Thursday, August 1, 2019
Northwest Missouri State University 51-646-40 – Managerial Accounting January 12 – February 14, 2013 – St. Joseph site Instructor: Dr. R. WoodOffice: Colden Hall 2100 (Maryville campus) Telephone: 562-1759e-mail: [email protected] edu Secretary: 562-1835 COURSE DESCRIPTION: A graduate level course in the principles and theory of managerial and cost accounting information. The course firsts develops an understanding of the concepts and procedures for a topical area and then through questions, problems, and case readings applies them.The major topical areas include the role of accounting information to management, cost concepts, cost behavior, costing systems, budgeting, allocation, relevant costs, variances, capital budgeting, planning and control. TEXT: Managerial Accounting, Fourth Edition (2010), James Jiambalvo, Wiley, ISBN # 978-0-470-33334-1 Textbooks can be ordered through, http://www. nwmissouri. bncollege. com the Bearcat bookstore (660. 562. 1246), Am azon, or other online vendor. ARTICLE READINGS: In addition to the textbook there are required article readings.These are listed in the syllabus and at the eCompanion site under the â€Å"Articles by Chapter†heading or in the webliography. Alternatively the articles may be found at most any University library, the full reference is given in the syllabus and online. eCOMPANION SITE: The site is primarily organized by chapter. Each chapter lists the assigned review questions and problems along with their solutions, PowerPoint slides, additional problems for selected topics, and readings for some articles. Other article readings are found under the Webliography tab.A copy of the daily schedule and general syllabus items is also at the site. OPTIONAL MATERIALS: http://www. wiley. com/college/jiambalvo (click on the â€Å"Student Companion Site†link) the site offers PowerPoint slides for each chapter, review questions and quizzes. Availability is not guaranteed, it is sub ject to Wiley Publishing. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course is designed to add understanding of management information needs, develop managerial accounting concepts, and the application of managerial accounting methods.The use of accounting data in aiding, planning, control, and decision making and its relationship to the management function is of primary importance. In addition the student will understand many of the various accounting analysis procedures available to management as well as their limitations. Upon completion of the course the student should have a broad understanding of the concepts and practice of managerial accounting, and how it aids managers in manufacturing and service environments. ATTENDANCE: Successful completion of this course requires regular class attendance, especially in this short and condensed schedule.It is the student's responsibility to obtain any information missed in class from other students, including any announcements that may affect the schedule. Lectures, discussion, announcements, or assigned material will not be repeated for the benefit of absent students. Missing four classes or half the contact hours, whichever comes first, will result in a grade reduction of one letter grade, missing five classes will result in administrative withdrawal from the course or a grade of â€Å"F†as appropriate. Northwest Missouri State University 51-646 – Managerial AccountingPREPARATION and PARTICIPATION: Preparation for class is reading all chapter and article readings prior to class, you will obtain more and contribute more to class discussion. Assigned questions, exercises, and problems are optional in that they will not be collected, however it is expected that they will be completed, they are for your benefit and will help on exams. Assignments will be reviewed in class as time permits and when requested by the student. Cases or articles will be collected and graded as noted below. Students will also be called on to pa rticipate in discussing questions, roblems, cases, and readings. GRADE DETERMINATION: 90- 100AMidterm Exam45% 80 -89BFinal Exam45% 70 –79CCollected Cases or Articles10% below70D (Failure)Total100% EXAMS: Two closed book exams will be given will be given over the chapters and material covered. The exams will cover the text (chapters, questions, problems, and cases), additional readings, any handouts, and class discussion. MAKE-UP EXAMS: No tests will be repeated for the benefit of absent students unless there is evidence of sufficient weight in the instructor's judgment to merit it.Extenuating circumstances must be verifiable with an independent source. In no case will an exam be repeated if the student fails to notify the instructor or department secretary in advance of the absence. WRITTEN CASE REPORTS: A total of two cases and/or articles will be collected and are due immediately after class discussion, they will not be accepted afterwards. It must provide a description of the case or article, the major issues of concern to management, answer the questions in the case or article, and when appropriate provide resolution to the problem(s) in the case or article.Note that the daily schedule also has additional questions for some cases. The length of the report is determined by the case or article, but should not exceed four pages. It must be typed using standard margins and type, and/or a (Excel) spreadsheet as appropriate. Cases for collection will be assigned as the semester progresses but will come from those denoted with a double asterisk (**). DISABILITY ACCOMODATIONMS: Students in this course who need disability accommodations/modifications should present a copy of their official Northwest accommodation letter from the LAP/S Committee to the instructor uring private office hours as early in the term as possible. Additional information can be found in the â€Å"Services for Students with Disabilities†brochure available at the Student Service s Center or online at www. nwmissouri. edu/swd. