Monday, September 30, 2019
Write About The Ways In Which Chaucer Presents Chauntecleer’s Dream?
In the Nun's priest's tale, the denizens of the widow's barnyard, in particular Chauntecleer and Pertelote are used to poke fun at very human sorts of behavior. The rooster's dream is significant as it and the discussion that follows takes up much of the tale itself. The focus is not on the action (Chauntecleer's capture by the fox) but on who is correct. Is Chauntecleer's position on dreams correct or is Pertelote's? The extensive discussion of the dream steers the story away from the â€Å"moral†of Chauntecleer's vanity. Chaucer uses numerous diverse techniques in-order to present chauntecleer's dream to the audience; I feel that he presents his dreams very successfully. For instance in the opening line, the use of a discourse marker is extremely effective, ‘and so bifel', it immediately catches the readers attention. ‘Bifel', meaning ‘it happened', and so the audience ask themselves, ‘what happened?' Furthermore, in line 5 and 6, the use of alliteration helps empathize that chauntecleer is somewhat distressed, slightly troubled. For example, ‘gan gronen' and followed, ‘ dreem is drecched'. Several times in the passage, Chaucer refers to religion; he uses the word, ‘God', as part of his sentence or in order to explain something. This highlights that they are significant points in which he is trying to get across. ‘For by that God above', almost means that God is watching at all times. Further down Chaucer creates a sense of imagery, implying that he was almost captured, held in captivity. He does this by involving the words, ‘prisoun' and ‘beest' sequentially to generate tension. When describing what the fox looked like on lines 20-25, you also notice that imagery of colour is put into effect, to stress how influential the animal is. Chaucer chooses very fiery colours to do this. ‘bitwixe yellow and reed'. Once more, Chaucer includes the technique alliteration, when describing the animal, this in a sense signifies his power. ‘Tipped was his tayl' and ‘Snowte Smal'. On the same line, line 24, Chaucer describes the animal in great detail, very insignificant aspects are included. Again a sense of imagery is created for the audience, ‘Glowynge eyen tweye', this is talking about the eyes of the animal. The use of discourse markers on line 27 and 28 brings the passage to a climax as Pertelote implies that Chauntecleer is a coward. ‘Avoy', which is followed by, how could you? You heartless coward! Beneath, is followed by, ‘Allas', in order to take the tension away from the point just brought up. The way Chaucer prevails his dream allows Pertelote to think differently of him, note that Pertelote's indignation at the thought that Chauntecleer might be a coward (and thus unworthy of her love); Chauntecleer's gallant compliments to his â€Å"lady†and statements concerning the effect of her beauty upon him; his references to the physical side of their passion. All the way through the tale Chaucer perceives the chickens as humans, and he continues to do this in his description of the dream. ‘To han housbondes hardy, wise and free'. This is basically indicating that they are husband and wife almost. But in fact they are just rooster and hen, which are made out to be more than that. In a sense mock-heroic by where Chaucer is exaggerating extensively. When talking about the fox, Chaucer uses the technique, rhetoric, which is the clever use of language which I have already touched upon, for example when describing his eyes the use of language is so complicated yet it is describing something very simple. Overall I feel that Chaucer have been very effective in presenting Chauntecleer's dream to the audience, this is only been helped in the techniques that he has included. Personally he interacts very well with the audience because of the way he makes out the two to be elderly humans instead of a rooster and a hen.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
ESP Course at Technical Secondary Vocational School for Construction and Building Trade students Essay
The paper is about ESP course in technical secondary school to construct the trade students. The paper first discuses the meaning of ESP and then tells about its characteristics. It discusses the role of English as a trade and finance language globally and then further narrates the various steps that are being taken by various countries’ governments to promote English for Specific Purposes programs for its workforce. The paper reflects that these governments understand the importance of introducing ESP courses at secondary level so that their people can comfortable choose the vocational field of their own choice. This paper offers a research of made efforts especially by Asian countries. There are three reasons for the emergence of ESP (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001): i) The revolution in linguistics; ii) The demands of a Brave New World and iii) Focus on the learner ESP has some following characteristics (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001): †¢ ESP is to fulfill some particular requirements of the learner. †¢ ESP includes grammar, lexis, skills and varieties of activities. †¢ ESP can have some particular disciplines. †¢ ESP is mainly planned for intermediate or advanced students. †¢ ESP is planned for adult learners who can be at secondary level also that is in a professional work situation. According to Dudley Evans and St. John (1998), there are five major roles for an ESP practitioner: i) course designer; ii) teacher; iii) researcher; iv) collaborator and v) evaluator (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001). David Carter has categorized ESP in three parts (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001): †¢ English with some particular topics †¢ English for Occupational and Academic Purposes both †¢ English as a Restricted Language English with some particular topics transfer from purpose to topics and it is generally used by the scientists. Hutchinson and Waters have made three divisions of English for Occupational and Academic Purposes: a) English for Business and Economics that is EBE; b) English for Science and Technology that is EST; c) English for Social Studies that is ESS. English as a Restricted Language is used by traffic controllers and by waiters (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001). According to Carter (1983) ESP courses have three common features (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001): †¢ Authentic Material †¢ Purpose Related Orientation †¢ Self-Direction Dudley Evans (1997) has argued that ESP should be recommended at secondary or intermediate level. His argument was that at this stage authentic leaning material is very practical that can be modified and unmodified in form which makes it ESP’s main characteristic. It emphasizes on self directed study and research tasks. Most of the students were evaluated on the basis of independent study assignments for doing language preparation for Employment in Health Sciences where the learners needed to make researches and they had to show their area of interest. The students were motivated to make researches by using various kinds of resources including internet (Kristen Gatehouse, 2001). In the 21st century the function of English has become as the language of trade, technology and finance. This language is bonding the rest of the business world for international trade and economic development. The children who belong to this globalize age, it has become necessary for them to get hold of the communication abilities in English as a business and trade language (Dorothea C. Lazaro and Erlinda M. Medalla, 2004). As ESP program is spreading in various countries on different levels, in Czechoslovakia it began in 1991 that aimed to promote the teaching of ESP in the Technical Universities and their allied institutions (Serena Yeo, 1995). Presently the aim of the course is almost same but there are some changes to use it at some broader aspect to make it more influential. It aims to increase the confidence of teachers at secondary level. Various kinds of seminars are conducted by the advisors for the university lecturers and ESP teachers of vocational and specialist secondary schools (Serena Yeo, 1995). In many developing countries of Asia, the altering demands of the labor force are daring the utility of traditional schooling and university education. People want the assurance the skills and the language learned at school will help them professionally. In Japan, ESP is being widely recognized and ESP training programs are being given importance. The main idea is to motivate the students by improving their communication skills which later help them to adopt the professional field of their choice. China is also vigorously executing English proficiency training programs to motivate its people. ESP courses are being introduced at secondary level. In Taiwan, English has become compulsory subject at junior and senior levels in schools. Hong Kong is also following the same trend (Dorothea C. Lazaro and Erlinda M. Medalla, 2004). Now there is a hope that these motivations on various levels in many countries can have a bright future for ESP that is being understood a major effort to build the future of students professionally or vocational level. For making it more successful the role of teacher is also being assumed very significant. So it can be observed that the teaching of ESP at vocational level is very much demanding everywhere in schools.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Jesus, Son of God Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jesus, Son of God - Research Paper Example He is also believed to have risen from the dead three days after being crucified. In the course of his life, Jesus is said to have performed many miracles. The nature of Jesus has however been severally questioned by those opposed to the Christian religion. As a religion, Christianity was initially founded on the principles of Judaism. God is said to have had a covenant with the people of Israel. The covenant had a declaration that he would send them the messiah who would bless not only the Israelites but the entire world. This was after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. The Old Testament contains over 100 prophesies that make reference to the coming of the messiah and give the qualities that the messiah would have. The prophesies that are found in the Old Testament also predict the place and the circumstances under which the messiah would be born. The prophesies also give the characteristics that the messiah would have that would set him aside from the rest of the population an d from the rest of the prophet. Jesus is said to have fulfilled all these prophesies and is therefore believed to be the messiah who would save mankind. He (Jesus) was for example conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is also said to have been born of a virgin (Darst 4). The title of Son of God comes from the fact that Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. ... Another reference can be found in the book of Mark 3:11 where after casting out demons, the demons bow to Jesus and refer to him as the Son of God. Jesus also referred to himself as the Son of God. He refers to God as his father. These assertions begin at an early age in Jesus’ life when his parents find him in the temple and he refers to it as his father’s house (Luke 23:49). Jesus also did not object to any reference to himself as the Son of God (Hurtado 20). The nature of the mission of Jesus is said to have been two fold. In the first place, he had to take the form of man, and live like a man so that he could teach people about the nature of salvation. His human form was despite having a divine nature in that he was the son of God sent for the redemption of man. Jesus was also to pay the ultimate price for the sins of man despite the fact that his divine nature allowed him to be free of sin. He paid this price when he was crucified and died on the cross. Because he was the son of God, he rose from the dead. This provides the basis upon which Christianity is built (McGrath 1). The teachings of Jesus were different from those that the earlier prophets and the priests preached. While the norm was for the priests and those responsible for teaching religion was to emphasize on the following of the set rules and religious ceremonies. Jesus however asserted that the mere obedience of the laws did not make one holy. Instead, he preached one love for God and love for other people as the most important commandment. Love for God and love for fellow men is therefore one of the most basic and fundamental principles of the Christian religion. As a human being, Jesus spent his life travelling with his disciples and teaching a message of peace and salvation. He also called
