosa the connective tissue layer containing lymphatic and blood vessels and the submucosal steel plexus (3. ) the muscularis externa the smooth muscle layer containing the myenteric nerve plexus and (4. ) the serosa the outermost layer, epithelium and connective tissue that forms the visceral peritoneum (or connective tissue that forms the adventitia). 16. What three basic mechanisms regulate the activities of the digestive tract? Activities of the digestive tract are regulated by neural, hormonal, and local mechanisms. 17.What are the three frames of swallowing, and how are they controlled? The three var.s of swallowingthe buccal, pharyngeal, and esophageal phasesare controlled by the swallowing center of the medulla oblongata via the trigeminal nerve and glossopharyngeal cranial nerves. The f orce back commands originating at the swallowing center are distributed by cranial nerves V, IX, X, and XII. Along the esophagus, firsthand peristaltic contractions are coordinated by afferent and efferent fibers within the glossopharyngeal and vagus cranial nerves, but secondary peristaltic contractions occur in the absence of systema nervosum centrale instructions. 8. What are the primary digestive functions of the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder? The pancreas provides digestive enzymes, plus bicarbonate ions that pinch the pH of the chyme. The liver produces bile and is also the primary organ involved in regulating the composition of circulating blood. The gallbladder stores and releases bile, which contains additional buffers and bile salts that facilitate the digestion and absorption of lipids. 19. Which hormones produced by duodenal enteroendocrine cells effectively coordinate digestive functions?The hormones include the following enterocrinin, which stimulates the submucos al glands of the duodenum secretin, which stimulates the pancreas and liver to increase the secretion of water and bicarbonate ions cholecystokinin (CCK), which causes an increase in the release of pancreatic secretions and bile into the duodenum, inhibits gastric activity, and appears to have CNS effects that reduce the sensation of hunger gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), which stimulates insulin release at pancreatic islets and the activity of the duodenal submucosal glands vasoactive ntestinal peptide (VIP), which stimulates the secretion of intestinal glands, dilates regional capillaries, and inhibits acid production in the stomach gastrin, which is secreted by G cells in the duodenum when they are candid to large quantities of incompletely digested proteins and, in smooth quantities, motilin, which stimulates intestinal contractions, villikinin, which promotes the movement of villi and associated lymph flow, and somatostatin, which inhibits gastric secretion. 20.What are the three primary functions of the large intestine? The large intestine reabsorbs water and compacts the intestinal contents into feces, absorbs important vitamins liberated by bacterial action, and stores fecal material prior to defecation. 21. What two positive feedback loops are involved in the defecation reflex? Positive feedback loops in the defecation reflex involve (1. ) stretch receptors in the rectal walls, which promote a serial of peristaltic contractions in the colon and rectum, moving feces toward the anus and (2. the sacral parasympathetic system, also exploded by the stretch receptors, which stimulates peristalsis via motor commands distributed by the pelvic nerves. 22. During defecation, (a. )stretch receptors in the rectal wall initiate a series of peristaltic contractions in the colon and rectum. (b. )stretch receptors in the rectal wall activate parasympathetic centers in the sacral region of the spinal cord. (e. )only a and b occur. 23. Increased parasympathetic s timulation of the intestine would result in (e. )none of these. 24. A drop in pH below 4. 5 in the duodenum stimulates the secretion of (a)secretin. 5. Through which layers of a molar would an oral surgeon drill to perform a root canal (removal of the alveolar nerve in a severely damaged tooth)? A root canal involves drilling through the enamel and the dentin. 26. How is the epithelium of the stomach protected from digestion? The stomach is protected from digestion by mucous secretions of its epithelial lining and by neural and hormonal control over the times and rates of acid secretion. 27. How does each of the three phases of gastric secretion promote and facilitate gastric control? (1. ) The cephalic phase of gastric secretion egins with the sight or thought of food. Directed by the CNS, this phase prepares the stomach to perk up food. (2. ) The gastric phase begins with the arrival of food in the stomach this phase is initiated by distension of the stomach, an increase in the p H of the gastric contents, and the presence of undigested materials in the stomach. (3. ) The intestinal phase begins when chyme starts to enter the belittled intestine. This phase controls the rate of gastric emptying and ensures that the secretory, digestive, and miry functions of the menial intestine can proceed reasonably in force(p)ly. 8. Nutritionists have free-base that after a heavy meal, the pH of blood increases slightly, especially in the veins that carry blood away from the stomach. What causes this postenteric alkaline tide? After a heavy meal, bicarbonate ions pass from the parietal cells of the stomach into the extracellular liquid, do the pH of the extracellular fluid to rise. As the extracellular fluid exchanges ions with the blood, the blood pH also increases. 