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Per University and departmental policy, academic dishonesty will result in failure and dismissal from the course and possible dismissal from the University. A more detailed description of the policy is in the graduate catalog and in the last page of the syllabus. IMPORTANT DATES: Class meetings; Saturday – January 12, 26, February 9Thursday – January 17, 31, February 14 51-646 – Managerial Accounting August 4 – September 6 2012 Daily Schedule The schedule will likely change some as the semester progresses to accommodate for class discussion and unforeseen changes. For each day the chapters to be discussed, homework and case discussion points are listed. Half-way and at the end of the course there will be an exam. Cases denoted with a double asterisk â€Å"**†may be collected and counted towards the grade. At the eCompanion site some article readings are under the chapter tab and others are linked through the webliography as noted.January 12, Saturday 9-5 pm Q=Question, Ex = Exercise, Pr = Problem CH 1: Managerial Accounting In The Information Age; Q 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Case: 1-1 Local 635 Case 1-2 Boswell Plumbing Products CH 2: Job-Order Costing For Manufacturing And Service Companies; Q 1- 10 Ex 12 Pr 1 Case: 2-1 Brixton Surgical Devices (additional question: How are costs allocated to the product such that producing more units would result in more of overhead being buried in inventory? ) Case 2-3 Dupage Powder Coating CH 3: Process Costing; Q 1, 4, 5, 6, 10 Pr 2, 3, 8 and supplement (online) Case: 3-1 Tech-Tonic Sports DrinkJanuary 17, Thursday 6-10 pm CH 5: Variable Costing Q 1 – 5, 9, 10 Ex 4, 5 Pr 4, 12, 15 CH 6: Cost Allocation And Activity-Based Costing (and handout on service department allocation) Q 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 Pr 1, 5, 6, 12, 16 Case: 6-1 Eastside Medical Testing** Devices (additional question: Why or why not is Eastside better or worse off economically if they keep Nuclear Systems business at existing prices? ) * Estrin, T. J. Kantor, and D. Albers, â€Å"Is ABC Suitable for Your Company? †Management Accounting, April, 1994: 40-45. * Tatikonda, D. O'Brien, and R.Tatikonda, â€Å"Succeeding with 80/20,†Management Accounting, February, 1999: 40-44. January 26, Saturday 9-5 pm Complete our discussion of chapter 6 CH 4: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis (and appendix on regression); Q 1, 3, 4, 6-10 Pr 2, 3, 4, 12, 15, 17 Case: 4-3 Krog’s Metalfab, Inc. ** (Additional requirement: estimate the lost profit using three methods or variations in the data used, one of which must be simple regression. ) CH 8: Pricing Decisions, Analyzing Customer Profitability, and Activity-Based Pricing Q 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 Ex 6, 9 Pr 3, 4, 9 Shim, E. , and E. Sudit, â€Å"How Manufacturers Price Products,†Management Accounting, February, 1995: 37-39. Midterm (chps 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) starting at about 2:30 pm January 31, Thursday 6-10 pm CH 9: Capital Budgeting And Other Long-Run Decisions (Including Appendix A, B), and handout (online); Q 4, 6, 7, 8, 10 Ex 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18 Case 9-2 Sergo Games** (Case clarification: use NPV analysis for each option; additional requirement: identify four qualitative considerations that would impact the decision) * Shank, J. and V.Guvindarajan, â€Å"Strategic Cost Analysis of Technological Investments,†Sloan Management Review, Fall 1992: 39-51. CH 10: Budgetary Planning And Control; Q 4, 7, 9, 10 Pr 3, 4 * Hope, Jeremy, and R. Fraser, â€Å"Who Needs Budgets? †Harvard Business Review, February, 2003: 108-115. Webliography** * Fisher, J, L. Maines, S. Peffer, and G. Sprinkle, â€Å"Using Budgets for Performance Evaluation: Effects of Resource Allocation and Horizontal Information Asymmetry on Budget Proposals, Budget Slack, and Performance,†The Accounting Review, Vol. 7, No. 4 October 2002: 847-865. Webliography. February 9, Saturday 9-5 pm Continuation of Chapter 10 discussion CH 11: Standard Costs and Variance Analysis (including the appendix) and supplement (online) Q 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Ex 13 Pr 5, 15 Case: 11-1 Jackson Sound Case: 11-2 Champion Industries CH 12: Decentralization and Performance Evaluation (include the appendix on transfer pricing); Q 1, 2, 7, 9, 10 Ex 6, 7, 8, 10 Pr. 8 Case: 12-1 Home Value Stores * Lipe, M. G. and S.Salterio. â€Å"The Balanced Scorecard: Judgment Effects of Common and Unique Performance Measures,†The Accounting Review, July, 2000, 283-298. Webliography. * Ittner, C. , D. Larcker, and M. Meyer, â€Å"Subjectivity and the Weighing of Performance Measures: Evidence from a Balanced Scorecard†The Accounting Review, July, 2003, 725-758. Webliography. February 14, Thursday 6-10 pm Review as requested Final exam (chps. 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or chapters/material covered since the mid-term)
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