Friday, September 27, 2019
Hematology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hematology - Research Paper Example s anemia- This is a pathological condition associated with a decrease in the number of erythrocytes due to the insufficiency of vitamin B12, which in turn results in the reduced production of erythrocytes. How do malabsorptive disorders contribute to the development of anemias- Malabsorption disorders are also involved in the pathogenesis of anemia due to decrease or faulty production of red blood cells. An example is Iron deficiency anemia, whereby disruption of absorption in the duodenum may lead to a decrease in hemoglobin production as this mineral is necessary for this procedure. This in turn will result in decreased Hb levels and anemia. Abosorbtive disorders may also disrupt the uptake of folate and vitamin B12 which are both necessary for erythropoiesis. What is â€Å"anemia of chronic disease†- Anemia of chronic disease refers to any long term disease leading to inflammatory, malignant or infectious processes that reduce both erythropoietin and Iron levels. In addition these diseases reduce the lifespan of erythrocytes. Examples of such pathologies include severe trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus and heart disease. What are some of the lab tests used to evaluate anemia of chronic disease- Lab tests used to evaluate anemia of chronic disease include Iron panel, serum folic acid and vitamin B12, serum AST and ALT, levels of TSH, electrophoretic studies of urine and serum and serum levels of metals such as arsenic and lead. 1. Iron deficiency anemia-This is anemia due to faulty or decreased erythropiesis. The body has insufficient Iron, hence cannot synthesize hemoglobin. This anemia is often normocytic or microcytic and is also hypochromic. Symptoms include pallor, fatigue, loss appetite, irritability. 2. B-12 deficiency- This leads to megaloblastic anemia. And is often associated with loss of gastric cells unlike Iron deficiency which involves disorders of the duodenum. This type of anemia is macrocytic. The main distinguishing sign of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Nobel Peace Prize laureate - Essay Example In between he served briefly as Prime minister in the year 1973 – 74. This Nobel Prize held a lot of significance to the person receiving it. It is the highest honor for any individual to be recognized for their sincere and selfless efforts taken towards acquiring peace and stability for their country and countrymen. It was Alfred Nobel’s wish that the Peace Prize should be awarded to those noble people who strived hard for brotherhood and peace, sometimes even at the cost of their own lives, as happened to Muhamed Anwar Al Sadat. The Nobel Peace Prize of 1978 was given as a joint award to the Israeli Prime minister Menachen Begin and Muhamed Anwar Al Sadat for their courage in bringing peace to their countries in the face of adversity. The Middle East, for the last thirty years has been torn and ravaged with the scars of so many different wars and was badly in need of peace as well as a strong reconstruction program to help it to its feet once again. This noble deed came in the guise of the President of Egypt, Muhamed Sadat who exerted a lot of effort on the peace front. The Egyptian government was deep in debt and hence was forced to sell its interests to the British Government and linked the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal. These resources were then utilized by the British and the French to lay the foundation for a strong political control over Egypt and its affairs. He completed his education at the Military College. In Egypt and soon after his graduation, he was posted at a distant out post by the government authorities. It was during this time that he met a person called Gamal Abdel Nasser and began a long political association with him, which finally led to his presidency. This out post served as the culmination point of revolutionaries like himself who were determined to overthrow the British rule. Sadat went to jail a couple of times
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Power of Sina Weibo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Power of Sina Weibo - Essay Example The Sina Weibo case in China is just one example of how popular social media celebrities exert influence on their followers and how this can have detrimental impact on the government in terms of policy changes. Charles Xue more commonly known by his Sina Weibo screen name Xue Manzi confessed to having made mistakes pertaining to his online posts on the social network (Zhai 2013, n.pag.). Xue confessed to his crimes as a micro blogger on Sina Weibo where he presumably spread rumors (Custer 2013, n.pag.). A charge was filed against Xue along with other micro bloggers. However, Xue has set himself apart and is acting as an example to admit to his blogging crimes thereby helping the government to regulate the internet. At first, this might seem quite trivial however the impact of social networks on a country’s interest and government policies cannot be undermined. According to Shirky, the internet and social media is a place of varied players including citizens, activists, NGOs (N on Governmental Organizations), telecom companies, software houses, governments, and so on (2011, 1). The presence of various actors on the internet and social media has raised concerns regarding its ability to influence a particular country’s interests and government policies. ... However, his actions and confession sends out a completely opposite message to his millions of fans and followers and Xue now seems to be remorseful. He hopes to set an example by admitting his online crimes and helping the government to regulate the content on the internet. Much of the concern regarding the regulation of internet in particular social websites like Sina Weibo arises from the fact that pressure fuelled up by public opinion communicated over Weibo resulted in a change in government policy regarding air pollution. Also, the government was forced to start reporting the PM 2.5 levels in a timely manner (Custer 2013, n.pag.). Not only this, but public opinion regarding corrupt and inefficient government officials over Sina Weibo resulted in the removal of these officials from office. The spread of rumor online has caused the government to censor online content particularly on social websites like Sina Weibo. As of now, several posts and images have been removed and deleted from Sina Weibo website as a result of censorship (â€Å"China’s Memory Hole†2013, n.pag.). Unlike the United States, the social media in China is highly decentralized which is why the responsibility of censorship falls under numerous internet service providers (King, Pan, and Roberts 2013, 1). Thus, the government has employed a method which fines or takes other actions against them is they fail to comply with the government requirements regarding censorship. This step, as King, Pan and Roberts explain, has been taken â€Å"to limit freedom of speech†and therefore restricts the expression of public opinion. The censorship efforts have been great even though China is not a top inhibitor of press freedom. Xue, who is considered to be a strong opinion leader
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Argue in support of the statement that the English constitution was Essay
Argue in support of the statement that the English constitution was first written in 1647, during the Putney debates - Essay Example Looking back into more immediate history, the growth of representative democracy can ultimately traces its roots to the way in which constitutions and other such binding restrictions have defined the role and relationship that a government must play towards its citizens/stakeholders.1 As a function of this particular understanding, the following analysis will be concentric upon engaging the reader with an understanding and discussion for how the Putney Debates served as a formative and historical precedent for the way in which the constrained power of the state was understood and affected. Such an understanding evolves to engage the reader with the understanding that the English constitution was in fact first written during these debates. Beyond merely engaging the reader with a further understanding of the historical importance of the debates, it is the hope of this author that such a discussion can further underscore a level of historical understanding and key trends that culminate d in a more realistic understanding of the manner through which subject and governed should interact with one another. The Putney Debates were unlikely to be considered as a formulary of a Constitution at the time in which they were held. However, in retrospect, the issues that the individual were wrestling with could only be understood in terms of the way in which a defining document, set of rules, and/or Constitution could address the contentious issues at hand. The core arguments that were taking place between the â€Å"radicals†and the monarchists was with respect to the role of the individual and the way in which such an individual should have a level of power and determinism with respect to the state. Naturally, this very question has been one which has contributed greatly to the way in which governments have interacted with their people since
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Project to Open a New Tesco Superstore Case Study
The Project to Open a New Tesco Superstore - Case Study Example In order to conduct stakeholder analysis for opening new Tesco superstore, the researcher will use Mendelow’s (1981) Matrix. For sake simplicity and preciseness, UK based operation of Tesco superstore will be used as reference point. UK based customers and local society members who will buy food items and grocery items from Tesco superstore. These stakeholders will show interest in the project because opening a new store will increase their convenience for shopping. Their motivation to support the project will be directed by the desire to shop quality food items, chance to get associated with the Tesco brand name etc. Project workers, Suppliers of raw material. These stakeholders will show interest in the project for monetary interest, opportunity to get financial benefit by signing the long-term contract with the company. Their motivation to support the project will be directed by business benefits, remuneration, and higher supply margin. Top-level managers, of Tesco superstore, project managers, and government. These stakeholders will show interest in the project due to political reason, earning corporate tax, monetary compensation for project completion and annual salary. Same reasons will motivate these stakeholders to show green signal to the project. Financial institutions who lend the money to the project, social activists, and local community members. The will show interest in the project for financial and environmental sustainability reasons. Motivation to support the project will be directed by environment sustainability assurance from Tesco, assurance timely repayment of debt with additional interest, good corporate social responsibility (CSR) reputation of the company. In such context, it is suggested to Tesco superstore to use multiple communication channels to communicate the project scope top stakeholders and also engage stakeholders (Jugdev, 2012).