29. Some people with gallstones develop pancreatitis. How could this occur?If a gallstone is small enough, it can pass through the common bile duct and block the pancreatic duct. Enzymes from the panc reas then can non reach the small intestine. As the enzymes accumulate, they irritate the duct and ultimately the exocrine gland pancreas, producing pancreatitis. 30. Harry is suffering from an hindrance in his colon. He notices that when he urinates, the color of his urine is much darker than normal, and he wonders if there is any relationship mingled with the color of his urine and his intestinal obstruction. What would you tell him?The darker color of his urine is probably due to increased amounts of the blusher urobilin, which gives urine its normal yellow color. Urobilin is derived from urobilinogen, which is form in the large intestine by the action of intestinal bacteria on bile pigments. In an intestinal obstruction, the bile pigments cannot be eliminated by their normal route, so a large-than-normal amount diffuses into the blood, where it is eliminated by the kidneys. 31. A destine known as lactose intolerance is characterized by painful abdominal cramping, gas, and diarrhea.The cause of the problem is an unfitness to digest the milk dirty money, lactose. How would this cause the observed signs and symptoms? If an individual cannot digest lactose, this sugar passes into the large intestine in an undigested form. The presence of extra sugar in the chyme increases its osmolarity, so less water is reabsorbed by the intestinal mucosa. The bacteria that inhabit the large intestine can metabolize the lactose, and in the process they produce large amounts of carbon dioxide.This gas overstretches the intestine, which stimulates local reflexes that increase peristalsis. The crew of more-fluid contents and increased peristalsis causes diarrhea. The over involution of the intestine by gas, which is directly cogitate to increased gas production by the bacteria, causes the severe pain and abdominal cramping. 32. Recently, more people have turned to surgical operation to help them lose weight. One form of weight control surgery involves stapling a tidy sum of the stomach shut, creating a smaller volume. How would much(prenominal) a surgery result in weight loss?The primary effect of such surgeries would be a reduction in the volume of food (and thus in the amount of calories) consumed because the someone feels full after eating a small amount. This can result in significant weight loss. CheckPoints pageboy 882 1. happen upon the organs of the digestive system. Organs of the digestive system include the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and improver organs (salivary glands, liver, and pancreas). 2. List and define the six primary functions of the digestive system.The six primary functions of the digestive system include the following (1) ingestion = consciously eating food (2) mechanical processing = annihilative and shearing foodstuffs to make them more susceptible to enzymatic attack (3) digestion = the chemical breakdown of food into smaller products for absorption (4) secretion = the release of water, acids, and an opposite(prenominal) substances by the epithelium of the digestive tract and by glandular organs (5) absorption = movement of digested particles across the digestive epithelium and into the interstitial fluid of the digestive tract and (6) excretion = the removal of waste products from the body. . What is the importance of the mesenteries? The mesenteriessheets consisting of two layers of serous membrane separated by loose connective tissuesupport and stabilize the organs in the abdominopelvic cavity and provide a route for the associated blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels. 4. Name the layers of the gastrointestinal tract from picayune to dusky. The layers of the gastrointestinal tract, from superficial to deep, are the serosa, muscularis externa, submucosa, and mucosa (adjacent to the lumen). 5.Which is more efficient in propelling intestinal contents from one place to another peristalsis or naval division? The waves of contractions that constitute per istalsis are more efficient in propelling intestinal contents than segmentation, which is basically a roiling action that mixes intestinal contents with digestive fluids. 6. What effect would a medicate that blocks parasympathetic stimulation of the digestive tract have on peristalsis? A drug that blocks parasympathetic stimulation, which increases muscle tone and activity in the digestive tract, would slow peristalsis. Page 888 7.Name the structures associated with the oral cavity. Structures associated with the oral cavity include the tongue, salivary glands, and teeth. 