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Literature Review Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Literature Review Assignment - Essay Example Moreover, towards the end of the minimum body temperature stage, a person will enter the ‘wake maintenance zone’ (Lack, Gradisar, Van Someren, Wright, and Lushington 309). In addition, the body’s temperature does not just affect the rhythms that people experience when engaged in the dream phase or before waking up. A person’s body temperature can also affect his or her frequency of experiencing insomnia. The onset of insomnia can be attributed to delayed rhythms of body temperature in incidences where an individual attempts to sleep in the midst of a delayed wake maintenance period. This may typically be experienced in the evening. Insomnia can also happen in the morning. Experiences of awakening insomnia in the morning may be connected to the incidence of advanced rhythm in temperature. According to Lack, Gradisar, Van Someren, Wright, and Lushington, the combination of maintenance insomnia and sleep onset is linked with the constant elevation of the temperature of the human body stimulating the continual hyper-arousal state that is characteristic of insomnia (307). Lack, Leon, Michael Gradisar, Eus Van Someren, Helen Wright and Kurt Lushington. â€Å"The relationship between insomnia and body temperatures.†Sleep Medicine Reviews 12.4(2008):307-317. Retrieved from
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Alternative Drink Industry Analysis Essay Example for Free
Alternative Drink Industry Analysis Essay 1. Do a complete five-forces analysis of competition in the global alternative drink industry, then tell me which of the five competitive forces is strong, weak, and why. Especially in the force of rivalry (one of the 5 forces), you must identify the market size, growth rate, profit margins, what are the main categories in the alternative drink industry, who are the major competitors and their relative sizes, the competition scope, the main competition weapons) 2. Briefly identify 6 to 7 key success factors in the alternative drink industry 3. What are the other economic traits that are outside the industry but still can affect all competitors (for example, overall economy trend, long term innovation, globalization, maturity stage of the industry, relevant legislation, etc. )? Briefly explain how these factors can affect the industry. Notes: 1.  What are the strategically relevant components of the global and U. S. beverage industry macro-environment? How do the economic characteristics of the alternative beverage segment of the industry differ from that of other beverage categories? Explain. The strategically relevant components of the global and U. S. beverage industry macro-environment: †¢ Global beverage companies such as Coca Cola and PepsiCo had relied on such beverages to sustain in volume growth in mature markets where consumers were reducing their consumption of carbonated soft drinks. †¢ Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and other beverage companies were intent on expanding the market for alternative beverages by introducing energy drinks, sports drinks, and vitamin drinks in more and more emerging international markets. †¢ Beverage producers had made various attempts at increasing the size of the market for alternative beverages by extending existing product lines and developing altogether new products. †¢ Expanding the market for alternatives beverages and increasing sales and market share, beverage producers also were forced to content with criticism from some that energy drinks, energy shots, and relaxation drinks presented health risks for consumers and that some producers’ strategies promoted reckless behavior, the primary concern of most producers of energy drinks, sports drinks, and vitamin-enhanced beverages was how to best improve their competitive standing in the market place. †¢ Rapid growth in the category, coupled with premium prices and high profit margins made alternative beverages an important part of beverage companies’ lineup of brands. The Alternative Beverage Segment Help Companies to Sustain Volume Growth in Mature Markets Where Consumers Were Reducing Their Consumption of Carbonated Soft Drinks. Also the Alternative Beverage Industry Offered 2. What is competition like in the alternative beverage industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest? Which is weakest? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness and the potential profitability of new entrants? Competition from substitutes is substantial. There were many substitutes to alternative beverages such as tea, soft drinks, fruit juices, bottled water and tap water. Even though substitute products had a bigger market share in the US, consumers had tended to buy more alternative beverages. This change in customer preference had weakened the competitive power of substitute beverages. Convenience store, grocery store, and wholesale club buyers had substantial leverage in negotiating pricing and slotting fees with alternative beverage producers because of their large purchases. New brands with low market shares were most vulnerable to buyer leverage since shelf space was limited while top brands such as Red Bull were almost always assured of shelf space. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo were least vulnerable since they offered a wide variety of beverages that convenience stores, grocery stores, and wholesale clubs wished to offer to consumers. As a result of this certain appeal, the two companies’ alternative beverage brands almost always found shelf space in retail stores. The bargaining power and leverage of suppliers was the weakest competitive force. Many suppliers for alternative beverage ingredients and they fight with the others to sell their products. Packaging is readily available from many suppliers and is like a commodity. However, some rare ingredients providers had a moderate amount of leverage in negotiations with energy drink producers. Additionally, the producers of alternative beverages are important customers of suppliers and buy in large quantities. The threat of new brands varies by market maturity of each alternative beverage category. It has low threat for mature categories and moderate to strong in young categories. During the early stages of developing a category, when famous brand leaders had not been established, the threat of entry in alternative beverage categories remained strong. As a result, entrepreneurs launching new beverages with novel formulas or well-developed image campaigns could quickly gain market share among consumers. However, as the category matured, consumer preferences developed and shaped retailers’ purchasing decisions. Once the category had established, its brand leaders, it became much more difficult for new entrants to gain shelf space in convenience stores, supermarkets, and wholesale clubs. Therefore, in 2010, the threat of entry should be lower for all types of alternative beverages except energy shots and relaxation drinks. The competence among sellers of alternative beverage could be considered as the strongest competitive force. Among the sellers of energy drinks and other alternative beverages, competition is so strong and will grow stronger each year. Competition among major brands centers primarily on brand image, an appealing taste, attractive packaging, new product RD, sales promotions and endorsements, and gaining better access to shelf space and strengthening distribution capabilities. As for 2010, there was no evidence of strong price competition in any of the alternative beverage categories, which makes it difficult to argue that competitive rivalry is fierce or brutal. Factors that increase the strength of competitive rivalry included efforts on the part of industry rivals to expand the number and types of alternative beverages in their product lines, low switching costs on the part of consumers, active and aggressive efforts on the part of sellers to establish consumer brand loyalty, and strong emphasis on advertising, sales promotions, and endorsements. MLA Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drink, and Vitamin-Enhanced.  28 Sep. 2011. http://www.  Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drink, and Vitamin-Enhanced. StudyMode. com. September 28, 2011.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Person Centred Therapy Strength And Weaknesses Psychology Essay
Person Centred Therapy Strength And Weaknesses Psychology Essay Person centred approach is a humanistic phenomenological approach founded by Carl Rodgers, an American humanistic psychologist who believed in a way an individual sees themselves and realising their full potential for their personal growth and personal development he called self actualisation. When there is no relationship between experience and the individual perception of self, a human being experiences anxiety and depression. This results in unpleasant feelings which make defence mechanisms to kick in and results in denial and distortion and blocks an individual self concept. The anxiety and depression will get in an individuals life in a neurotic way and lead to psychotic behaviours, (Gross, 2010).Rogers believed that the behaviour can be re-organised by use of person centred therapy. According to Graham (1986), person centred therapy also known as client centred therapy is a process whereby an individual takes control of their self in an attempt to become autonomous and increase in self confidence. It is an approach that is used for counselling patients with the emphasis of a relationship between the client and the counsellor with more responsibility on the client. The client takes control of the therapeutic sessions, determining when to terminate the treatment. In return, the therapist is expected to facilitate the client with appropriate condition for therapy which makes the client to fully interact and make a stable relationship with the client that is trustworthy, (Gross, 2010). This will make the client feel safe and able to open up during sessions. The therapist is expected to be non judgmental, empathetic and understanding. The approach emphasizes on creating conducive environment which is comfortable, warm and safe which enables the client to open up. The refore the approach is non judgmental and anti oppressive. For the therapy to be effective according to Rogers (1951), it is determined by therapists attitude which is expected to be congruence; authenticity, genuine and showing of the true feelings of emotions. Unconditional positive regard which is accepting the client who they are regardless of the clients past. Being empathetic which involves an understanding of the clients world at the same time showing genuine emotional feelings and listening attentively during the sessions. These characters will help the client to trust the therapist and have the courage to open up and start the process of healing. Thorne (1984) suggested tenderness as another attitude that the therapist need to possess. These attitudes are of extreme importance as explained by Fonagy and Higgitt (1984) that possessing these conditions will help the client to talk about their life honestly and help the client to overcome their odd behaviour. The counsellor will help the client to uncover and express the true feelings by adopting the non-directive role. During the sessions, the therapist is not allowed to alter clients way of thinking but only check with the client if they do not understand anything. They are expected to put themselves in the clients position and respect them at all the times. Any contribution from the client is valued and negative thinking is regarded as legitimate. The therapy will help the client to change their ways of thinking, setting them free and be positive. The therapy is mainly applied to people who suffer from schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, alcohol disorders, cognitive dysfunctions and personality disorders. Egan (1998) developed a systematic counselling model to help individuals solve their problems in order for them to develop opportunities. The Egan skilled helper works better when co-operated with person centred approach principles. Critically evaluate 550 Strength The effectiveness of the person centred approach is that, the counselling is a personal communication between the client and the therapist. It aids in helping the clients problems by increasing the clients sense of well being. This therapy makes the client to explore their true self by being honest and empowers them to be able to solve their own problems. It gives the client a chance to have self direction by allowing them to plan their own session and be in control of the therapy. Therapists give the clients upper hand and not take them as experts but rather a comforting hand to the client. It gives them an opportunity to show their caring nature, being non-judgmental and empathise with the client regardless of their abnormal behaviour or rigid patterns of thinking, (Gross, 2010). Maslow (1970) explained that self actualisation helps the client to fully concentrate on themselves and guide in decision making for growth and develop into an honest, selfless and independent person. In r eturn it makes the client to have autonomy and not depend on others all the time. It gives the client self growth, confidence and better understanding of oneself. Client behaviour is expected to change and the way they view life, giving more appreciation and better relationships. Self actualisation also makes the client to have self acceptance and being able to accept others. Another stronghold of the person centred approach is that it makes the therapist accept the client the way they are without judging them or pressuring them to change but rather showing empathy. In return it gives the client a platform to explore their true feelings and make them better people in a society. It also gives the client a chance to reflect on their previous behaviour and identify areas that they need to develop on. Weaknesses However, on the negative side the client is not challenged by anyone or able to engage in a contest in order to find or show their ability. It deprives the opportunity to give opinion or suggestions that might be useful. The therapist cannot question anything even if they are concerned and it is too plain and not complicated. The therapy does not offer a proper structure to the client even though the therapist subscribe to the ethical principles of their profession which gives them guidelines about their boundaries, (Mearns and Thorne, 2007) and this can be difficult for the client to progress and have answers. The approach has developed since the 60s and it does not have much research and modern theory on it. Also there are no techniques in this approach such as questioning or clarifying. Another drawback of this approach is that there is no intervention of which according to Adams at al (2009) intervention is an act to achieve effects and produce results. There is no involvement or interference from the therapist who might offer sound advice. McNeill et al (2005) identified elements of interventions that have an impact on behavioural change. Out of the elements, person centred therapy lacks the agreement intervention and interactive communication. In comparison with crisis intervention where help is offered when a service user is faced with a problem, (Adam et al, 2009), person centred therapists are not allowed to offer help. Crisis intervention allows the practitioner to help an individual out of stress and change their behaviour by assessing the situation and making a plan to give support as well as advocating. Adams et al (2009) stated that crisis intervention makes an individual in crisis stronger and able to deal with threats and help them with personal growth. Like In person centred therapy, I like the fact that the client is given all the attention and focus and the relationship that is formed between the client and the therapist is of utmost important. I like the fact that it makes the client feel comfortable and dont feel like they are being judged because of their condition. In case of a client who has strong past like a paedophile or a murderer, I suppose they relax more knowing their therapist is not judging them and it can make them to relax and express themselves. I think they are bound to make a full recovery quicker with client centred therapy where they are in total control of the situation. Dislike My negative view of the therapy is the fact that the client is not challenged even if they are heading for a downfall; the therapist cannot change their minds or intervene. Another downfall I find with the therapy is the lack of intervention and techniques. An example from work place Mr Johns (pseudonym for confidential reasons) is a 24 year old client in a residential home who has problems with substance misuse since the age of 13. He has a history of violence and thieving. He has been attending counselling sessions, a one to one approach to help him overcome his addiction. Mr Johns attended therapeutic sessions to help him identify where his problem started and what triggers him to take drugs. In his evaluation, he mentions that he was able to open up to his therapists because he knew he was not judged or discriminated but he was treated as an individual. He also mentions that the relationship and communication he had with the therapist made him comfortable and it helped him in his healing process. Discuss how you envisage By looking at Mr Jones story and the way the approach worked towards his healing, I would envisage using the therapy in my professional practice especially in cases that involve mental health, drug misuse and learning disabilities. I believe personalising care is a key to effective treatment and it makes the client feel valued. Even though the approach has its weaknesses, I would use it in my practice depending on what the client is experiencing at the time. Conclusion In conclusion, the person centred approach has existed for a long time and is simple to use, though it can be difficult to see if its working because the therapists rely on the persons behaviour. The non judgmental technique and the warm relationship between the client and the therapist help individuals to open up and be free. (Word count 1660)
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Internet and Itself :: Essays Papers
Internet and Itself Education on the Internet In today's society, the internet has become a very important learning tool. It is used for day to day activities, such as a place to look up research, a method of getting in touch with friends and family, and somewhere to go to find information about almost anything imaginable. The most popular uses of the internet include entertainment and education. Many people argue that the internet should be used for educational purposes only. The Internet as a Business The internet is a very valuable resource when it comes to education, but I do not think it should just be limited to that idea. There are many other important qualities the internet possesses. The internet is now used to run businesses, and keep personal business files online. People can go to the business's home page to learn more about the product. One of the most useful and popular businesses online is Amazon. By going to, a person can shop without ever leaving their computer. By using a Visa Card, an individual can purchase books, music, clothes, toys, games, electronics, and much more. The Internet as Entertainment One of the most popular traits of the internet is entertainment. This can take the form of many different aspects of the net. Many people, especially teenagers, enjoy visiting chat rooms. These are web sites designed for people who like to talk to others. Many times, a person can find someone with similar interests in chat rooms and they become online friends. Not necessarily someone they would ever meet, but someone to talk to and share things with. Other types of online entertainment include games a person can play with other others online, and "surfing" the web to find web pages that strike their interest. The Internet as Education The internet is very useful when it comes to research. There are many search engines that can help a person find a related topic. There are online catalogs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauruses to help enhance a person's learning capabilities. Other ways the internet is useful is that is can be used now as a classro om.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Understanding HIV and AIDS :: health, virus, medicine
HIV/ AIDS HIV/AIDS is an epidemic that effects both men and women of all ages. It has an impact on many people's lives either by themselves being infected, knowing someone who is infected, or being a health care worker. HIV is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. It also effects the blood cells (lymphocytes) and cells of the organs (bone marrow, spleen, liver, and lymph glands). It effects the lungs, central nervous system and gastrointestinal system. People begin with having the HIV virus. An HIV infected person is likely to stay fit and well for a long time. In time, however the infected person develops rare illnesses or cancers because their immune system is weakened. When this happens, the person now has AIDS. Some people live for several years once they have AIDS, but it is always fatal. HIV is diagnosed with a blood test known as an HIV antibody test or HIV test. If the test shows that HIV is present, the person is referred to as HIV positive. It may take up to 6 months after contact to show up. The number of women with HIV and AIDS in the United States is steadily rising. From 1985 to 1996, the proportion of reported US AIDS cases occurring among women increased from 7-20% (Women and AIDS). An analysis from the National Cancer Institute estimates that between 107,000 and 150,000 women on the U.S. are living with HIV infection (many of whom have not developed AIDS (Women and AIDS) AIDS presents a great worry for women. It is the third leading cause of death among women ages 25 to 44 and the leading cause of death among African-American women of the same age group. (Women and AIDS) Although AIDS cases are reported in all 50 states, the highest rates in 1996 were in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Maryland and Delaware (Women and AIDS) HIV may not produce any initial symptoms. However, as this disease progresses, symptoms begin to appear. Among them are: fatigue, unexplained weight loss, night sweats, fever, diarrhea, recurrent respiratory and skin infections, swollen lymph glands throughout the body, genital changes, enlarged spleen and mouth sores. Vaginal yeast infections, common and easily treated in most women, are harder to treat in HIV infected women. Bacterial vaginosis and common STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia trichomoniasis, and pelvic inflammatory disease are more common and aggressive in HIV-infected women.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Organization transformation Essay
The need for a change is almost there on a daily basis in corporations. This is accentuated by particularly by the advent of new technology like the internet and new management methods and new technologies (Wallace, 2007). This brings in new ways of doing jobs within the company and thus the workers are affected. Companies which initially used to have the traditional organization model have increasingly adopted they are better and more efficient and modern transformed organizational models. An organization provides a mean of utilizing individual capabilities within a team to accomplish what cannot be achieved by the aggregate attempts of team members working in isolation. The aims of forming corporations and organizations are to deliver goods or services to consumers in a way that at the conclusion of the deal profits and not losses can be realized. Organizational change is geared at achieving this and thus winning the hearts and minds of the target population while concurrently bringing about a changed behavior and work culture to the partakers. In response to this Organizational transformation, roles, skills, job descriptions and structure of the workforce need to be re-designed. The Southwest Gas Corporation Such a company that has embraced organizational change from the traditional one to the modern organization transformation is the southern gas corporation of Nevada. Having realized that all organizations and corporations are unique due to unique environment in which they operate and their mode and ways of operations they should be structured to accommodate unique problems and opportunities Southwest Gas Corporation is a company engaged in the business of purchasing, distributing and transporting natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers in Nevada state of the southwestern United States. The Gas Corporation has employed about 2,500 workers who serve at least 1. 