8. Which causa of epithelium lines the oral cavity? The oral cavity is lined by a stratified squamous epithelium, which provides protection against rubbing or abrasion by foodstuffs. 9. The digestion of which nutrient would be affected by damage to the parotid salivary glands? Damage to the parotid salivary glands, which secrete the carbohydrate-digesting enzyme salivary amylase, would interfere with the digest ion of complex carbohydrates. 10.Which type of tooth is most useful for chopping despatch bits of relatively rigid foods? The incisors are the teeth best suited for chopping (or vinegarish or shearing) pieces of relatively rigid food, such as raw vegetables. 11. Where merely in the human body is the fauces? The fauces is the dividing line between the oral cavity and the pharynx. 12. Describe the structure and function of the pharynx. The pharynx is an anatomical space that receives a food bolus or liquids and passes them to the esophagus as part of the swallowing process. 13. Identify the muscles associated with the pharynx.Muscles associated with the pharynx are pharyngeal constrictor muscles, the palatopharyngeus and stylopharyngeus muscles, and palatal muscles. Page 890 14. Name the structure connecting the pharynx to the stomach. The structure connecting the pharynx to the stomach is the esophagus. 15. Compared to other segments of the digestive tract, what is unusual about t he muscularis externa of the esophagus? The muscularis externa of the esophagus is an unusual segment of the digestive tract because it (1) contains boney muscle cells along most of the length of the esophagus and (2) is surrounded by an adventitia rather than a serosa. 6. What is occurring when the well-to-do palate and larynx elevate and the glottis closes? When the soft palate and larynx elevate and the glottis closes, swallowing (deglutition) is occurring. Page 897 17. Name the four major regions of the stomach. The four regions of the stomach are the cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus. 18. Discuss the significance of the low pH in the stomach. The low pH of the stomach creates an acidic purlieu that kills most microbes ingested with food, denatures proteins and inactivates most enzymes in food, helps break down plant cell walls and meat connective tissue, and activates pepsin. 9. How does a large meal affect the pH of blood leaving the stomach? Large (especially protein-conta ining) meals stimulate increased stomach acid secretion. Because the hydrogen ions of stomach acid come from blood entering the stomach, blood leaving the stomach leave alone have someer hydrogen ions and thus a higher pH. This phenomenon is referred to as the alkaline tide. 20. When a person suffers from chronic gastric ulcers, the branches of the vagus nerves that serve the stomach are sometimes cut in an attempt to provide relief. Why strength this be an effective treatment?The vagus nerves contain parasympathetic motor fibers that can stimulate gastric secretions, even if food is not present in the stomach (the cephalic phase of gastric digestion). black the branches of the vagus nerves that supply the stomach would prevent this type of secretion from occurring and thereby reduce the likelihood of ulcer formation. Page 910 21. Name the three regions of the small intestine from proximal to distal. The three regions of the small intestine are the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. 22. How is the small intestine adapted for the absorption of nutrients?The small intestine has some(prenominal) adaptations that increase its surface area and thus its absorptive capacity. The walls of the small intestine are thrown and twisted into folds, the plicae circulares. The tissue that covers the plicae circulares forms fingerlike projections, the villi. The cells that cover the villi have an exposed surface covered by small fingerlike projections, the microvilli. In addition, the small intestine has a very rich supply of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, which transport the nutrients that are absorbed. 23. Does a high-fat meal raise or dismantle the take of cholecystokinin in the blood?A high-fat meal would raise the cholecystokinin level in the blood. 24. How would the pH of the intestinal contents be affected if the small intestine did not produce secretin? The hormone secretin, among other things, stimulates the pancreas to release fluid high in buffers to neutra lize the chyme that enters the duodenum from the stomach. If the small intestine did not secrete secretin, the pH of the intestinal contents would be lower than normal. 25. The digestion of which nutrient would be most impaired by damage to the exocrine pancreas?Damage to the exocrine pancreas would most impair the digestion of fats (lipids), because it is the primary source of lipases. Even though such damage would also reduce carbohydrate and protein digestion, enzymes for digesting these nutrients are produced by other digestive system structures, including the salivary glands (carbohydrates), the small intestine (carbohydrates and proteins), and the stomach (proteins). Page 916 26. Identify the four regions of the colon. The four regions of the colon are the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. 