8million customers in Arizona, Nevada and parts of California states. The company is an investor owned utility whose shares are traded in the New York Stock Exchange and the pacific stock exchange (South West Gas Corporation, 2007). The company has been implementing a five year organizational transformation with an aim of offering better services to the customers and improving the quality of he workers. With respect to transformation certain areas should be prioritized for instance in redefining the business model, integrating acquisitions, building infrastructure, reframing markets and managing talents. The southern gas corporation has taken comprehensive plan to change from the traditional to the transformed organizational model studies done on this company indicated that a positive correlation between the working conditions and the productivity of the workers exists . the results of the studies revealed that innate forces of human behavior may have a greater influence on organizations than do mechanistic incentive systems. In response to that study southern gas corporation have done an almost complete overhaul in areas to do with transport, billing, the accounting system, meter reading systems and the whole organization structure of the company since 2002. Effects Having undergone the organizational change to a more better and modern one saw a number of transformations in the work force. Every member of the workforce was subjected to month long refreshment training as a way of crating a new working atmosphere and as a way of orientating them to the new working tools. The remuneration package was revised to increase the morale of the workers. On the part of the infrastructure the offices and other working areas were renovated. The total reorganization of the offices this was to cater for the psychological aspect of the workers The Organizations adopted a vertical division of labor practice involving the administrators then below them the managers and supervisors and lastly at the base we have the workers. The principal function of top level administrators or executives generally is to plan long-term strategy and administer the middle managers whose work is to guide the day to day activities of the corporations and oversee implementation of the top level strategy. Low-level supervisors and laborers put the made strategy into action and carry out the immediate tasks needed to keep the corporation running. Thus, the South west gas corporation has become a formal with reference to the extent of formalization of rules that have been adopted within the organization structure. In formal organizations, a mild impersonal relationship between the workers and the company is viewed as the best environment suitable for achievements of organization’s objectives by the managerial staff. Here subordinates duties more clearly defined and workforce with different applicable skills are dispensed duties to their areas of specialization in the corporation. It is the duties of workers at the bottom level to perform the essential duties of the corporation with supervisory assistance from the managers. Subordinate staff deals generally with supply and production chain of the corporation . The managerial needs of the whole business process is overseen by the higher cadre staff that includes the supervisors and the administrators. Two important implications into the change in the organization procedure there was equity due to just fair and impartial treatment of all workers, the organization was more orderly since employees were arranged where they would be of most value to the corporation. Initiative was fostered by encouraging the employees to act on their own. Similarly the employees cultivated more attributes and etiquettes (South West Gas Corporation, 2007). Motivation should come from different incentives rather than letting monetary rewards be the sole motivators. The spirit of comradeship among the workers fostered devotion to a common cause. The behavioral change by the managers that allowed greater latitudes stimulated the workers. In general, transformation made workers to become more productive. Having been provided with the best working conditions the workers employees have become capable of effective self-direction yielding self-actualization and this was among the biggest rewards that organizations has provided to its employees. Similar the shares of the southern gas company at the New York stock exchange gained value. Use of improved service delivery systems for instance the better gas safety management systems reduced the number of gas accident cases recorded prior to the five year period. Due to a liberalized approach towards the workers in the by the management they were able to create their labour organization to looks for their own interests, thus enhancing growth of the labour union organizations. This amounted to increase in vocal power of the workers to demand their rights. Conclusion In the world today organizations are operating in an increasingly complex platform. Changing multiple dimensions and high rates globalization trends and the implications of the post-industrial information age are driving these corporations to revolutinalize themselves (Wallace, 2007). The end product of this transformation is a successful company with competent work force. However, organizational transformation should not stop with the end of the project duration. During the benefit realizations stage of the lifecycle, emphasis should be continued on the need to encourage the workers and the community to adapt to the new ways of working and get the most from the system change.
Monday, September 16, 2019
History of Sunnah
Deutsch |Francais| Espanol | About Us |Contact Us islamweb english Thursday, November 29, 2012 Muharram 15, 1434 Welcome to Islam Fatwa Articles Fiqh Boys & Girls E-Books Women Multimedia Quran Recitations Lectures Athan Duaa Islamic Songs Movies Services Prayer Times Weather Forecast Calendar Converter Special Folders Palestine Ramadhaan Oasis Hajj & Umrah Xmas & New Year's Sacred Months Valentine's Day Newsletter Email Newsletter icon, E-mail Newsletter icon, Email List icon, E-mail List icon Sign up for our Email Newsletter VoteCan Morsi restore Egypt’s leadership? Yes No Vote Results History of the Sunnah -I: At the time of the Prophet [Rate: The article has not yet been rated] Rating 0 | Vote! Print Send this Article to friend Read : 11234 | Print : 429 | Sent : 0 | Rate : 0 22/09/2010 Muslims were, early on, aware of the significance of the Sunnah and its authority. They, one generation after the other, were keen to preserve the Sunnah because they saw that as a part of the preserving of the last revelations man is ever to receive.Their efforts were unabated, and the remarkable job they did is unparalleled in the experience of any other religion or civilization. At the time of the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ): One of the main reasons behind this is the fact that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) clearly taught the Companions may Allaah be pleased with them the importance of his Sunnah, its place in Islam and their role in saving it, teaching and conveying it to others around them and to those who would come after them.In so doing, he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) followed an effective methodology, which will be briefly outlined below: 1. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge and teaching it to others. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his men tion ) said: â€Å"Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male and female). †[Ibn Maajah] Also, he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said: â€Å"Whosoever pursues a path to seek knowledge therein, Allaah will thereby make easy for him a path to Paradise.No people gather together in one of the houses of Allaah (mosques), reciting the Book of Allaah and studying it among themselves, without tranquility descending upon them, mercy enveloping them and angles surrounding them, and Allaah making mention of them to those (angels) who are with Him. †[Muslim] 2. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) always had a center for teaching. Most of the time, it was the mosque. 3. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) was soft in his dealings and always facilitated things and made them easy for others.He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) was merciful and humble and made himself readily available. 4. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) never pushed people into anything. Instead, he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) gradually taught them and led them to change. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) always motivated them to follow his example and be their best. 5.He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) would not continuously teach or work with them, but he would give them enough breaks to avoid overstressing or boring them. 6. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) spoke plainly and clearly and he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) talked to people at their level of understanding and intellectual ability. Whenever appropriate, he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) spoke to people in their own dialect for the Arabs had different dialects. . He sallal laahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) used the method of repetition. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) would repeat whatever he wanted to stress for three times to insure that all heard him properly and clearly understood what he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) was saying. 8. When questioned, he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) would give more than what is expected as an answer and use the occasion to further clarify things for all, and teach about other things. . Whenever the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) had to choose between two ways, he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) chose the easier way, which had facility and mercy if there was nothing forbidden in that, and he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) kept away from the difficult and harsh ways. 10. He sallallaahu `alayhi w a sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) attached special attention to teaching the women and provided them special times for questions.He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) encouraged them to ask and learn. 11. He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) used to do his best in everything, and he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) perfected whatever he did, thus setting an example for others. The era of the Companions and their Followers The Companions may Allaah be pleased with them did their utmost to convey Islam to the generations succeeding them in the best and most accurate way possible.They sincerely loved it, honestly lived according to it and faithfully preserved it and kept any impurity or irregularity out of it. Their role in the preservation of Islam was one of utmost importance to its continuation, but they were highly prepared for it by the best teacher and trainer, the Prophet sallallaahu ` alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ). Thus the studying of this era, especially with respect to the history and authority of the Sunnah, is necessary to all Students of Knowledge.And since this article will not provide enough details to properly cover the subject, it is recommended that the readers consult the following list of books on the subject: Studies of Early Hadeeth Literature by M. M. Azami, Sunnah Qabla at-Tadween (the Sunnah before Writing) by Ajaj Al-Khateeb, The Sunnah and its Place in Islam by Mustafa As-Siba'ee, Manhajj an-Naqd fi Uloom Al-Hadeeth (The Methodology of Critique in the Sciences of Hadeeth) by Noor-ud-deen Etr, Al-Hadeeth wal Muhaddithoon (Hadeeth and Hadeeth Narrators) by Muhammad M.Abu Zahou, and Hujjiatus Sunnah (The Authority of the Sunnah) by Houcine Chouat. Methodology of the Companions in Preserving the Sunnah Before discussing the Companions' ways of learning, practicing, preserving and conveying of the Sunnah, it is worthwhile to she d some light on the main points one needs to understand about the Companions may Allaah be pleased with them and their methodology: 1. The Companions may Allaah be pleased with them were fully aware of the responsibility they shoulder after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ). . The Companions may Allaah be pleased with them are all trustworthy. They may Allaah be pleased with them never doubted one another in the matters of this religion and the narration of Hadeeth. 3. The Companions may Allaah be pleased with them have developed a methodology for scrutinizing Hadeeths and narrators, and by doing that have established the rules of ascertaining narrations for those who came after them. 4. The ability of different Companions may Allaah be pleased with them to understand the Sunnah, memorize it and convey it varied from one Companion to another. . The Companions may Allaah be pleased with them left Makkah and Madeenah to many places around the Muslim world, at the time, for the purpose of delivering the message and teaching Islam to those who accepted it thus spreading the Sunnah throughout the land. It is interesting to note that about 750 Companions may Allaah be pleased with them narrated Hadeeths, seven of whom narrated a high number of Hadeeths, and about twenty narrated an average number, the rest narrated a small number.The seven who narrated a large number of Hadeeths are: Abu Hurayrah who narrated 5374 Hadeeths, ‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Umar narrated 2630, Anas Ibn Maalik narrated 2286, ‘Aa'ishah narrated 2210 Hadeeths, ‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Abbaas narrated 1660, Jaabir Ibn ‘Abdullaah narrated 1540, and Abu Sa'eed AI-Khudri narrated 1100 Hadeeths may Allaah be pleased with them. They understood their role and were aware of the significance of their ability in narrating the Hadeeths and did their best to deliver them diligently and accurately. Muslims of all times are indebted to t hem may Allaah be pleased with them.History of the Sunnah -II: The era of the Companions and their followers Related Articles The two most authentic books of Hadeeth The Sunnah: The second source of legislation Origination of Sunnah from the Prophet More New Popular Guest Book Articles Fatwa Multimedia Subject Published on 1 Words of divorce 2012/11/29 2 Youth loved by Allaah – II 2012/11/29 3 Youth loved by Allaah – I 2012/11/29 Occasions 1 The Sacred Months 2 The Sacred Month of Muharram 3 The beginning of a New Islamic Year All rights reserved to IslamWeb.  © 2012
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Assignment on Principles of Management
There are many factors that constitute on how to achieve excellence in management especially in the case of Starbucks under Howard Shultz. Indeed, management is getting things done, through efficient means that would maximize profit while keeping costs down. In order to be competitive and for an organization to be successful in the field of management and to be productive, there are lots of things to be considered.Such aspects are the performance of the leaders or managers of the firm and the performance of the firm as whole, safety measures regarding the management, risks that will come along that the organization are going to face and ways to overcome them, and the influence of consultation (Pollock, 2001). In line with these factors that management of organization must consider are the needs of the organization. These needs can be achieved through the knowledge of the management and technological approaches the management would choose (Barclay, 1997).Dealing with those needs is im portant and constitute to the excellence in management. There are lots of experiments on how to achieve excellence in management was done by Shultz in achieving the status Starbucks have today. Some findings are the need to change strategies, designs that can be used to evaluate the organizations’ success, measures as standard basis, methods and ways to adapt to a complex environment; whether to stay with their current strategies in a constant environment or to change due to the changing environment, and many more (Resources, 2006). A.Ways to Achieving Management Excellence 1. Excellence through Performance Management One design that will constitute on the excellence in management of an organization is through the giving incentives to the individual. This will be dependent on their performance in their field of work. This is called the pay-for-performance system (William K. Redmon, 2005). For the simple reason, the aim for additional income, the individuals’ developmen t can be achieve by doing this. By doing this, the gap in the individuals’ goal and the organizational goal can be lessen or even better, will be gone.In addition, the costs of goods and services are also in its minimal due to the incentive pays that motivates employees. This motivation factors makes employees to become more productive. In fact, some of the companies are now changing their way on how to pay their employees, from normal salary basis and or hourly basis wage systems, to payment based on the employee’s performance (pay-for-performance system). As of this time, organizations are having difficulty recruiting workers. This may be due to the minimum wage salaries that they offer.Because of this reason, the firms and other organizations are thinking of ways on how to attract new workers and to retain the old ones. Other companies have the way of increasing the employee’s salaries, thus making an addition to their expenses and labor costs. In addition to this, performance of these newly hired workers cannot be said to have reached the organization’s needs. Then the need for performance improvement are then on the play. Here comes the study on how to management motivates employees that will become a great use in achieving organizational goal.Organizations have used incentives using incentives such as additional pay depending on the performance of individual employees (Studies, 2004). What others have done is to give those who are in the hard work for the organization’s goal some incentives in the form of not a monetary value but for the recognition of their behaviors. Such examples of non-monetary value incentives are promotions. Most organizations do such things like this for motivating their employees to be more productive. Together with the individual’s aim for promotion, is the organization having greater profit and lessens the costs of services.Other non-monetary value incentives are recognition of the empl oyees, for example, employee of the month award, best employee of the year, and many more. Such behavioral way of motivations is of great help in achieving excellence in management of an organization. Implementation of a goal through goal-setting program can be used by management to evaluate employee’s performances. Feedback program can be added and to this method. Feedback may be of good or bad based on the goal settled by the organization. For employees perception of this settled goal may have different effects depending on the individual.Some responds to the better productivity, while others have done absenteeism. An increase in productivity means the goal settled by the management served as a challenge and thus motivates the employee for better work. On the other hand, this served as constraints for other workers. Feedbacks however are used to chase away criticism but are used for employee’s performance evaluation. That’s for the reason that criticisms are a gents of exploitation that management didn’t want to interfere with the management.What feedback supposed to do is to give an evaluation, whether it may be bad or good, that will serve as a constructive criticism to employees. If the feedback was bad, that doesn’t mean that the employee was bad at all, but to show the deficiency the employee have and to overcome for the employee to overcome this. If the feedback was good, that means that the employees work was recognized and then the tendency of being a more hard working employee will come up to the mind of the employee. This is how behavioral management in an organization plays.II. Management Practices: A. Comparison Let’s take a look at some organizations/companies that won some awards regarding the excellence in management. For the supply chain excellence, the Starbuck’s Coffee chain having the strategy model of high-speed build-to-order delivery services has been recognized. The Starbuck’s Coff ee won one of the dealings on the supply chain excellence; speed. To measure the excellence in management of the Starbuck’s Coffee, a checklist was made with all the criteria of being excellent in management as the standard basis.
Analytical Description of Players in Hamlet Essay
The significance of the players exceeds the sole purpose of entertainment, as each possesses the power to unveil the â€Å"occulted guilt†(3.2.75) and conscience of the King. Hamlet assumes the responsibility to advise these players with precise and adequate direction so that a â€Å"whirlwind of passion†(6) may not effectively separate Claudius from personally identifying with the play. Hamlet’s enthusiastic approach toward direction may be so that he encourages the players to â€Å"suit the action to the word, the word to the/ action, with this special observance, that you o’erstep not/ the modesty of nature†(16-18). However, this exercise of caution may justify Hamlet’s too often delayed attempt toward the action of avenging his father’s murder. His direction confines him to the overflow of words as he experiences imprisonment within the truth of his own identity. Hamlet grants himself the opportunity to momentarily direct himself, yet it remains unknown as to whether he directs a representation of truth or a falsity. He exemplifies madness so well, as the sight of â€Å"a damned ghost†(77) insanely induces his imagination and comfortably transforms his identity to one of lunacy. This role he acquires is one he portrays so explicitly well as an actor that he easily utilizes it as the foundation for his players. He instructs the players: Nor do not saw the air too much with your hand, Thus, but use all gently, for in the very torrent, tempest, And, as I may say, whirlwind of passion, you must acquire And beget a temperance that may give it smoothness. (4-7) Abstinence from overly dramatizing the actions of the play may be reflective of Hamlet’s character prior to his escape from true self: a once-lived life of normalcy focused more wholly on â€Å"smoothness†(7) rather than an uncontrolled â€Å"torrent, tempest, / †¦whirlwind of passion†(5-6). Hamlet’s direction of the players claims victory as Claudius abruptly arises and exclaims, â€Å"Give me some light. Away†(254)! Horatio’s observation of the King’s reaction confirms his guilt-inflamed conscience as he was forced to witness the reenactment of his brother’s murder. Hamlet, relieved, reveals, â€Å"I’ll take the ghost’s word for a thousand/ pound†(271-272). The ghost is officially trustworthy as the King’s reaction encourages Hamlet to journey further toward his mission of avenging the death of his father. Any form of immediate action is ignored when Hamlet wrestles Polonius with false visions of psychosis as he inquires, â€Å"Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a / camel†(355-356)? Hamlet’s separation from action invites a sense of fear that intensifies his madness and entangles his entire self in nothing more than the mere use of words. It is his words that camouflage the notion that his own conscience may be afflicted with an overpowering sense of guilt. Even though Hamlet’s accurate direction of the players did celebrate success as it illustrated the guilt of the King’s conscience, Hamlet’s identity remains in crisis as he continues to revel in his words. His speech reveals his craving for action: ‘Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself (breathes) out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do such (bitter business as the) day Would quake to look on. (367-371) The claim that he is prepared to engage in necessary action remains solely a claim as Hamlet’s burden of self-loathing dominates his internal struggle. He may fear the truth of his identity, as he is horrified by the realism included in the players’ precise portrayal of his own life in actuality.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Anatomy of a Picture Book Essay