27.What are some major histological differences between the large intestine and the small intestine? The large intestine is larger in diameter than the small intestine, but its relatively thin wall lacks villi and has an abundance of mucous cells and intestinal glands. 28. Differentiate between haustral churning and mass movements. In mass movements, which occur a few times per daylight throughout the transverse colon and the distal messs of the large intestine, strong peristaltic contractions move material along the length of the colon. In haustral churning, segmentation movements mix the contents of adjacent haustra.Page 921 29. What kinds of nutrients does the body require? Nutrients ask by the body are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. 30. What component of food would increase the number of chylomicrons in the lacteals? Because chylomicrons are formed from the fats digested in a meal, fats increase the number of chylomicrons in the lacteals. 31. The absorption of which vitamin would be impaired by the removal of the stomach? Removal of the stomach would interfere with the absorption of vitamin B 12, a process that requires inherent factor, produced by the parietal cells of the stomach. 2. Why is it that diarrhea is potentially life threatening, but constipation is not? When an individual with diarrhea loses fluid and electrolytes faster than they can be replaced, the resulting vapour can be fatal. Although constipation can be quite uncomfortable, it does not interfere with any life-supporting processes the few toxic waste products normally eliminated by the digestive system can move into the blood and be eliminated by the kidneys. Page 922 33. Identify general digestive system changes that occur with aging. oecumenical age-related digestive system changes include decreased secretory mechanisms, decreased gastric and intestinal motility, decreased mitotic activity of epithelial cells, and loss of tone accumulative damage becomes more apparent, cancer rates increase, and dehydration occurs as a result of decreased osmoreceptor sensitivity. 34. Identify the functional relati onships between the digestive system and other body systems. The digestive system absorbs the organic substrates, vitamins, ions, and water required by cells of all other body systems. 35. What body systems may be affected by inadequate calcium absorption?The skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems may all be affected by inadequate absorption of calcium. redirect examination Questions Labeling 1. Label the following histological structures of the digestive tract from the image of the small intestine section. 1. 1 myenteric plexus D. 1. 2 submucosal gland A. 1. 3mucosa B. 1. 4serosa (visceral peritoneum) E. 1. 5 submucosa F. 1. 6muscularis externa C. 2. tick the terms with the appropriate regions and structures of the stomach. 2. 1 fundus D. 2. 2 oblique muscle layer overlying mucosa E. 2. 3circular muscle layer B. 2. 4cardia C. 2. rugae F. 2. 6pyloric sphincter A. 3. Correctly equate the terms with the appropriate structures of the liver lobule. 3. 1 ce ntral vein B. 3. 2 hepatocytes A. 3. 3 bile duct F. 3. 4 bile canaliculi E. 3. 5sinusoid C. 3. 6Kupffer cells D. Matching 1. displace the following structures involved in bile transport in the proper order, from the liver to the gallbladder and on to the small intestine, by matching them (1) through (6) Bile canaliculi Bile ductules Right and left hepatic ducts Common hepatic ducts Cystic duct Common bile duct 2. Match the following cells and glands with their right-hand(a) products 2. Parietal cell HCl 2. 2Chief cell . Pepsinogen 2. 3G cells Gastrin 2. 4Intestinal glands Cholecystokinin 2. 5Brunner glands Urogastrone 3. Match the following substrates and products with the enzyme that catalyzes the reaction 3. 1 Proteins to short-chain polypeptides . Pepsin 3. 2Dipeptides and tripeptides to amino acids Exopeptidase 3. 3 turn inpsinogen to trypsin Enterokinase 3. 4A disaccharide to monosaccharides . Lactase 4. Match the following intestinal hormones to their correct functions 4. 1 Gastrin . This stimulates of increased motility in the stomach and the production of acids and enzymes. . 2Gastric inhibitory peptide . Secreted when fats and especially glucose enters the intestine, this enzyme triggers the release of insulin at the pancreas. 4. 3Cholecystokinin This is secreted when chyme is rich in lipids and partially digested proteins. It triggers the opening of the hepatopancreatic sphincter. 4. 4 Enterocrinin . This is released when chyme enters the small intestine and it stimulates mucin production. 5. Match the organ of the digestive system with its function 5. 1Mastication of food . Teeth 5. 2Carries solid foods and liquids to the stomach . Esophagus . 3Bulk storage of ingested food, chemical and mechanical breakdown of ingested food, and production of the intrinsic factor . Stomach 5. 