Format/Size †¢Rectangularâ€â€This is the shape of most books †¢Horizontalâ€â€Often used to in stories about journeys †¢Verticalâ€â€May be used for â€Å"larger than life†characters oCohn, Amy L. Abraham Lincoln. oIsaacs, Anne. Swamp Angel. †¢Cutout formsâ€â€cutout in the form of buildings, animals, etc. Book Jacket/Dust Jacket †¢Think of a book jacket as a small poster wrapped around the book with flaps on the front and back. oOriginally used to keep books from being soiled oNow used to be eye-catching, to encourage you to pick up the book. †¢Should be appealing from a reasonable distance through its form and color †¢Provides important information about the book oTitle oAuthor oIllustrator oShould predict the contents of the book oShould convey the age group for the book oBack of book jacket normally includes the book’s barcode with ISBN (International Standard Book Number) number, a unique number to identify a book. †¢Jacket areas oFaceâ€â€front that faces us as the book is closed and lies on the table ? Is the picture on the cover repeated inside the book or is it unique? If the cover is repeated, it anticipates the plot of the story. ?Does the cover contradict the story? Is the cover mystifying? ?Cover may reflect most dramatic or enticing episode in story. However, the cover should not tell so much that it destroys the suspense of the story. ?Is the cover framed? Framing creates a sense of detachment. oBackâ€â€back of the jacket should relate to the front ?Consider how the book jacket flows from the front to the back ? When the jacket is flattened, the design should be homogeneous and consistent ? If you want to be a collector of children’s books, protect the book jackets by covering them in plastic. oWrap-around coverâ€â€uses one illustration that wraps around from the front to the back oBook flapsâ€â€include background information about the book. May also tell about the author and/or illustrator, etc. oSpineâ€â€located to the left, along the bound edge of the book. This is a narrow panel which you see when the book is shelved. Normally includes the title, author, publisher, and sometimes the illustrator. Book Casing/Book Cover †¢Stiff-cased casingâ€â€This is what you find underneath the book jacket. This is hard to see on library copies that have plastic put over the covers that is taped down. oSome book covers are simply a repeat of the book jacket. oThe higher quality picture books have a different book casing that is a type of cloth. ?Consider how this contributes to the overall design of the book. Consider color of the cloth, use of patterns, ornaments, or drawings. Does the color used fit the book? oDesigns on casingâ€â€This design normally refers to the central motif or symbol of the book. ?Blind stampâ€â€sunken image of the same color as the casing ? Die stampâ€â€sunken image of different color than the casing. Endpapaper (Endsheets) †¢Serve as structural bond between body of book and casing. They are glued down to casing to hold the book together. They are usually of heaver stock paper. oEndpapers may be a solid color, have a design, map, illustration, etc. Sometimes they convey important additional information. If the book is well designed the endpapers should be an integral part of the story. ?Color of endpapers may be symbolic to the story. †¢Endpapers should offer a transition between the exterior and the interior of the book, a â€Å"welcome†into the book. †¢Sometimes the narrative of the book actually begins on the endpapers. †¢Check to see if the front and back endpapers are exactly the same. If they are different, there is a significant reason. †¢Not included in paperback books. Front Matter †¢Front matter includes the beginning pages of the book through the title page and copyright page. Front matter may include blank or extra pages at the beginning of the book. oSets mood for story and may amplify meaning by indentifying books’ main character, setting, theme, etc. †¢Half title page (false title page)â€â€placed before the title page and usually includes only the title and an illustration. Not found in every book. †¢Title pageâ€â€includes title, author, illustrator, publisher. The illustration used on the title page should be one of the best found in the whole book. May be a detail of some picture in the body of the book. oDouble-page spreadâ€â€a design that is unified across two pages oTwo distinct pagesâ€â€one page has illustration; the other has text †¢Copyright pageâ€â€back or verso of the title page. oContains circled â€Å"c†or word â€Å"copyright†with the year of publication and the name of the copyright owner. oAlso includes the book’s printing numbers or printing code. A first printing of a book may in the future become very valuable. ?First edition â€Å"generally means the book you are holding is the first printing of the first edition, in other words the first appearance of this particular text†(Horning 13). oIf a book was first published outside of the U. S. or a book is a translation, the original title, publisher, and date appear on the copyright page. oMay include the technique the illustrator used for the book, such as watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, oils, etc. oOften includes the name of the book’s typeface. oNormally includes the Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (abbreviated as CIP). This information helps libraries catalog books faster. Includes call numbers for books and may include a summary of the book, as well as the author, illustrator, title, and publisher. †¢Dedication pageâ€â€may be included in the book. If book’s have separate authors and illustrators, there may be dedications from both individuals. Dedications may give clues to interesting personal information about the author/illustrator. Back Matter †¢Pages in the back of the book after main part of the book. Sometimes the copyright page is part of the back matter. †¢May include author/illustrator information, photographs, reviews, etc. †¢May also include source notes, glossary, index, bibliographies, acknowledgements, notes on the illustrations, other supplemental information, suggested activities to use with children, etc. Body of the Book †¢Main section of the bookâ€â€what’s between the front matter and back matter. †¢Signatureâ€â€pages inside the book are sewed or fastened together in one ore more sections classed signatures. A standard signature is sixteen pates. †¢Typeface/typography selected for book should fit the story. For emphasis, fonts may change (size, bold, italics). Layout of the text may also change to emphasize certain elements of the story. †¢Paperâ€â€should be of quality. May be matte, shiny, etc. Shiny paper gives a smooth, glazed surface that gives a high sheen and intensifies the colors. May also be heavier paper stock or textured. †¢Gutterâ€â€the middle area where pages come together. The illustrations that go over the gutter should not be misaligned or have missing parts because they are â€Å"caught†or lost in the gutter. †¢Placement of the text oVery formalâ€â€text placed opposite the illustrations on an adjacent page. A border or frame around the text or illustrations is even more formal. oFormalâ€â€text positioned above or beneath the illustrations. oInformalâ€â€text shaped with irregular boundaries to fit inside, outside, between, around, or to the side of the illustrations. oVery formalâ€â€no text at all (as in wordless books). †¢Placement of the illustrations oDouble-page spreadâ€â€both facing pages are used for an illustration. The illustration â€Å"spreads across†both pages. Wanda Gag is credited with inventing this technique in her book Millions of Cats. oBordersâ€â€an outer edge or boundary, a frame, that encloses text and/or illustrations. Borders have decorative or geometric designs, folk designs from a particular culture, or visual symbols that relate to the story. oPanelsâ€â€use of vertical sections to break apart an illustration. oVignettesâ€â€also called spot art. Small illustrations integrated into the layout of a single or double-page spread. They often allow the illustrator to tell a story through various stages. †¢Page turner elementâ€â€what on a page makes you want to turn the page to continue the story? oIllustrationâ€â€is there something in the picture that makes you want to turn the page? A figure facing right on the right hand page is often a page turner element. oTextâ€â€is there something in the story that encourages you to turn the page? Integrated Whole †¢Visual symbolismâ€â€use of physical objects in the illustrations to represent abstract ideas. For example, a dove may symbolize love, gentleness, innocence, timidity, or peace. †¢A high quality picture book (like those which are Caldecott winners or honor books) should be well designed from the book jacket to the back matter, including the endpapers, and book casing. EECE 441 Prof. Sibley Minnesota State University Moorhead Bibliography Harms, Jeanne McLain, and Lucille J. Lettow. â€Å"Book Design Elements: Integrating the Whole. †Childhood Education 75. 1 (1998): 17-24. Education Full Text. Wilson Web. Livingston Lord Library, Moorhead, MN. 28 Aug. 2005 ___. â€Å"Book Design: Extending Verbal and Visual Literacy. †Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 2. 2 (1989): 136-42. Horning, Kathleen T. From Cover to Cover: Evaluating and Reviewing Children’s Books. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. Matulka, Denise I. â€Å"Anatomy of a Picture Book. †24 April 2005. Picturing Books. 28 August 2005 http://picturingbooks. imaginarylands. org/. Pitz, Henry C. Illustrating Children’s Books: History, Technique, Production. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1963. Troy, Ann. â€Å"Publishing. †CBC Features. July-Dec. 1989.  ©Carol Hanson Sibley, August 2005
Friday, September 13, 2019
Electric Vehicles and Zero-Emission Cars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Electric Vehicles and Zero-Emission Cars - Essay Example Introduction The 21st century has ushered in a new host of problems. To a large extent one recognizes that the increasing move towards globalization has created many of these challenges. One of the most predominant difficulties is energy consumption. Energy consumption is a notable concern both for the difficulties associated with attaining overseas petroleum, as well as environmental concerns over gas emissions. While petroleum use, most scientists agree, threatens the environment, society still has maintained a strong reliance on this energy source. In recent years, however, electric vehicles and zero-emission cars have emerged that have posed a slight challenge to the petroleum hegemony. This essay considers various elements related to these vehicles and cars. Electric Vehicles and Zero-Emission Cars While most people are aware of electric and hybrid vehicles, few understand their history or cursory issues. The electric vehicle is a vehicle that implements an electric motor for it s primary power source. Within this context of recognition there are a number of different types of vehicles that implement electric power. One sort of electric vehicle uses energy that is located at an outside power source. Another form of electric vehicle operates from electric energy that was originally produced by an outside power source; one recognizes that hybrid vehicles would fall within this category as they gain their energy from an external electrical supply. The final type of electric vehicle is one that produces electric energy from an internal source (Mitchell 2010, p. 7). While most people associate electric vehicles with cars, in actuality electricity has been used to power a wide range of transportation devices. In these regards, everything from boats to planes to trains has been powered using electric energy. Electric vehicles have a long history. Indeed, one considers that by the early 18th century engineers and scientists had been experimenting with electric prop ulsion. Still, it wasn’t until the 20th century that electric vehicles were popularized within the United States. While electric vehicles were among the first types of cars produced, to a large extent electric propulsion remained marginalized to petroleum devices throughout the 20th century. Towards the end of the 20th century electric cars gained a slight resurgence. In 1990 the California Air Resources Board mandated that major automobile manufacturers produce electric vehicles for sale. Through the decade then automobile manufacturers increased production of these vehicles. Towards the end of the 1990s, however, consumers increasingly began to move towards sports utility vehicles. One of the main recognitions in these regards is that the lower-gas prices that were experienced during this period and the robust economy created a situation where electric vehicles were increasingly untenable. Still, with the on-set of the 21st century the hybrid car emerged as a trend. The 200 1 the Toyota Prius became the first mass-produced hybrid electric car. A number of other hybrid vehicles would follow. Hybrid vehicles held a number of benefits over vehicles that entirely relied on electric power.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Discrimination in hispanic business Research Paper - 1