4Digestion and absorption of nutrients . Small intestine 5. 5Reabsorption of water, absorption of important vitamins, and storage of fecal amour . Large intestine 5. 6 Temp orary storage of fecal matter . Rectum Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following is a function of the digestive tract? Answer a. Ingestion b. Digestion c. Excretion d. Absorption 2. From the outside in, the correct order of the layers of the digestive tract is Answer erosa, muscularis externa, submucosa, mucosa. 3. The movements of the muscularis externa are coordinated by the Answer myenteric plexus. 4. Waves of smooth muscle contraction that propel materials along the digestive tract are called Answer peristalsis. 5. The mesentery that hangs like an apron from the lateral and inferior portion of the stomach is the Answer greater omentum. 6. The lingual frenulum Answer a. connects the tongue to the underprice of the oral cavity. b. is a thin fold of mucous membrane. c. may make to be cut if the condition of ankyloglossia exists. 7. Incisors are used for Answer lipping or cutting. 8. The mucosa and submucosa of the esophagus are folded for Answer to allow the expansion of the esop hagus during the passage of a large bolus. 9. Which of the following is a function of the stomach? Answer a. Mechanical breakdown of food b. Production of intrinsic factor 10. Chief cells secrete Answer pepsinogen. 11. When the stomach is empty, the mucosa is thrown into folds called Answer rugae. 12. When you walk into a Mexican restaurant and smell the blue aroma of fajitas, which phase of gastric activity is triggered? Answer Cephalic phase 13. Peyer patches Answer re lymphoid nodules located in the ileum. 14. The wall of the small intestine bears a series of folds called the Answer plicae circulares. 15. The duodenum differs from the rest of the small intestine in that its submucosa contains many __________ that secrete mucus. Answer Brunner glands 16. The gastroenteric reflex stimulates motility Answer along the entire length of the small intestine. 17. Sympathetic stimulation Answer inhibits submucosal glands. 18. Concentrated crystals of minerals and salts in the gallbladder produce Answer a condition called cholelithiasis. 19. Pancreatic juice isAnswer alkaline. 20. Which of the following is not a function of the liver? Answer Immunologic regulation 21. Liver cells, or hepatocytes, receive blood from the Answer a)hepatic artery. b)hepatic portal vein. 22. Bile acts as a(n) Answer emulsifier. 23. The defecation reflex Answer a. involves long and short reflexes. b. involves two positive feedback loops. 24. The large intestine absorbs which of the following vitamins from colonic bacteria? Answer a. Biotin b. Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid c. Vitamin K 25. Fat-soluble vitamins move across the intestinal mucosa by Answer iffusion. True and off-key 1. The pharynx belongs to both the respiratory and digestive systems. Answer True As air is inhaled it passes through the pharynx into the trachea, and as food is swallowed it passes through the pharynx into the esophagus. 2. Cuspids are cutting or time teeth. Answer False Incisors are cutting or clipping teeth . 3. A drop in the pH of the chyme coming from the stomach triggers the release of CCK. Answer False CCK is a hormone released when chyme is full of fatty acids and triglycerides. 4. The haustra are formed by contraction of the taenia coli.Answer True Expansion and extension of the colon is accomplished by haustra how do the haustra expand and elongate? 5. The region of the tooth between the crown and the root is called the gingival space. Answer False The gingival space is between the gum and the tooth. Fill In the Blank 1. The muscularis externa propels materials from one portion of the digestive tract to the other by a series of wavelike contractions called peristalsis, while in most areas of the small intestine ___ segmentation _______ movements churn and fragment digestive materials. 2.Pancreatic juice is secreted by units known as pancreatic ____ acini ______. 3. ___ Peptidases _______ are proteolytic enzymes that break small peptide custody into amino acids. 4. The transvers e folds that make up the intestinal lining and provide more surface area for absorption are called __ plicae ________. 5. The glycoprotein __ intrinsic factor ________, necessary for vitamin B12 absorption, is produced in the stomach. Multiple Choice 2 1. The layer of the digestive tract that contains large blood vessels, lymphatics, and a network of nerve fibers called the plexus of Meissner is the Answer ubmucosa. 2. Each of the following products of digestion is taken up by capillaries in the small intestine except one. Identify the exception. Answer Chylomicrons 3. Which of the following statements is irrational concerning the teeth? Answers Dentin, the material that makes up the enamel of the teeth, is a type of spongy bone, thus giving the tooth its hardness. A layer of a material called cementum covers the dentin of the root and attaches the tooth to the periodontal ligament. 4. Which salivary glands produce a loggerheaded serous secretion containing large amounts of saliv ary amylase? Answer Parotid glands . Which type of tooth is conical with a pointed tip and used for tearing and slashing? Answer Cuspids or canines 6. During the pharyngeal phase of deglutition Answer the larynx elevates and the uvula and soft palate block the nasopharynx. 7. Which of the following statements is foolish concerning aging and the digestive system? Answer Dehydration becomes less common as a result of the bodys inability to effectively rid itself of water. 8. Which of the following is not a pancreatic enzyme? Answer Pepsinogen 9. Which of the following statements is false regarding the Kupffer cells of the liver?Answer Kupffer cells have the ability to produce bile. 10. Of the 1,500 mL of material that enters the large intestine on a daily basis, approximately how much water in the material is reabsorbed? Answer 1,200 mL 11. During the defecation reflex Answer parasympathetic centers in the sacral region of the spinal cord stimulate mass movements. 12. Each of the fol lowing is a brush border enzyme except one. Identify the exception. Answer Amylase 13. greasy acids and monoglycerides interact with the bile salts in chyme to form small, lipid-bile salt complexes called Answer micelles. 4. Peyer patches are associated with which region of the intestine? Answer Ileum Peyer patches are aggregates of lymphoid tissue found in the ileum. 15. Treatment for a morbidly obese man includes surgery to reduce the length of his intestine. Which region of the small intestine should be take away to achieve greatest weight loss? Answer Jejunum The jejunum is responsible for the volume of chemical digestion and nutrient absorption. Section 2 Concept Review forthwith lets see what you have learned about Digestion and Absorption. I pass on give you a question and two possible answers.Then I depart pause while you consider the choices and select your answer. After a few seconds, I will give you the correct answer with an explanation. Question 1 Enzymes and buff ers are considered part of which type of digestion? Is it A) mechanical or B) chemical? The answer is B) chemical. Mechanical digestion involves mixing, churning, and chewing. Question 2 What do we call movement of food without direction in the digestive tract? Is it A) peristalsis or B) segmentation? The answer is B) segmentation. Peristalsis is the movement of food forward through the digestive tract. Question 3 Where does major absorption of food substances occur?Is it in A) the stomach or B) the small intestine? The answer is B) the small intestine. approximately all absorption occurs in the small intestine. Question 4 Which type of enzyme digests carbohydrates? Is it A) amylase or B) peptidase? The answer is A) amylase. Peptidase breaks down proteins. Question 5 Which side of the epithelial cells lining the digestive tract faces in towards the lumen? Is it A) apical or B) basal? The answer is A) apical. The basal surface fuses the cells to the deep tissues. Question 6 What is the term for emulsified, digested lipids? Is it A) chylomicrons or B) micelles? The answer is B) micelles.Chylomicrons are cholesterol-fat complexes that have a protein coating. Question 7 Which portion of the small intestine serves as a mixing bowl for substances from the pancreas, liver, and stomach? Is it A) the duodenum or B) the ileum? The answer is A) the duodenum. As the food enters the small intestines, enzymes, buffers, and bile also enter at the duodenum Question 8 In which part of your digestive system is most of the water reabsorbed? Is it A) the colon or B) the small intestine? The answer is B) the small intestine. Up to ninety-five percent of the water entering the digestive tract is absorbed here.Thats the end of this section. Section 3 Rapid Review at present we will do a quick set of review questions on Digestion and Absorption. I will give you a question and then only a couple of seconds to give your answer. After a brief pause, I will give you the correct answer. Lets start with some true or false questions. Question 1 True or false? Bile is produced by the gallbladder. Answer False Question 2 True or False? Once food is digested in the stomach, it is called chyme. Answer True Question 3 A chylomicron is an example of a digested protein. Answer False Okay, now lets try some multiple choice questions. Question 4Which substance is absorbed through the intestinal lining? Is it A) monosaccharides or B) nucleic acids? Answer A) monosaccharides Question 5 What is the term for breaking down lipids? Is it A) lipogenesis or B) emulsification? Answer B) emulsification Great Now lets try some short answer questions. Question 6 Which accessory organ produces amylases, lipases, buffers, and hormones? Answer The pancreas Question 7 Most of the fat absorption occurs in which part of the small intestine? Answer The ileum Question 8 Where does the process of chemical digestion start? Answer In the mouth Thats the end of this section.
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