Discrimination in hispanic business - Research Paper Example The majority of the Hispanic business owners underline that employees in their companies are lacking of management skills. There is no essential source of financing directed on employees skills development. On the one hand, it is rather effective to promote Hispanic business in case of employees are of Hispanic origin, because very often non-Hispanics are not hired as a major part of employees. Hispanic business owners are prevented from private and public market options. A great number of respondents agree upon the fact that the government does not give them an equal opportunity for business development and promotion. There are many cases, when Hispanic business owners were oppressed and discriminated. One of the main examples is the following: "Latino business owners in Queens have complained that they feel discriminated against by Community Board 3 when they apply for licenses to sell alcohol" (Medina, 2012). There is a clear rejection in license because of business owners Hispanic origin. Palagauchi accuses government of racial prejudices. He underlines that Hispanic business owners know English and they can be good specialists, but they can find no help. The government remains silent. Other businessmen of Hispanic origin underlined that a hostile mood, an aggressive behavior, total prejudice and abuse were experienced by them in the process of documents collecting and applying for alcohol trade license. Very often people in different business fields are complaining about a cruel attitude. It is necessary to introduce new perspectives and the new waves of immigrants of Hispanic origin to America are also looking forward to finding new ways of personal realization of business goals. On the one hand, America is a big country and there are many different options for realization of goals of these people. As a matter of fact, ethnic minorities are exposed to
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Country Case Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Country Case Report - Research Paper Example With the support of the named institutions, governments can collectively come up with a balance in there social programs competition so as to encourage social innovation and confidence. Globalization does not need plain trade-offs between social protection and competition. The ability of the respective governments as well as global institutions to take on collective actions has so far been underestimated to the extent that politics of globalization has to be reviewed and refurbished. This applies to the North Korean politics of globalization which has been experiencing both ups and downs (Carlin and Joel 102). Considering the domestic political economy of North Korea, the leadership of the country has in the past been the greatest worry to its economic reforms. Its foreign policy has in many ways ended up on the wrong side of the international bodies and other countries. A good example is the nuclear issue that created a hostile international environment working against its internal reforms. However, this should not be an excuse for the country not to have better reforms in relation to globalization. The domestic dynamics have a bigger role to play. The politics and leaders of North Korea have openly returned to an approach that is more controlled to economic policy. The changes in these policies have had significant implications on the North Korean strategies and intentions of economic commitment. Economic inducements like the joining the international financial institutions, sanctions lifting or engaging in regional cooperation that are more –formalized have not really worked out as most stakeholders wished it could. The current regime is in favor of targeted transfers that are to the advantage of the leaders. The transfers involve; heavy shipments of oil, direct cash payments and food aids (Noland and Gordon 90). This form of globalization can be considered as being hyperglobalists. As the economy of North
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
AIC test and diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
AIC test and diabetes - Essay Example From this study, it was found that A1C level of a patient provides a reliable measure of controlling chronic glycemia without the need for a timed sample or fasting, and it correlates highly with the long-term risk of diabetes-related complications and mortality. Most important, this test tool is more effective in detecting undiagnosed diabetes and there is a higher potentiality of using the measurements of AIC levels to screen type 2 diabetes (Choi et al, 2011). How the new tool can be integrated into practice It has been found that AIC test is not recommended for diagnosing diabetes among adolescents with diabetes. The conventional fasting plasma glucose test in which a patient is put on fast for 8 hours prior to testing has been found to detect more undiagnosed cases of diabetes among adolescents compared to the AIC test. The suitability of this among children is still debatable. For example, the American Diabetes Association has given guidelines on how it can be used in children yet researchers from Michigan University caution against the same. The AIC test tool is therefore best applicable to adults. This suitability is supported by research which indicates that AIC test is more sensitive in diagnosing adults accurately compared to adolescents. The application of the findings of this study to adults simply entails making a shift from the use of the fasting blood glucose tests to using AIC tests when diagnosing diabetes among adults.... The AIC test enables physicians diagnose patients who are diabetic faster and more comprehensively. Because of this, the AIC test can be used to increase the number of adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and thus the number of people with diabetes who receive timely intervention to reduce the complications and clinical implications of the disease. This will particularly be important in diagnosing asymptomatic patients because of the accuracy of obtaining glucose levels. The result of this will be the reduction of diabetic patients, especially asymptomatic patients, who suffer from multiple organs systems failure due to late diagnosis. This application is important because there is a rapid increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Less than 13% of adults in the US and Asia have been diagnosed with this type 2 diabetes. Among the newly diagnosed patients, 25% already had microvascular complications, indicating a 6- to 7-year time lag that exists between the onset of type 2 diabe tes and its diagnosis. The second application of the AIC test among adults is making predictions of diabetes for purposes of timely management. The AIC test is more powerful in identifying people who are at a high risk of becoming diabetic in future or who have undiagnosed diabetes. The use of AIC test will therefore be useful in increasing the prediction of new-onset diabetes among adults and thus the number of people that are likely to be on diabetes prevention and management programs. Â This application is vital because when taking into consideration the clinical implications and complications of diabetes, it is of paramount importance to identify people with who are at a high risk of becoming diabetic in future or who have undiagnosed
Monday, September 9, 2019
Executive Compensation and Employee Benefits Term Paper
Executive Compensation and Employee Benefits - Term Paper Example A company with a number of products, clear vision and unique ideas stands to lure the most competent candidates in each and every level but to maintain this momentum of better performance, it is imperative that the top executive level secures the best talent. A compensation package which is attractive to ensure these talents are maintained at the top management level of the company since they enjoy significant negotiating power and as such additional incentives up and above the compensation package can be impacting in luring an executive to join an organization. Challenging and unique opportunities do sway employees and thus in addition to an appealing compensation package, employee benefits have been applied so as to supplement it. Employee benefits has been very helpful in enhancing economic security of the employees thus curtailing labor turnover, increasing employees loyalty and improving productivity. Compensation is any kind of remuneration that is received by a person in return for his/her performance of the company's or organizational tasks. There are four common methods of compensation: performance related pay (PRP) such as commission, bonus, time rate and piece rate; fixed basic pay; non-economic benefits such as house, car etc and finally ownership benefits where employees are awarded shares (Reid, 2004). Several factors influence the wage and the salary structure, these include: pressure from trade union, lowest wage rates, existing market rates, supply and demand for a particular job, the employee's qualification and the ability of the organization to pay. Compensation in the form of wages is normally given to a worker while compensation in the form of a salary is normally given to an employee. Executive compensation refers to the way senior executives for the business corporations or firms are paid. Executive compensation comprises of the basic salary, options, shares, b onuses plus additional company benefits (Bagley & Savage, 2006). Forms of Executive compensation There are a number of types of executive compensation which offers numerous performance incentives and tax benefits. They include: Stock options -Refers to the privilege sold by a buyer to a seller that gives the latter a right rather than an obligation either to call(buy) or put(sell) the stock at an agreed price on a particular date or within a specified period (Bagley & Savage, 2006). Stock options ensures the CEOs interests are kept at par with that of shareholders since their value is subject to the price of the stock remaining above the strike price/exercise price (price upon which a stock will be sold or bought upon the exercise of the option) of the option. However stock options are open to abuse through options backdating and excessive risk seeking (Lawrence, 2002). Restricted stock - These are stocks awarded to an executive but can only be sold once a specific conditions are arrived at and it carries a similar value to the stock's market price during time of the grant. Deferred compensation -This is normally applied for taxation purposes and involves postponing compensation up to a certain future date. Executive perks compensation includes travel reimbursements, private jet and extra rewards given to the executives. Retirement packages awarded to executives following their retirement from the organization; this is open to abuse as corrupt executives can attach "golden
Sunday, September 8, 2019
A literature review on the various roles of the HR manager Essay
A literature review on the various roles of the HR manager - Essay Example The practices of Human Resource Management have been integrated so that such an organisational culture could be designed in which the workers could identify their own success (Smith, 2006). The role of HR managers is becoming significant in organisations because ‘sophistication of human resource management practices can enhance the operational inefficiencies (Ijose, n.d.) and to remain operationally efficient having strong management team, designing the work according to successful strategy execution, retaining skilled people, designing the culture that may implement strategy critical activities and creating good policies and procedures that may support strategy execution are required (Higgins, 2005 cited in Ijose n.d.). A lot of research work has been done on the changing and various roles of HR managers in the organisations. In the new service paradigm, the HR managers are in the position to measure the pulse of organisation therefore; they have to be very responsive (Ulrich, Losey & Lake, 1997). The changes in the roles of human resources in organisations have significant implications not only for businesses but also for the HR functions and HR professionals (Bundy, 1997). The role of Human Resource managers is not limited to typical HR functions. Only determining the competencies cannot bring competitive advantage to the organisations unless the knowledge is integrated into the entire HR system therefore, HR managers should think systematically and strategically instead of thinking functionally and tactically about their area (Becker & Huselid, 1999). In a research on the impact of rapid change in Europe on HR managers by European Association for Personnel Management, it was found that nowadays, managers in Europe are required to give attention to traditional HR problems of line managers and they are also supposed to be specialised by line managers in various other functions so that they may get a broader business
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